T H E C Y P R U S G A Z E T T E ,
APRIL, i960.
day of sickness, irrespective of the number of days
of sick leave granted to him/her:
Provided also that no payment of sickness benefits
shall be made to any Contributor in respect of whom
notice of termination of his/her services has been
issued, as from the date of the issue of such notice.
Sickness while in the District.
20. If a Contributor falls sick where there is no
Physician he may receive treatment from the nearest
Medical Officer or failing that from any private
practitioner. In presenting the account for treat–
ment by the private practitioner the employing
Department or concern must furnish a report as to
why it had not been possible to obtain the services
of the Physician or of a Medical Officer. The
account will only be met if the Director of Medical
Services is satisfied as to the amount and the circum–
stances of the case.
Travelling Expenses.
21. When a Contributor to the Scheme is forced
to travel in order to consult a medical practitioner,
reasonable travelling expenses shall be paid if the
illness or injury is certified by the medical practi–
tioner as likely to be of three or more days' duration.
Before any payment in this respect is effected, the
approval of the Chairman must be obtained. Pay–
ment may also be made in other cases at the dis–
cretion of the Chairman.
22. A Contributor or dependent member of his
family who is sent to a town or village, other than that
in which he is ordinarily resident or is for the time
being employed, for consultation or specialist
treatment, shall be allowed travelling expenses as
certified by the Physician. The cost of an ambu–
lance, if certified by the Physician to have been ordered
by him, shall be a charge on the Scheme subject to
the approval of the Chairman.
Supply of Drugs.
23. The Scheme provides for treatment of sick
persons with the drugs ordinarily available at Govern–
ment dispensaries. Specialities cannot be supplied
except with the specific permission of the Director
of Medical Services on a written report from the
24. Hospital accommodation shall be provided
free of charge to the Contributor or any dependent
member of his family on the advice of the Physician.
The Physician shall be responsible for making all
arrangements for admission as a 3rd class patient with
the officer in charge of the hospital. The Govern–
ment shall recover from the Scheme the charges set
out in the Schedule hereto but, if the patient desires,
he may be accommodated as a 2nd or ist class
patient provided he undertakes to pay the difference
in charge himself.
Specialist Treatment and Consultation.
25. Specialist treatment and consultations in
Government Hospitals may be provided for the Con–
tributor and his family on the adviee of the Physician.
The Scheme shall not entertain claims for specialist
treatment and consultation outside the Government
Hospitals except in case of grave emergency where
the Director of Medical Services is satisfied that the
treatment was necessary in the interests of the
health of the Contributor.
Domiciliary Treatment.
26. Domiciliary treatment is not available.
Special Appliances.
27. Special appliances including artificial dentures
are not available except when the Physician considers
the health or earning capacity of the Contributor or of
any dependent member of his family to be seriously
affected by lack of some such appliance. The
Contributor must submit an application to the
Chairman and request for such an appliance ;
the certificate obtained from the Physician who
examined him must be attached thereto and it must
be certified that the health or earning capacity of the
Contributor is seriously affected by lack of some
such appliance. In all other cases the Contributor
shall defray the'cost of materials. The final decision
shall rest with the Director of Medical Services.
Dental Treatment.
28. Free Dental treatment shall be available to the
Contributor and his family at Government Dental
Clinics. It shall be limited to scaling, extraction,
simple filling and such minor work. The Govern–
ment shall recover from the Scheme in respect of
these services the charges set out in the Schedule
Maternity Grant.
29. A maternity grant of £6 shall be made to
female Contributors and wives of Contributors.
This allowance shall be made only on the production
of a birth certificate or, in the case of a still-birth, of
a medical certificate. Application shall be made in
the form approved by the Committee from time to
time. (Still-birth shall apply to any child which
has issued forth from its mother after the twenty-
eighth week of pregnancy and which did not, at any
time after being completely expelled from its mother,
breathe or show any other sign of life).
If, however, the female Contributor or the wife
of a Contributor, has received payment in respect of
maternity grant from the Labour Department in
accordance with the Social Insurance Law, the
Scheme will pay the difference between the amount
received from the Labour Department and £6.
If the applicant is paid by the Labour Department,
under the Social Insurance Law, more than £6, as
in the case of twins, then the Social Security Scheme
will not pay anything.
Ante-natal Clinic.
30. Ante-natal care is available free of charge at
Government Hospitals and Clinics.
Admission to Maternity Ward.
31. If a maternity case is admitted to a Government
Hospital the Contributor shall pay the prescribed
Leave for Parturition.
32. A female Contributor may, for parturition
purposes, be granted up to 26 days' leave with pay
in addition to any leave that may be granted under
rule 19.
Free Examination of Contributors and'or
their Dependants.
33. All charges for major and minor operations,
X-Ray, deep X-Ray, laboratory and out-patient
examinations, as well as radium treatment for the
Contributors and their dependants shall be a charge
to the Scheme at the rates set out in the Schedule
hereto or at such rates as may be decided from time
to time by the Director of Medical Services with the
approval of Government.
Charity Fund.
34. A special Charity Fund shall be established
for the purpose of making grants, in special cases, to
Contributors or their families. This Charity Fund
shall be created by setting aside 5 % or less out of
the gross income of the scheme (the percentage for
each year shall be fixed by the Committee of Manage–
ment) and it shall be administered by the
Committee of Management.
Application for any such grant shall be made on
the form approved by the Committee from time to
time and shall be submitted to the Chairman through
the Head of the applicant's Department or concern.
Any such application must be accompanied by a
certificate signed by the appropriate officer of the