AUGUST, 1960.
No. 826. Confirmation of Appointments.
Tevfik as Assistant Master, Turkish
Teachers' Training College, Nicosia with effect
from 1st January, 1958.
(M.P. 2246.)
Mr. M . Farsides as Instrument Mechanic, Public
"Works Department, with effect from 1st August,
Mr. Th. Nicolaou as Agricultural Assistant from
16th June, 1957.
(M.P. P.659.)
No. 827. Leave of Absence.
Sir George Evelyn Sinclair, C.M.G., O.B.E.,
Deputy Governor, is granted vacation and passage
leave from 14th July, 1960. (M.P. L.4781.)
Mr. T. P. Lightbody, Director of Education, was
absent on vacation leave (146 days), passage
leave (10 days) and extension of leave on full
pay (91 days) from 25th November, 1959 to 28th
July, 1960.
(M.P. L.3318.)
Mr. T. S. C. Mcllwain, Accountant-General, was
absent on vacation leave (164 days), passage
leave (10 days) and extension of leave on full
pay (92 days) from 13th November, 1959 to 4th
August, 1960.
(M.P. L.3575.)
Mr. I. T. Millar, Executive Engineer, Class I,
Public Works Department, was absent on vaca–
tion leave (71 days), passage leave (1 day) and
extension of leave on full pay (110 days) from
27th January to 26th July, 1960. (M.P. L.4088.)
Mr. L. M . Bear, Geologist, Class I, Geological
Survey Department, was absent on vacation
leave (28 days) and passage leave (20 days) from
12th June to 29th July, 1960. (M.P. L.4628.)
Mr. E. Zaim, Chief Inspector of Turkish Schools,
was absent on vacation leave (84 days), passage
leave (10 days) and extension of leave on full
pay (98 days) from 23rd January to 1st August,
(M.P. L.2254.)
Miss K. Daly, Nursing Sister, Medical Department,
was absent on vacation leave (80 days), passage
leave (1 day) and extension of leave on full pay
(102 days) from 3rd February to 3rd August,
(M.P. L.7413.)
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6. They should be addressed to the Chief
Welfare Officer (Greek), and posted to arrive not
later than the 22nd August, 1960.
5. Applications from Government employees
should be submitted through the Head of their
Temporary Assistant Superintendent of
Homes, Female, Social Welfare Department,
Applications are invited from Greek Cypriots,
female, for the post of Temporary Assistant
Superintendent of Homes in the Social Welfare De–
partment, Greek Section. The salary of the post
is £264 plus cost-of-living allowance at the present
rate of 2 8 £ % and £90 board and lodging allowance
which is pensionable and repayable.
2. The duties and responsibilities of the post
are : To manage a small children's home or hostel,
or to assist a Superintendent in the management of
a larger home or hostel. Responsibility for whole-
time residential care of children in need of care or
protection or in moral danger.
3. Qualifications required: Maturity, tempera–
mental stability and love of children ; a working
knowledge of English ; age limit 22—40 years.
The successful candidate must be prepared to work
anywhere in the island but the initial appointment
will be Larnaca.
No. 829.
Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus (Greek).
Copies of the Constitution of the Republic of
Cyprus (in Greek), may be obtained at 250 mils
each, from the Government Printer, Nicosia, or
from the following Agents : —
Rustem's Bookshop, 11-14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
No. 830. Cyprus Imports and Exports Statistics,
Copies ofthe Cyprus Imports and Exports Statistics
for the month of June, i960, may be obtained
at 150 mils each, from the Government Printer,
Nicosia, or from the following Agents :—
Rustem's Bookshop, 11-14 Kyrenia Street, Nicosia;
S. Ch. Papadopoulos, 128 Ledra Street, Nicosia;
Rustem's Bookshop, Old Town, Famagusta;
D. A. Gabrielides, Bookseller, Limassol.
Tenders for the supply of locally made furniture
for the Rural Central School, Morphou, should
reach the Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on the
20th August, 1960.
2. Plan and specification will be supplied to
tenderers on application to the Chief Education
Officer (Greek), 17, Zenonos Kitieos, Nicosia.
No. 832.
Quarantine Restrictions.
The attention of the public is invited to the
Notification made on the 12th December, 1958,
by His Excellency the Governor pursuant to the
Quarantine Law, Cap. 145, and published in
Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 18th
December, 1958, whereby it was declared that
the following local areas were infected local areas
and that all passengers and goods therefrom
would be subject to the measures prescribed by
the Quarantine (Maritime and Aerial) Regulations
1953 to 1958, with respect to the dangerous
infectious diseases set forth against each local
area: —
Local Areas
Belgian Congo
Sierra Leone..
Tanganyika ..
Dangerous infectious diseaam
Smallpox and Typhus.
Plague and Smallpox.
Cholera and Smallpox
Cholera and Smallpox.
By His Excellency's Command.
Acting Administrative Secretary.
Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Cyprus Gazette may be obtained from the Government Printer, Nicosia, post free, on payment of a
subscription of £2.500 mils for a year, payable in advance ; single copies £0.085 mils.