With reference to Notification No. 510 in the
Gazette of the 10th Ma}', 1956, the secondment of
Mr. P. Pantelides, Inspector of Works, as Senior
Inspector of Works, Department of Water Deve–
lopment, is terminated with effect from 1st Janu–
ary, i960.
(M.P. P.4122.)
With reference to Notification No. 510 in the
Gazette of the 10th May, 1956, the secondment of
Mr. A. Karoghlanian, Inspector of Works, as
Senior Inspector of Works, Department of Water
Development, is terminated with effect from 1st
January, i960.
(M.P. P.2691.)
With reference to Notification No. 567 in the
Gazette of the 29th May, 1958, the secondment
of Mr. K. Dj. Ezel, Customs and Excise Officer,
2nd Grade, as Assistant Civil Defence Officer, is
terminated with effect from 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.4044.)
No. 37. Acting Appointments.
Mr. J. Ch. Lakerides, Deputy Director of Public
Works, to act as Director of Public Works with
effect from 4th November, 1959.
Notification No. 1232 published in the
Gazette of the 3rd December, 1959, in so far
as it relates to this officer, is hereby cancelled.
(M.P. P.1007.)
Mr. J. Stathis, Auditor, to act as Chief Auditor
with effect from nth January, i960.
No. 38. Confirmation of Appointments.
The following as Masters, Education Depart–
ment, from 1st January, 1958: —
Mr. M. V. Ierodiaconou. (M.P. P.5449.)
Mr. S. Solomou.
(M.P. P.7245.)
Miss A. N. Demetriadou as Nursing Sister, Me–
dical Department, from 6th January, 1958.
(M.D. P.1624.)
Mr. O. Ismael as Computer, Lands and Surveys
Department, from 1st December, 1957.
No. 39. Leave of Absence.
Mr. I. M. G. Williams, O.B.E., Commissioner,
Limassol, was absent from the Colony on duty
(8 days) from 24th to 26th November and from
8th to 12th December, 1959. (M.P. L.3799.)
Mr. R. Z. Tatar, Acting Chief Auditor, proceeded
abroad on duty on the nth January, i960.
(M.P. L.4673.)
Mr. A. G. Georghiades, Assistant Director of
Lands and Surveys, proceeded abroad on duty
on the 2nd January, i960. (M.P. L.2010.)
Dr. I. P. Christodoulides, Specialist, Tuberculosis,
Medical Department, was absent on vacation
leave (77 days) and passage leave (20 days)
from 5th September to 10th December, 1959.
(M.P. L.2590.)
No. 40.
Mr. L. E. Zenon, President, District Court, Judi–
cial Department, on 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.2567.)
Mr. O. Loucaides, Auditor, Audit Department,
on 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.541.)
Mr. M. L. Hami, Principal Clerk, General Cle–
rical Staff, on 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.1560.)
Mr. P. G. Poetis, Land Clerk, 1st Grade, Lands
and Surveys Department, on 1st January,
(M.P. P.2191.)
Mr. H. Nidayi, Land Clerk, 2nd Grade, Lands
and Surveys Department, on 1st January,
(M.P. P.
Mr. N. Charalambous, Foreman, 1st Grade,
Public Works Department, on 1st January,
(M.P. P.2893.)
Mr. Y. Hji Christodoulou, Foreman, 1st Grade,
Public Works Department, on 1st January,
(M.P. P.8607.)
Mr. K. Alexandrou, Foreman," 1st Grade, Public
Works Department, on 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.3070.)
Mrs. Chr. Farres, Staff Nurse, Medical Depart–
ment, on 1st January, i960. (M.P. P.2787.)
Mr. O. Koukoullis, Forest Guard, Forest Depart–
ment, on 1st January, i960. (M.P. P.2539.)
Mr. V. Yakoumi, Forest Guard, Forest Depart–
ment, on 1st January, i960. (M.P. P.2240.)
Mr. B. Rashit, Assistant Quay Inspector,
Customs and Excise Department, on 1st Janu–
ary, i960.
(M.P. P.766.)
Mr. A. Ekrem, Customs Guard, Customs and
Excise Department, on 1st January, i960.
(M.P. P.2266.)
Mr. H. M. Behjet, Customs Guard, Customs and
Excise Department, on 1st January, i960.
(P. 290.)
Mr. C. Haralambous, Assistant Storekeeper,
Stores Department, on 1st January, i960.
No. 41. Port Officers and Pilots.
Applications are invited for a number of vacan–
cies in the post of Port Officer and Pilot in the
Ports Department. The appointments will be on
contract for a period of two years in the first
instance. The salary of the post is £1,056 per
annum (fixed). Cost-of-living allowance is pay–
able at the rate approved by Government from
time to time, the present rate being 2 5 % of salary.
An allowance of £250 per annum is also payable
in lieu of overtime fees.
2. Duties : The usual duties of pilot at any
of the Cyprus ports ; to assist in management,
registration and surveying of ships, when neces–
sary ; and to assist in the administration of a
harbour and in the control of shipping and
shipping activities.
3. Qualifications : Master Mariner's Certificate
from the Board of Trade in the United Kingdom
or an equivalent qualification from a recognised
marine institution. Previous experience as a
pilot and a knowledge of matters connected with
harbour administration, control of shipping and
shipping activities will be an advantage.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Ministry of Com–
munications and Works at 12 Katsonis Street,
Ayii Omoloyitae, not later than the 26th January,
(M.P. 6089/59.)
Pharmacist, Medical Department.
Applications are invited from Turkish candidates
for a vacancy in the post of Pharmacist in the Medical
Department. The post will be on a temporary
basis. The salary of the post is £426 per annum
rising by annual increments of £24 to £642 per