ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΤΗΣ 13ης ΔΕΚ;':~γ:=~n,::;,::
Exports of coffee beans as raw material for industrial processing for
any purposes other than human consumption as a beverage or foodstuff shall
not be charged to quotas. provided that the Council is satisfied from
information supp1ied by the exporting Member that the coffee beans are
fact used for such other purposes.
(3) The Counci1 may, at the request of an exporting Member, decide that
exports of coffee made by that Member for humanitarian or other non–
commercia1 pULposes sha11 not be charged to its quota.
Artic1e 45
Regu1ation of imports
prevent non-member countries from increasing their exports at the
expense of exporting Members, each Member sha11, whenever quotas are
effect, limit its annua1 imports of coffee from non-member countries which
were not Contracting Parties to the Internationa1 Coffee Agreement 1968
amount equa1 to the annua1 average of its imports of coffee from
non-member countries from either ca1endar year 1971 to ca1endar year 1974
inc1usive, or from ca1endar year 1972 to ca1endar year 1974 inc1usive. If
a non-member country becomes a party to the Agreement the limitation of
each Hember
respect of the annua1 1imitation of coffee from non-member
countries sha11 be adjusted according1y. The adjusted 1imitation sha11
app1y from the fo11owing coffee year onwards.
(2) When quotas are
effect, Members sha11 a1so limit their annua1
imports Qfcoffee from each non-member which was a
Contracting Party to
the Internationa1 Coffee Agreement 1976 or the Internationa1 Coffee
1976 as Extended to a quantity not greater than a percentage