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P A R C E L POST—Mitinued.
14. "When the despatch from a Post Office of letters would be delayed by the despatch of
parcels at the same time, such parcels or any of them may be detained until che next subsequent
despatch, but not later, except as in the last preceding paragraph.
15. In no case will Parcel Mails among from abroad be dealt with until after the ordinary
Mails have been despatched.
16. The Island Postmaster shall not be liable to make good any claim arising oot of the loss,
damage or delay of parcels sent by post.
17. In all cases the parcels must be fully prepaid by means of postage stamps affixed to the
parcel, otherwise tbey will not be accepted for transmission. Parcels addressed to villages must
be sealed.
18. Local parcels remaining uncalled for at the places to which they are addressed shall be
liable, after six days* detention, to a demurrage charge of lcp. per day.
19. If a parcel which cannot be delivered bears on the cover the name and address of the
sender, a printed notice shall be sent to him by post informing hirn that the parcel (if not
claimed in the meantime by tbe addressee) will be given np to hi-Ti or to any person w h o m he .
may direct to call for it, or will be returned to him by post.
20. If the sender elects to have tbe parcel sent back to him by post he must return the
printed notice with stamps sufficient to cover new postage at the fall rate, together with any
other charges to which the parcel may be liable, including that for demurrage described above.
The parcel shall then be forwarded to him fully prepaid by stamps affixed thereon.
21. If no reply is received in ten days the parcel shall be forwarded to the Returned Letter
Office, Nicosia, for disposal iu due course.
22. Any parcel which cannot be delivered from any cause shall be detained one month at
the place to which it is addressed, and then forwarded to the Returned Letter Office. All such
parcels received in the Returned Letter Office, shall be opened and examined and if upon such
examination the name and address of the sender are ascertained a printed notice such as is
described above shall be sent to him, and the parcel treated in the same manner as a parcel upon
the cover of which the name and address of the sender appears.
2S. The names and addresses upon all undelivered and unreturnable parcels and the Post
Offices at which they were posted shall be entered on a list which will be exhibited in a
conspicuous position at all Post Offices for inspection by the public.
24. Personal application for parcels entered on such lists will be entertained for three
months from the dare of entry, after which the parcels shall be disposed of as the Island Post–
master may think proper.
25. Parcels containing perishable articles shall be dealt with from time to time as the
Island Postmaster may direct.
26. The rates of postage are :—
For a parcel not exceeding 3 lbs. in weight ... ... ... ... 13.
• 10s. „
... 2s.
tt tt •*"*• ms. ,, ... ... ... ..; ... 3s.
These rates carry the parcels to their destination in tbe United Eingdom without further
charge, except for Cnstoms dues.
In all cases the parcel must be fully prepaid by means of postage stamps affixed to the
parcel, otherwise thry will not be accepted for transmission.
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