No. 130. Leave of Absence.
Mr. A. F. J. Reddaway, C.M.G., O.B.E., Admi–
nistrative Secretary, was absent from the Colony
on casual leave (3 days) from 30th January to
1st February, i960.
(M.P. L.2322.)
Mr. P. M. Kazamias, Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Communications and Works, was
absent from the Colony on duty (7 days) from
24th to 30th January, i960. (M.P. L.2529.)
Mr. O. J. E. Gething, Senior Engineer, was
absent on vacation leave (84 days), passage
leave (10 days) and extension of leave on full
pay (100 days) from 15th July, 1959 to 24th
January, i960.
(M.P. L.4265.)
Mr. I. T. Millar, Executive Engineer, Class I, is
granted vacation and passage leave from 27th
January,' i960.
(M.P. L.4088.)
Mr. E. Iacovou, M.B.E., Chief Welfare Officer
(Greek), was absent on vacation leave (40 days)
and passage leave (6 days) from 2nd December,
1959 to 16th January, i960. (M.P. L.3357.)
Miss J. T. Clarson, Matron, is granted vacation
and passage leave from 29th December, 1959.
(M.P. L.3974.)
No. 131.
Mr. J. V. Economides, Senior Surveyor, Lands
and Surveys Department, on 1st February,
(M.P. P.1336.)
Mr. P. G. Chakallis, Hospital Steward, Medical
Department, on 1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.1774/2.)
Mr. A. M. Bourgi, Assistant Chief Revenue Offi–
cer, Inland Revenue Department, on 1st Feb–
ruary, i960.
(M.P. P.1427.)
Mr. A. I. Antoniades, Senior Printer, Government
Printing Office, on 1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.1610.)
Mr. J. A. Ferez, Senior Printer, Government
Printing Office, on 1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.1962.)
Mr. O. G. Loizides, Postal Officer, 1st Grade, on
1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.1129.)
Mr. C. Theocli, B.E.M., Inspector of Works,
Department of Water Development, on 1st
February, i960.
(M.P. P.2693.)
Mr. V. S. Bizdikian, Clerk, 2nd Grade, General
Clerical Staff, on 1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.1430.)
Mr. Chr. Chr. Dafnides, Prison Warder, Prisons
Department, on 1st February, i960.
(M.P. P.8833.)
Mr. A. Hji Soteriou, Male Orderly, Medical De–
partment, on 1st February, i960.
(M.D. P.368.)
Mr. I. Sadik, Customs Guard, Customs and
Excise Department, on 19th January, i960.
(P- 1770
No. 132.
Planning and Housing Department.
Applications are invited from Turkish Cypriots
for one vacancy in the post of Assistant Town
Planning Officer in the Planning and Housing
Department. The appointment is temporary in
thefirstinstance, but it may be made permanent
pensionable later. The salary of the post is
£900X30—1,020X36—1,200, plus cost-of-living
allowance at the rate approved by Government
from time to time, the present rate being 28^%
of salary. The successful applicant may be
permitted to enter the salary scale of the post at
a point higher than the minimum according to
qualifications and experience.
2. Duties and responsibilities : To assist in the
preparation and implementation of planning
schemes. To deal with any matters pertaining to
Planning and Housing and carry out any other
duties assigned to him by his Head of Depart–
ment. Responsible for the organisation and
technical efficiency of his subordinates.
3. Qualifications required : A University degree
or diploma in town planning, recognised for
exemption from the Final Examination of the
Town Planning Institute. Post graduate practi–
cal experience would be an advantage. Orga–
nizing ability and drive. Good knowledge of
English is essential, and some knowledge of Greek
will be considered as an advantage.
4. Candidates without a town planning qualifi–
cation will be considered, provided they possess a
recognised qualification in architecture or civil
engineering and are willing to study and obtain in
due course a town planning qualification as men–
tioned in para. 3 above.
5. If a candidate has in addition to the quali–
fications required for the post of Assistant Town
Planning Officer, at leastfiveyears suitable post
graduate professional experience he may be con–
sidered for direct appointment to the post of Town
Planning Officer, the basic salary scale of which
is £1,236X42—1,404X48—1,548.
6. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and posted in time to reach the Depart–
ment of Planning and Housing, Nicosia, not later
than the 17th February, i960. Applicants
already in the Government service should submit
their applications through the Head of their De–
(M.P. 6020/56.)
Museum Attendant, Department
Applications are invited from male or female
candidates for the temporary post of a Turkish
Museum Attendant in the Department of Anti–
quities. The salary of the post is £234X15—
264X18—336 per annum. Cost-of-living allow–
ance is payable in accordance with the variations
in the retail prices index for civil servants ; the
present rate of the allowance is 2 8 ^ % of the
2. The duties of the post are: to take charge
and improve the annex to the District Museum,
in the old town of Famagusta, to collect entrance
fees, sell publications and post cards and escort
visitors to the Museum ; clean exhibits and display
cases and when not so engaged, to assist in any
other technical work in the Museum.
3. Candidates, who must be British subjects,
should be graduates of a secondary school and
have a good knowledge of English and an elemen–
tary knowledge of Cypriot Antiquities. Technical
knowledge will be an advantage.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Chief Antiquities
Officer, Nicosia, from whom further particulars
can be obtained, not later than the 15th February,
No. 134.
The English School (Management and
Control) Law.
CAP. 204
B O A R D OF M A N A G E M E N T .
It is hereby notified that in exercise of the
powers vested in him by section 4 of the English
School (Management and Control) Laws, His
Excellency the Governor has been pleased to
appoint Messrs. Joseph Yiamakis, Shukri Veysi
and A. S. Stavrinides to be members of the
Board of Management of the English School in
the place of Messrs. Gervase de la Poer Cassels,
O.B.E., Rauf Raif Denktash and Michael Antonis
Pe ris, who have resigned.
Nicosia, 1st February, i960.
(M.P. 1432/50.)