'- IMPORTS—-"onlinued. ' . ,
"DOGS.—Importation, from Egygc prohibited. F r o m other Countries subject to inspection and 1 G
detention by Cliief Medical Officer. *"':,;
-•;•-.. { -'' '.' "'•
T h e importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods articles and merchandise
\a prohibited absolutely*.
- - : -- —--•-•'•• •?••-" " - - " j -
"'• (1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Beshliks, altiliks orraetalliquepiastres.
. -
•- -
(3). All sovereigns aud half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her fate-Most
<rracious Majesty i^ueeu Victoria.
(4). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight tm
defined ia " T h e Coinage Act, 1&70~" or are otherwise apt;legally «mrreut io.£ngliaiiL:^
(5). T h e substance known as Hashish.
(6). Salt other than table and rock salt.
The importation of the under-mentioned goods, articles aud merchandise is subject to the
following restrictions :
Onier of/High C o m -
~Tn -"- Cottoetl
published in Gazette No.
K92 ot-.Hit March. 1901.
O n ler of Hi**h Com–
missioner in Council
published in Gnzette N o .
(1). T h e importation into the Island of tire-arms, detached portions of lire-arms and J uaaof 1st March. 1901.
side-arms is prohibited e x c e p t —
<1 So
-FF'c °. Fl
\ .fanuary-, 1900.and Order
i.it.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi a n d F a m a g u s t a , a n d
i.) wichout a special license under the b a u d of tiie Chief Secretarv issued under
L a w 'Jl of l«79. sec. :50.
. -2.. Tlie importation of gunpowder .except for the use of his Majesty's Naval and
Military forces j is prohibited e x c e p c —
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca a n d Limassoi (for F a m a g u s t a sua (2) below), a n d at
the last n a m e d port the importation of g u n p o w d e r by any person in any greater
([iiantity than ten okes or twenty-eight pounds is prohibited, a u d
•'.., iu kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes i>r in 'tusk* <n I />''. •>/•"'
-. Iii. except where the H i g h Commissioner has by special permission authorised
the importation iu s o m e other m a n n e r .
(•T). The importation of shot, percussion caps, cartridges (other t::an ball cartridgesi
and side-arms is restricted to the -'ores of Larnaca and Limassoi (for cuuuigu--ta •-'•< <2j
>t' High 'Commissioner in
. 'inm.-il No. 12S pit ti. in
Gazette No. 901 lit l.-)Ch
N'oveuilier. 19«»7.
•r rhe w-
oelow 1.
.-!.. The importaiiou •>( hall cartridges or of bull cartridge-cases execpr.
ll is Majesty's Naval and Military foiv.-s ;s prohibited. --seepc—
iw. i at the ports of Lar^'.aea and Limassoi (for F a m a g u s t a xre ('2) below), and
.•'. with the s,,.-cial permission of che H i g h Commissioner.
• •" • • - The importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-coctcn. fulminate of mei
.•f ni ofiti-r mi'tai.s or of any kindred suhscance is prohibited—
• '. --X.-.-IM. at rue oort of Larnaca ' for Fat
•n.) Oi-.it-r or H U h C o m -
n •'••niioii No.
:.".'.) |nil>li-ii".! in Gnzette.
:•:•>. r:;s or g*.»rh An-_"*st.
• h-) Onlcr in ''niim-il N o .
M)T |>ubushed 111 Gazette
N'o. *-4.'{'ir 12th .1uniiarr.
inuigusta -.i." r2> belowj, a u u
he -jfciai permission of the Higli Commissioner, snch permission being
ui writing under tiie hand of the Chief Secretary 10 i-iovernment and subject to
sitc'n .-ondici'.ns as rhc lligu I'onimi.sjinuer. m a y think rtt to impose.
2.. 'luupowdcr. Shot. Percussion Caps. Cartridges (ball and shot) Dynamite. Nitro–
glycerine. <iuncottott. I Hasting powder. Fulminate of Mercury or other m e n d s , and
ever;- .-ther substance or preparation used or manufactured for explosive or pyro-
:ccitnic purposes. F"g signals, liockecs. Fireworks, Fuzes. Detonators a n d A m m u n i c i o u
•>f ail oesori[.tions. including e m p t y cartridge cases, m a y 'oe imported at the Port
oi" Famagusr.i by stn*h person • <:• pers.ius as m a y be autlioriseii :u that beiiaif by
-p..-'-:ai ;..-r:iiissi,,u ,,f cite H i g h C .mmissioner given u n d e r c h e h a n d of the Chief
•*"•••:• tary to : i.oiruinent. and subject to such limitations as to ouantity as ch*- Hig'n
<.'omiiii.—ioiH-i- m a y - c lit r«- ;iii|.e«c: and upon such importation the said articles
-muii be lauded at such 'place a n d in -men m a n n e r as the Commissioner a u d Principal
1 >th'cer nf Cu-totus of the Disrrict of F a m a g u s t a shall appoinc (a).
Di'iief in • '".med N".
il-• j.iiiilisJiisi in Gnzette
S'n. s",s .r 2'.'*n Jane.
The Miming
-s.'i.s 1IV! '.'ill'.
1 1 y p r u s .it ..tittle. !u.>rt:s.
rr.iu o i a c s w h e r e cattle
hoofs, hoties. foiider. litter or ."mug f r o m
iiscase has b e e n publicly notified co exist.
iiit .'••:aii-ii":: un- '>-•>• a .iv.-n t'i M.-.?r.-. H-uiuner x L'uiimson. Malta, on bt-half of Nobvi'-i Explosive C o m p a n y . <iias*pw. to import
anil ".tor-* .-:. .-••.ci i....-:aiiy ••....i.-rrucrci 'la-.-*i7.iiie*s. North of Fatna-rust.-i. any quantity of above Explosives, a. e. 2 in weight 10 tons.
-"•"ciusi**-* a' ;».-r< <ri.-. r. .r-. -ar^'y PI/.", -i.orrpr,* •a.rrvKi _--»-. ind other accessories such as cables and batteries. (Orderof High Commissioner of
2Sth Au-r'.-s!-. r.'"S. <'**. \
~'-'. P.)
N . 3 . — M..—ri. Hauinn-r v. '!"aom.s..ii pay a rental of <"S on 1st August <*ach year in order co niest -ixpenses in oouuection -vith.
-*-ai:ai'ig ' Art. i. Agri'-jniviu c' lSri; M a y . l'Jit.'i, -'.S. is;r>,'04.)