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a distributed two-thirds majority vote is again not obtained
because of the negative vote of two or less exporting or two
less importing Members, the proposal sha11, if the Counci1 so
decides by a majority of the Members present and by a distributed
simp1e majority vote, be put to a vote again within 24 hours;
if a distributed two-thirds majority vote is not obtained
third vote because of the negative vote of one exporting Member
or one importing Member, the proposa1 sha11 be considered ·
adopted; and
(d) if the Counci1 fai1s to put a proposal to a further vote, it
sha11 be considered rejected.
(3) Members undertake to accept as binding a11 decisions of the Counci1
under the provisions of this Agreement.
Artic1e 16
COmposition of the Board
(1) The Executive Board sha11 consist of eight exporting Members and
eight importing Members e1ected for each coffee year
accordance with
the provisions of Artic1e 17. Members may be re-e1ected.
(2) Each Hember of the Board sha11 appoint one representative and, if it
so desires, one or more a1ternates. Each Member may a1so designate one or
more advisers to its representative or a1ternates.
(3) The Executive Board sha11 have a Chairman and Vice-Chairman who sha11
be elected by the Counci1 for each coffee year and may be re-e1ected.
Neither the Chairman nor a Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman sha11 have the