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C O U R T FEES—continued.
On sealing a summons Co any person Co acceud as wicness or
ocherwise ...
On applicaciou core-enceraccion for hearing* where it has beeu
eneered and struck out for default of appearance and is noe
re-entered by leave of che Courc :—
U'liere che amounc claimed is £2') or under
Where che amount claimed is over £20 ; where no liquidated.
snm is claimed: or where che recovery of money is noe che
objecc of che action
... ... ... ....
Ou entering a judgmenc or auy order for which no special fee is
provided ...
Onfilingnotice of appeal co the Supreme Courc
On entering an order for leave co appeal co Privy Council
On applicacion Co tax any bill of coses :—
For every £2 or pare thereof claimed
Oufilingnocice of review of taxacion
Ou sealing any wric of execution :—
To recover anysum noe exceeding £2o ...
To recover auy sum exceeding i'20, but noe exceeding £30 ...
To recover auy sura exceeding £50
For preparing and furnishing any office copy (/?):—
Where che copy does not exceed 200 words in English or Greek,
or 130 Turkish ... ... ...
For every furcher 100 words or pare chereof in English or Greek
For every further 100 words or parr thereof in Turkish
For the preparacion of any Trie of summons
Onfilingany agreeraenc of refereuce under Order XXIL, Rule 7.
of Rules of Court, 1886 "
Onfilingche award of an arbitracor
Onfilingau aifidavic
On cei-cifying any seal or signacure co be che seal or signacuxe of 1
che persou whose seal or signacure ic purports co be
... I
Ou furnishing: an office copv of anv docamenc recorded in Courc \
On certifying any copy of any record of the Courc (where such")
copy is noe prepared by an Officer of che Courc ) co be a erne V
copy of che original documenc (rt) ... ... ...)
On filing a copy of a judgment endorsed by a Village Judge
Service of documencs :—
For service in Cyprus of any documenc required to be served chrough
che Courc such fee as shall be properly payable co che Police for chac
purpose, aud ou paymenc of sucu fee cu the proper officer of Police, che
documeuc will be served in the same manner as chough ic were forwarded
for service by an officer of ehe Court.
The fees appoiuced co be cakeu by che PoUce are as follows (b):—
For che service of any documenc served wichin a distance of three
miles of che Courc of the District
For everv additional three miles or portion chereof ...
Buc so that the maximum fee charged shall noe in any case exceed
the sum of..- ••• ••• ••• •••
£ s. cp.
1 .}
5 0
in 0
1 0
0 3
0 4$
2 0
Rules of Court of 17ch
April. l*?S*o. published
in Gazette No. 19S of
Sell May, lSSti.
Rules of Court of llth
February, 13S9.publish-
( ed in Gazrtt* No. 279 of
J 22nd February. 1539.
A fee of 3 shillings.
The same fee as for an
office copy of thefileof
the proceedings in an
A fee equal to one-half
of the fee'chargeable for
an office copy of such /
Rules of Court of 17th
Aoril. ISS
*. published
in" Gazette No. 193 of
Sth May, 1S36.
f Rule of Court of 17th
1 September. 1S9">. pub-
] lished in Gazette So. 527
V of 25 th idem.
Rules of Court of 17th
Aoril. 1SS6. published in
Gazette No. 193 of 3th
Mar. 18S6.
5 0
0 3
10 0
(>) These are appoiuled
by a aotiticatiou or order
of High Commissioner
of 24th M a r . 1336. pub–
lished in Gazette No. 200
, of 1st June, 1338.
(a) The** f-*es are paid to the Registrars and Clerks of the Courts.