T o Vessels not exceeding 50 tons burden
exceeding 50 and not exceeding 100 tons
'„ ,. 100 „
200 „
„ 200 tons, per ton (224 gallons) of water supplied ..
Coasting Vessels, Boats and Lighters..
The tonnage calculated will be registered tonnage.
Regulations pub. in
GazeUe No. 872 of 16th
November, 1906. as
amended by Notice
No. 9085 published in
GazeUe No. 950 of 3rd
Sept., 1909.
A charge prescribed from time to time by the Director of Agriculture by a notification -,
in the Cyprus Gazette, not exceeding the amounts hereunder, is payable in respect of the
use of water from any waterworks for any kind of the following crops:
s. cp
W h e a t or vetches
Barley or oats
for everv donum. (a)
for every d o n u m for the first
1 3 for every d o n u m for the second
1 0 for every d o n u m for the third
Order iu Council No.
1449 of 'Huh X.ir., 1931,
y puiilisiieii iuGiizette N o .
sis:: of 4th Dec, i«•:••.
Ordinary fares:—
40 paras j
30 paras > IA single fare.
20 paras )
per mile per mile
First class
Second Class
Third Class
M i n i m u m fare lcp.
T h e General Manager m a y m a k e such reductions in the above tariff as he m a y d e e m
necessary hi the interests of the Railway and for bona fide consignors or consignees of
goods b y railway, excursions, commercial travellers, theatrical companies, school treats
and such like.
Children under 4 years of age are conveyed free of charge ; of 4 and under 12 years
of age at half the ordinary single or return, or excursion return fares.
Reduced fares and concessions:—
Bona fide sporting and pleasure parties m a y be conveyed at a single fare for the double
journey, provided that the whole of the party travel in the same train both on the out–
ward and return journe}'.
Officers and m e n of the British N a v y and A r m y and Air Force m a y be given tickets
at half the ordinary fares.
Season tickets :
Season tickets at the following rates are issued on application to the General Manager :
For 1 month at price of 15 return fares.
2 months „ 25
.> «* ..
oo ,,
,, o ,, ,. OU ,,
,, 12 •:
„ SO
Half of these rates are charged in the case of school children not over 12 years of aire,
and two-thirds inrespectof scholars over 12 and under 16 years of age.
Season tickets for three months in the first instance are issued at half the ordinary
season ticket nJr< in respect of distances of 20 miles and over to approved consignees or
consignors who pay the Railway a m i n i m u m of £300 in freight on gooda within a period
of 3 consecutive- months.
Special trains:—
Special trains can be obtained on application to the Station Master, Xicosia, or the
General M.-ni.:_"i, Famagusta. at rhc following m i n i m u m charges :—
For tin- double journey .. .. .. .. .. 2s. per mile.
For the .-ingle journey
4*. per mile.
Applications for a special train must be accompanied by a deposit of £2 wliich will be
forfeited if th'- p'-rson ordering the train does not use it. If, however, not less than 12
hours' notice is given to the Station Master of the intention to cancel or alter the time of
a special train, Kl.v. only will be charged.
1'cmurniL*'- at. the rate of 4s. per hour or part of an hour is c h a r e d for the engine
wh-'ii special tr.uns do not >iart at the time ordered or stop <n route nt the requot of
Tli» Railway Regu–
lation-. H»'i4. *.-;b. m
Gnz. So. 2H5-? of 12th
March. 19S4.a.samp"iuetl
IIT iu'.- Railway -.Ami-mi-
nun*. No.l; Rcruiauoiis.
19H4. pub. in Im:. X».
23i;-J of 20th April.
1934. nnil hy General
M;.ua!."*!> ' *ii-'.-!ii:ir- No.
I'-iOof Hit h April. 1«»;U.
X-.. S.R. 2!) of 1st June.
i'i:«. N o . r>.M. 30 of
11 tii Jul it. 1:):I4. N o .
S.R. :)- of 20i 1. June.
r.i:;-*. Xo. T. (i."> of 2oth
.luric. io:-4. Xo. S.R.
34 of Tth Au-.. 1!'34.
and No. S.R. 3S of
2nd Oct., 1934.
,a Tin- c h « v : a: present is 2a. 1-p.
• b'- The chergo tit ->re-<nr is le. A'<-,,