I M P O R T DUTIES—continued.
TABLB ov EXXM-PTIONS—continued.
105. Borax for use as an insecticide provided that the importer produces to the ) _.
Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue a permit from the Director of Agriculture / i 6 0 ^ S t n S « t i w £
authorizing the importation of such borax and makes a declaration in writing that he will f pub. in Gaz. NoT 2392.
use such borax solely as an insecticide.
\ of 7th Sept., 193*.
106. Vermouth essence certified by the consignee to be solely for, use in the
manufacture of vermouth for export.
• ,.;. •> • . • .
107. All materials for the manufacture of matches, other than .'timber or
manufactured wood articles for the purpose of making matches, are allowed entry to
the factory free of import duty.
. • _ • , „ • • . . .
' • ' . . . '
..' * -
-"*"* 108. Peat moss proved to lie satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs- to* be of
British origin.
109. Goods imported by or on behalf of the Governor or, in the absence of the
Governor, the Officer Administering the Government, for his own use.
110. Artists' materials proved to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs to
be imported into the Colony by an individual for his o w n use and not for sale.
111. The drug known as " Atebrin.
112. The drug k n o w n as " Plasmoquine."
When any Import Duty shall have been paid iu respect of any wise, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cigars, or articles of food supplied for the use of any mess on board anj of His
Majesty's ships of war, a drawback of the amount of the duty so paid mar be allowed, or if
ouch goods are shipped from the Customs store before payment of datr, the amoant of snch
dnty may be remitted on the production of a certificate from the proper officer of Customs
that snch goods hare been actually shipped on board one of His Majesty's ships, a receipt
from the Paymaster of such ship for the goods and a written undertaking from the Paymaster
or other proper officer of such ship that if snch goods or any part thereof shall be at any time
re-landed, the* duty shall be paid thereon.
In lien of drawback of import duty paid in respect of any wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cigars or articles of food imported and subsequently accoally consumed or used by
His MajestV'a Land Forces, fixed money allowances are paid one of the Island Treasury to
the Officers and Soldiers of His Majesty's Land Forces quartered within the Isiand.
_\ drawback of Customs Import Duty at the rate of one shilling and four piastres is
paid to any Tobacco Manufacturer for every oke of cigarettes, made from imported
tobacco, and exported from Cyprus, in respect of any quantity of cigarettes exceeding
one oke in any one consignment.
A drawback at the rate offive-sixthsof the full import duty for the time being payable
on paraffin w a x imported into Cyprus is paid to the exporter for every oke of candles
and/or night-lights manufactured in and exported from Cyprus. N o drawback is paid in
respect of any consignment of candles and/or night-lights of less thanfiveokes in weight,
and the Customs official at the port or place of exportation m a y require that samples
of the candles and/or night-lights to be exported be taken and submitted for analysis to
the Government Analyst for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of paraffin w a x
contained therein.
A drawback at the rate offive-twelfthsof the full import duty for the time being
pavable on sugar imported into Cyprus is granted to exporters for every oke of foodstuffs
manufactured in and exported from Cyprus which are proved to the satisfaction of the
Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue to be composed of not less than one-half of
sugar. N o drawback is, however, granted in respect of any consignment of such foodstuffs
of less than five okes in weight.
Order in Council N o .
1602 of 4th Sept.,. 1934,
pub. in Gaz. No. 2392
of 7th Sept.. 1934. ->'•
..V Vm !'.»". *l '17'l.i-Z.TlJL'
'^LawNo. 15 of 1935",
5. *
L^O-rdST'Da CbuncilNoJ
ri640of30thMay; 1*35_'
pub. in Gaz. No. 2444r
of 31st May, 1936.
Law No. 23 of 1935..
sec. 2.
Order in Council No_
1855 of 2nd Oct., 1936..
pub. in Gaz. No. 2468-
of 4th Oct.. 1936.
Order in Council No_
1656 of 9th Oct., 1935„
pub. in Gaz. No. 2469„
of llth Oct., 1935.
Order in Council No-
1664 of 6th Nov., 1935,.
pub. in Gaz. No. 2474-
of 8th Nov., 1935.
Law No.
sec. 20.
of 22 189JV
L a w No. 22 of 1899.
>c. 19.
L a w No. 40 of 1932^
sec 46.
The Customs Draw–
back (Paraffin Wax)<
in Gazette No. 2325-
of 17th Nov., 1933.
The Customs Draw–
back (Sugar) Regula–
tions, 1934. pub.inGoa.
No. 2351 of 9th March.
# #
. lcp. per Aleppo cantar.
Order in Council No..
1681 of 28th Dec._
1934, pub. in Gaz. No_
2415 of 28th Dec. 1934_