OF T A S K S ,
DirriKs. &c.
4 lcp.
2 cp.
2 cp.
I.All.WAY IIATF.S A N I M ' I I A I M K S — r . m t i n u e d .
LlliflJiUfr ; —
Lir_"_-;i'_*e in •••;-'>ss oi" m okes in the case of 1st e|a.ss passengers, and 30 ok--.-, in the
.-use .it 2nd ny :'rd class passengers is charged as follows: —
N'ut (••;e,.--iling:; miles per Sokes .. .. .. ..
H\*<c.-din,' .'! but not 0 miles per S okes . . . . . .
0 ,,
*•> ., 12 „
12 „ IS „
IS „ 24 ,,
. . .. . .
21 „ 30 „
.. 30 „ 30 ,,
and lcp. for each 6 miles or part thereof with a m i n i m u m of Zcp.
T h e liability of the Railway for the loss, destruction or deterioration of passengers'
luggage delivered into the custody of a Railway official does not extend to the payment,
in respect of any one package and its contents.of any s u m in excess of the following amounts:
In the case of luggage of a passenger duly furnished with
a ticket for a carriage of the 1st class .. .. ..
In the case of luggage of a passenger duly furnished with
a ticket for a carriage of the 2nd class .. .. .. .. £3
In the case of luggage of a passenger duly furnished with
a ticket for a carriage of any class inferior to the 2nd class .. £2.
Parcels are charged at luggage rates unless special rates and conditions are quoted.
Cloak Room charges
T h e Railway is not responsible for articles left by passengers at the station, unless the
articles are duly registered and the following charges are paid :—
For perambulators, mail carts, sewing machines on tables or stands, bath chairs.
Invalid chairs, and handcarts :—
Registration fee ..
If left for more than 2 days, per day in addition
For bicycles, uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, etc., tempo–
rarily deposited :
Registration fee
If left for more than 2 days, per day in addition ..
For articles other than the above :
Registration fee .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .p.
If left for more than three days, per day in addition .. 1 cp.
Liv-.-.tock- Transport Rates.
[a) At wvner'-, risk.
Horses, Mules, Ponies, Asses and Horned Cattle:—
(i) Country bred :—
1 animal lcp. per mile.
2. 3 or 4 animals 30 paras per head per mile.
5 animals and over 25 jxiras per head per mile.
iii) Imported :—
Double the above rates.
M i n i m u m charge, 2s. 6cp.
Pigs .. .. .. .. • • .. 20 paras per head per mile.
M i n i m u m charge, l->\
Sheep and goats :—
For a distance of 1 to 12 miles 2cp. per head.
13 to 24 ,. 3cp. .,
25 to 36 .. 4cp. ,.
For a distance of 1 to 12 miles l k p . per head.
13 to 24 ., 2cp.
25 to 36 „ 3cp.
T h e above rates are exclusive of loading and unloading which must be done by owners.
O n e attendant can travel free of charge with the animals in the same vehicle at his
o w n risk.
(6) .it Railway risk.
Horses and Mules
P* P
erh e a d
Asses, Oxen, Cows and Calve3
3-Vcp. do.
Sheep, Goats and Pigs
2 cp. do.
Ac owner'.* risk.
At Railway risk.
D o g s .. .. • • • • 3rd class fare w h e n travel- j
i. ' Double these rates.
Half 3rd class fare w h e n (
travelling in brake van. !
Cats and other small animals, Luggage rates by weight j
in cages or hampers .. "with a m i n i m u m charge \ Double these rates.