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the b1dd1ng, and shall make such mod1t.1cat1ons
the sa1d docu–
ments or procedures as the Bank shall reasonably request. Any
further mod1f1cat10n to the b1dding documents shal1 requ1re the
Bank's concurrence before 1t 18 1ssued to the prospect1ve
(b) After b1ds have been rece1ved and evaluated, the
Borrower shall, before a f1nal dec1s10n
the award
1nform the Bank of the name of the b1dder to wh1ch 1t 1ntends to
award the contract and shall furn1sh to the Bank,
t1me for 1ts review, a deta11ed report
the evaluat10n and
comparison of the bids rece1ved, and such other 1nformat10n
the Bank shall reasonably request • . The Bank shal1, 1f it deter–
mines that the intended award would be 1nconsistent w1th the
Guidel1nes or this Schedule, promptly 1nform the Borrower and
state the reasons for such determ1nat10n.
(c) The terms and cond1t10ns of the contract shal1 not,
without the Bank' s concurrence, mater1al1y d1f fer from those
wh1ch b1ds were asked Or prequalif1cat10n was 1nv1ted.
(d) Two conformed copies of the contract shal1 be furn1shed
to the Bank promptly after 1ts execut10n and pr10r to the submis–
s10n to the Bank of the f1rst applicat10n for w1thdrawal of funds
from the Loan Account
respect of such contract.
3. W1th respect to each contract not governed by the preced1ng
paragraph, the Borrower shal1 furn1sh to the Bank, promptly after
1ts execution and pr10r to the subm1ss10n to the Bank of the
f1rst application for withdrawal of funds from the Loan Account
respect of such contract, two conformed cop1es of such
contract, together w1th the analys1s of the respect1ve blds,
for awardand such other 1nformation as the Bank
shal1 reasonably request. The Bank shal1, if 1t determ1nes that
the award of the contract was not cons1stent w1th the Gu1del1nes
or th1s Schedule, promptly 1nform the Borrower and state the
reasons for such determ1nation.
Before agreeing to any material mod1fication or wa1ver of
the terms and cond1t1ons of a contract, or grant1ng an extenslon
of the s·t1pulated t1me for performance of such contract, or
1ssu1ng any change order under such contract (except
extreme urgency) wh1ch would increase the cost of the contract by
more than
of the or1ginal pr1ce, the Borrower shal1 inform
the Bank of the proposed mod1f1cat1on, wa1ver, extens10n or
change order and the reasons therefor. Tbe Bank, 1f 1t determ1nes
that the proposal would be 1ncons1stent w1th the prov1s1ons of
th1s Agreement, shal1
1nfotm the Borrower and state the
reasons for 1ts determ1nat10n.