IMPORT DUTIES—continued.
or ExmcraoKS—continued.
<• u
76. Machinery or apparatus (including masts, poles, lines and their parts and materials)
imported into Cyprus by Imperial and International Communications Limited and certified
to be solely required for the construction, maintenance or operation of their land telegraphs,
wireless telegraphy stations, or telephone installations provided that such machinery and
apparatus is of British origin. , . ,, ,
t -*T*f XIT-'J'
77. H a y or straw imported under a permit from the Director of Agriculture^" „'
i~i'. A
78. Carob-eeeds.
79. The indnatrisl chemicals
Acid and Hydroohloridio Acid.
% • » " • • • arif*"***«»-T7 ;**r
known as Caustio Soda, Caustic- Potash, Sulphuric
.-*-.r.-}V.f .('. -it..nVW'.Wt
Law No. 30 of 1930,.
sec 3 (b). aa amendedl
by Law N c 20 of 1932,
r t- . -*- , •
• - m ' —
*- m^
Order in Council No.
1483 of 8tb April, 1932;
pub. in Gaz. N c 2211
of 16th April, 1932;
" Order in Council N c
'pub. in.Gaz. N o e 2 2 2 *
of 15th July. 1932. -
Order in. Council Nov.
« ~ 80. Cultural or educational cinematograph films r«* Provided
- h a s previoumly obtained from th* Cyprus Board~©f Film- Censors-V hoencem* mitiug, '-fly^trpaarfn^sg^rbTr
and a certificate to the effect that the film to be imported is cultural or educational, f 2235 of 26th August;
....-I-.*• .• • ) 1932. .•:::••.''
81. Aeroplanes and their parts of British manufacture.
82. Flattened tin cans, together with their lids, used for the purpose of pairing
jam or fruit preserves, and duly certified by the importer as being solely for re-export.
83. Printed tissue paper used .for wrapping fruit; and printed labels forfruitboxes:
Provided that such printed paper and printed labels are of a design approved by the
Director of Agriculture.
84. Hoops for fruit boxes. •'-.••-. :-,*:•*•:•.: •:..:<.:. '..- -_.:.-.
85. All materials for the manufacture of playing cards. Provided that duty is paid
in thefirstinstance and refunded when the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied that such
materials have been used in the manufacture of playing cards.
86. All articles of B o y Scout or Girl Guide clothing or equipment imported for the use
of any Boy Scouts or Girl Guides (including their officers) in their capacity as such and duly
certified as being so imported by the Secretary of the Cyprus Boy Scouts Association or
the Secretary of the Girl Guides as the case m a y be.
This exemption applies only to :—
(a) Boy Scouts as defined in the Boy Scouts Association Law, 1933 ;
(6) Members of a troop of foreign Boy Scouts to w h o m the Governor has granted
a permit under section 5 or section 7 of the Boy Scouts Association Law, 1933 ;
(c) Girl Guides who are members of a body of Girl Guides recognized by the
87. Wire nails of British origin or manufacture, which the Comptroller of Customs
is satisfied are to be used forfruitcases.
88. Pig iron of British origin or manufacture.
89. Foundryfirebricks of British origin or manufacture.
90. Foundry coke of British origin or manufacture.
91. Motor cars imported by or for the use of the Governor.
92. Telephone poles which the Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue is satisfied
are solely required for the construction, maintenance or operation of public telephone
93. Linen or cloth proved to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs and
Inland Revenue to be imported for the purpose of being embroidered and subsequently
94. Materials and apparatus proved to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs
and Inland Revenue to be imported for the manufacture of false teeth.
95.—(a) Motor vehicles imported by visitors who are members of an automobile
club or association approved by the Governor, provided that such vehicles are exported
within six months from the date of importation or within such further period as the
Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue m a y allow, and subject to certain other
— (6) Motor vehicles imported by visitors who are not members of an automobile club
or association approved by the Governor or who, being members, do not desire to avail
themselves of the privilege accorded to such members, provided^ amongst certain other
conditions, that at the time of importation the importers deposit with the Collector of
Customs a s u m equal to the duty chargeable on such motor vehicles under the Customs
Tariff for the time being in operation, and that such vehicles are exported within six months
from the date of importation or within such further period as the Comptroller of Customs
and Inland Revenue m a y allow. U p o n exportation the deposit is refunded.
Order in Council No.
1503 of 20th Oct, 1932.
pub. in Gaz. No. 224T
of 21st Oct., 1932.
Order in Council No*.
of 7th .Dec,
932; pub. in Gaz. No.
2258 of 9th Deo.. 1932-
i Order in Council No.
) 1520 of 30th Jan.. 1933„
) pub. in Gaz. No. 2271
( of 3rd Feb., 1933.
[ Law No. 11 of 1933„
f sec 5.
Order in Council No.
1529 of 3th April. 1933,.
• pub. in Got. No. 2283-
! of 7th April, 1933.
Order in Council No.
1544 of 15th Aug.,
1933, pub. in Gas. No.
2307 of 18th Aug.,1933.
Law No. 36 of 1933„
< sec. 3.
\ Order in Council No
I 1572 of 19th Feb.,
y 1934. pub. in Gaz. No.
2348 of 23rd. Feb.,
) 1934.
\ Order in Council No.
/ 1574 of 2nd March,
K 1934, pub. in Gaz. No.
( 2351 of 9th March.
) 1934.
„ ?
Order In Council N o
1579 of 23rd ApriL
1934, pub. in Gaz. No.
2363 of 27th April,
The Motor Vehicles.
(Tempo-jetty ..Import–
ation) Regulations,
1934, pub. in
2368 of 25th May, 1934