The following as Clerical Assistants, General ]
Clerical Staff, from 1st March, 1958 : —
Mr. G. Protopapas.
(P. 5049.)
Miss H. Georghiou.
(P. 5132.)
Mr. I. Ramadan.
(P. 5133.)
Miss K. Kyriakidou.
(P. 5139.)
Mr. A. K. Limniotis.
(P. 5303.)
Miss M . Bartella.
(P. 5433.)
Mr. M . Omer.
(P. 5132.)
Mr. G. J. Theophanides.
(P. 5516.)
Mr. S. Petrides.
(P. 5529.)
Mr. M . Ioannou.
(P. 5538.)
Mr. M . Pantelides.
(P. 5566.)
Mr. J. Markitsis.
(P. 5568.)
Mr. A. X. Economides.
(P. 5576.)
Mr. G. Kadri.
(P. 5668.)
Miss Chr. Paschali.
(P. 5691.)
Mr. T. R. Zekai.
(P. 5776.)
Mr. H. Ahmed.
(P. 5785.)
Mr. T. Ahmed.
(P. 5880.)
Mrs. Ph. Timenidou.
(P. 6111.)
Mr. V. Andreou.
(P. 6115.)
Mr. A. P. Hji Frangeskou.
(P. 6264.)
Mr. Dj. A. Hurray.
(P. 6392.)
Miss L. H. Papadopoullou.
(P. 6153.)
Mr. G. Epiphaniou.
(P. 6420.)
Mr. Th. Kazamias.
(P. 6504.)
Mr. G. S. Stavrinides.
(P. 6511.)
Mr. G. Theodoulou.
(P. 6582.)
Mrs. S. Bargilly.
(P. 6617.)
Mr. T. Ahmed.
(P. 6843.)
Mr. Chr. Ioannou.
(P. 6910.)
Mr. Chr. Tsangarides.
(P. 6939.)
Mr. A. Constantinou.
(P. 6961.)
Mr. S. J. Aletraris.
(P. 7027.)
Mr. O.. Kutbuddin.
(P. 7138.)
Mr. I. Ibrahim.
(P. 7195.)
Mr. A. Serghiou.
(P. 7241.)
Miss R. Dervish.
(P. 7355.)
Mr. N. Hassan.
(P. 7357.)
Mr. A. T. Demetriou as Clerical Assistant, General
Clerical Staff, from 2nd March, 1958.
(P. 7407.)
The following as Clerical Assistants, General
Clerical Staff, from 21st April, 1958 : —
Mr. Ch. Markides.
(P. 7360.)
Mr. L. Sawides.
(P. 6885.)
Mr. G. Nikitas as Clerical Assistant, General Cle–
rical Staff, from 5th May, 1958.
(P. 7460.)
Mr. E. Houssein as Clerical Assistant, General Cle–
rical Staff, from 23rd May, 1958.
(P. 7192.)
No. 631. Leave of Absence.
Dr. H. Feridun, Acting Chief Education Officer
(Turkish), proceeded abroad on duty on 11th
June, 1960.
(M.P. L.4168.,
Mr. L. Xenopoullos, Chief Civil Aviation Officer,
was absent from the Colony on duty from 7th
to 9th June, 1960.
(M.P. L.8870.)
Mr. R. W . Crowther, Veterinary Officer, Class I,
Agricultural Department, is granted vacation and
passage leave from 1st June, 1960.
(M.P. L.3058.)
Mr. L. M . Bear, Geologist, Class I, Geological
Survey Department, is granted vacation and
passage leave from 12th June, 1960.
(M.P. L.4628.)
Miss J. T. Clarson, Matron, Medical Department,
was absent on vacation leave (78 days), passage
k-;.ve (1 diiv) and extension of leave on full pay
(92 davsj "from 29th December, 1959 to 16th
June, 1960.
(M.P. L.3974.)
Mr. A. S. Chilingirian, Technical Assistant, 1st
Grade, Public Works Department, on 17th June,
(M.P. P.2460.)
Mr. Ch. Christofi, Foreman, 1st Grade, Public
Works Department, on 1st Mav, 1960.
(M.P. P.8868.)
No. 633. Cyprus Police Force.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased
to award the Colonial Police Long Service Medal
to the following members of the Cyprus Police
Force : —
P.S. 520 Adnan Djemal.
P.C. 662 Assim Arif.
(M.P. 750/49/11.)
No. 634. Water Development Department.
Applications are invited for the post of Chief
Water Development Officer in the Water Develop–
ment Department. The appointment will be on
contract for a period of two years in the first
instance. The salary of the post is £1,460X50—
1,560X60—1,800 per annum. Cost-of-living allow–
ance is also payable at the rate approved by Govern–
ment from time to time, the present rate being
2 8 £ % of salary. In case of exceptional qualifications
and experience a higher salary may be offered.
Duties and responsibilities : To take charge of the
administration of the Department of Water Deve–
lopment and of investigations, planning and the
execution of water development works for the
Government of Cyprus.
Qualifications : Degree in Civil Engineering and
Associate Membership of the Institution of Civil
Engineers or their equivalent. Not less than 15
years successful post-graduate experience in the
design and construction of water development works
including conservation, irrigation (including dam
construction), drainage, river training, town and
rural water supplies, etc. Experience in water
development in semi-arid countries will be an
advantage. Candidates between the ages of 40 and
5U will be preferred.
Applications should be submitted on Form Gen. 6
and posted in time to reach the Ministry of Agri–
culture and Natural Resources, Nicosia, not later
than the 16th July, 1960. Applicants in the Govern–
ment Service should submit their applications
through the Head of their Department.
(M.P. 6027/58.)
No. 635. Water Development Department.
Applications are invited for the post of Assistant
Chief Water Development Officer in the Department
of Water Development. The appointment will be on
contract for a period of two years in the first instance.
The salary of the post is £1,452x48—1,644 per
annum. Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at
the rate approved by Government from time to time,
the present rate being 2 8 £ % of salary. In case of
exceptional qualifications and experience a higher
salary may be offered.
Duties and responsibilities : T o assist the Chief
Water Development Officer in the administration of
the Water Development Department; to undertake
and supervise hydrological and hydrogeological inves–
tigations ; to plan and supervise ground water deve–
lopment and water conservation schemes ; to super–
vise town and village water supply schemes and
irrigation works ; and to advise on geological matters.
Qualifications : A University degree in geology is
essential. Experience in hydrological investigations,
in drilling for water and in general Civil Engineering,
including water supply and irrigation works, is