.The following are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—..'..
EGOS.—Importation prohibited.
-CAROBS.—Importation prohibited, save under licence from the Comptroller of Customs.
-SILKWORMS.—Importation prohibited.
T*••z--. "tr.'".*-:;?. - -
.SnxwoRM EGOS.—Importation prohibited except under the following conditions:—
That the permission in writing of the Director of Agricnltnre is^ ^ • J P ^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ J g ^
*"" That the imporUtioniscomple^Between^
That each box of any consignment of eggs is sealed by a banderolle affixed by the
Government authority responsible for the silkworm industry in the country of
origin; and
"That every consignment of eggs imported into Cyprus is accompanied by an official
certificate of the Government authority specified above.
^Before any consignment of imported eggs is passed through the Customs, the proper
officer of the Customs shall inform the Director of Agriculture of their arrival and
shall forward for his consideration any certificate or other document produced by the
importer. If the Director of Agriculture shall authorize the importation of the
consignment, each box of the consignment shall be banderolled by a Sericulture
Inspector with a Cyprus banderolle, or, if the Director of Agriculture refuses to allow
the importation, the importer will be permitted to re-export the eggs within a month
from the date of such refusal and failing suchre-exportationwithin such period the
said eggs shall be destroyed without compensation. The Customs authorities must
notify the Director of Agriculture of the date of such re-exportation or destruction.
in ships of less than sixty tons j
Law No. 11 ol Iflftl
sees. 3 and 9.
••- Order in Council No.
1304 of 13th May. 1929.
pub. in Gaz. No. 1983
of 17th May, 1929.
Law No. 2* of im,
see. 3.
Law 22 of 1922, see.
. (1), as amended by
Law J*fo. 17 of 1926,
sec. 2; and Order ia
Council No. 899 pab. ia
GazetU No. 1536 of Uh
August, 1922.
Law No. 24 of 1879.
burthen and in packages weighing less than ten okes prohibited, save under special V
®°- 26, as amended
permit from the Governor (6).
^ o . 6 of 1928.
A L N I M A L S :
Camels, horses, mules and asses:—Importation restricted to the ports of
Larnaca, Famagusta, Limassoi, Kyrenia and Paphos; landing to be made in
quarantine and with the permission of the Director of Agriculture, or an Inspector
of Cattle Disease, or a Health Officer, and subject to the other provisions of the Orders
and Regulations regarding the importation of animals published in Gazette No. 1154
of 12th February, 1915.
•Cattle, sheep, and srvine .—Importation prohibited, save under a permit previously
obtained from the Director of Agriculture and subject to any conditions he may deem
fit to impose.
Poultry.—Importation from Egypt, Palestine and Syria prohibited.
.Dogs.—Landing prohibited
Medical Officer.
save by a permit from a Veterinary Officer or a Port
Orders and Regu.
lotions of the High
Commissioner dated
">29th Jan.. 1915. pub.
I in Gaz. No. 1154 of
\ 12th Feb., 1915.
(The Importation ot
Animals (Cattle, Sheep
and Swine) Order,
( 1933. pub. in Gaz. No.
) 2324 of 10th Nov., 1933
Order of High Com–
missioner of 27th May,
1922, pub. in Gaz. No.
1531 of 9th June, 1922.
The Importation oi
> Dogs Order, 1935. pub.
in 0a*. No. 2435 ef
5th April, 1935.
Dogs whose landing has been permitted m a y only be landed at the ports of
Famagusta, Larnaca or Limassoi and, on arrival in Cyprus, are subject to detention
and isolation at the expense of the owner or importer for a period of six months from
the date of landing in premises under the control of the Director of Agriculture.
The Director of Agriculture may, however, in the case of a dog imported from a
country in which he has reason to believe that the incidence ofRabies is comparatively
high, direct that the period of quarantine shall be extended for a further period not
exceeding three months.
N o dog is allowed to be landed unless it is accompanied by a certificate issued by
a qualified Veterinary Surgeon in the country of origin indicating its breed, age, sex
and markings, the state of its health and the time during which it has been in the
country of origin prior to exportation : Provided that the Director of Agriculture
m a y in his discretion waive these requirements.
(a.) Application for such permission must be made in writing* and must reach the office of the Director of Agriculture not
later than the 15th June in each -fear (Order in Council N'o. 1246 published in Gazette No. (936 of IOtb August, 1928).
(6) Tobacco maj. however, be imported bj parcel post in small quantities on payment of an additional duty of Hep. per oke, sr
•fraction of an oka If otherwise imported than through the Parcel Post under special permission from the Governor in packages of less
-than 10 okes. there is parable in addition to the Customs duty a farther import duty of U. per oke, or fraction of an oke (Law
3*o. « of 19281.