JULY, i960.
No. 764. Confirmation of Appointments.
Mr. D. Tymvakis as Assistant Labour Officer,
Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, from
1st May, 1958.
Mr. R. Mehmet as Assistant Labour Officer, Minis- i
try of Labour and Social Insurance, from 1st
June, 1958.
Mr. D. G. Stavrides as Land Clerk, 2nd Grade,
Department of Lands and Surveys, from 1st
January, 1956.
(P.S. 47.)
No. 765. Leave of Absence.
Mr. C. G. Tornaritis, Q.C., Attorney-General,
proceeded abroad on duty on 24th July, 1960.
(M.P. L.2464.)
Mr. D. M . Skettos, O.B.E., Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Health, is granted vacation and
passage leave from 27th July, 1960.
(M.P. L.2131.)
Mr. L. J. S. Littlejohn, Director of Agriculture, was
absent on vacation leave (191 days), passage leave
(10 days) and extension of leave on full pay
(91 days) from 7th October, 1959 to 24th July,
(M.P. L.2307.)
Dr. J. E. O'N. Gillespie, Senior Specialist Physician,
was absent on vacation leave (101 days), passage
leave (10 days) and extension of leave on full pay
(91 days) from 1st January to 20th July, 1960. "
(M.P. L.2791.)
Mr. T. L. Pouros, Chief Co-operative Officer (Greek),
is granted vacation and passage leave from 20th
July, 1960.
(M.P. L.2383.)
No. 766.
The Foreign Marriage Law, Cap. 90, Section 3
The Marriage Law, Cap. 116 and Laws 9 of 1952
and 37 of 1954, Section 3.
In exercise of the powers vested in him by
section 3 of the Foreign Marriage Law and by
section 3 of the Marriage Law, His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Mervyn
Reddaway Popham, Administrative Officer, to be a
Marriage Officer for the Districts of Nicosia and
Kyrenia in addition to the Commissioner, Nicosia
and Kyrenia, and any other appointments made
under the above Laws.
Made this 26th day of July, 1960.
By Command of His Excellency the Governor,
Acting Administrative Secretary.
(M.I. 530/59-)
N o . 767.
Temporary Assistant Welfare Officer, Female
Social Welfare Department, Greek Section.
Applications are invited from Greek Cypriots for
the temporary post of Assistant Welfare Officer,
Female, in the Greek Section of the Social Welfare
Department. The salary of the post is £426 per
annum rising by annual increments of £24 to £594,
plus cost-of-living allowance at the approved rate,
which is at present 28|9c.
2. Duties and responsibilities : Social case-work
with delinquents, deprived, destitute and related
cases. It includes the submission of reports and
correspondence both in Greek and English and
entails visiting and interviewing. The work is not
confined to office hours.
3. Qualifications : Knowledge of English to Dis–
tinction level ; general education to standard of
Cyprus Certificate of Education ; strong physique ;
intelligence ; personality; maturity and tempera–
mental stability ; ability to win confidence and to
deal with others patiently and sympathetically.
4. Candidates, who should be British subjects,
should not be less than 22 and not more than 35
years old. The successful candidate should be
prepared to work anywhere in the Island and to
travel in village areas.
5. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6. They should be addressed to the Chief
Welfare Officer (Greek), and posted to arrive not
later than the 8th August, 1960. Applications from
Government officials and employees should be sub–
mitted through their Head of Department.
6. Any canvassing for this post via any member
of the Selection Board will be a disqualification.
No. 768. Examination in Colonial Regulations
and General Orders.
P A S S LIST—1st
July, 1960.
Coudounaris, G., Administrative Assistant, 2nd
Djafer, A., Land Clerk, 1st Grade, Lands and
Surveys Department.
Evangelou, A. C , Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Georgallides, C , Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Koukoullis, T., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Kyriacou, L., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Leonida, E., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Markou, P., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Mehmed, G., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Pantelides, C , Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Papadopoulos, A. C , Clerk, 2nd Grade, General
Clerical Staff.
Pavlides, A., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Philippou, D., Senior Warder, No. 909, Prisons
Saffet, Y. H., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Sawa, M., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical Staff.
Sawides, L. S., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Stassis, E., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical Staff.
Xenophontos, M., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
(M.P. 6041/50/V.)
No. 769.
Examination in Financial Sections of the
Colonial Regulations, Stores Regulations
and Financial Instructions.
P A S S LIST—1st
July, 1960.
Eleftheriades, Z. G., Assistant Collector of Customs
and Excise.
Ibrahim, I., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical Staff.
Ioannou, M., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Karahannas, A., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Kondoz, H. A., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Kyriakides, A., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Salih, F. M., Clerk, 2nd Grade, General Clerical
Sawides, L. S., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
Stavrides, D. G., Land Clerk, 2nd Grade, Lands and
Surveys Department.
Stavrinides, E., Clerical Assistant, General Clerical
(M.P. 6044/50/IV.)