MAY, i960.
No. 536.
Tenders for the supply of 100,000 sheets of
foolscap duplicating paper and 100,000 sheets of
ruled paper to the Pedagogic Academy, Nicosia,
should reach the President of the Tender Board,
the Treasury, Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m. on
Saturday the 18th June, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to tenderers on
application to the Secretary, Pedagogic Academy,
No. 537.
Tenders for the supply of 150—200 okes of ice
daily to the Nicosia General Hospital, Mental
Hospital and Sanatorium, Athalassa, for the Medical
Department should reach the Treasury not later
than 10 a.m. on the 4th June, 1960.
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Director of Medical Services.
N o . 538.
Tenders for the collection of Paphos Hospital
swill for the Medical Department should reach the
Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on the 11th June,
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Director of Medical Services or the
District Medical Officer, Paphos Hospital.
No. 539.
Tenders for the supply of foodstuff and other
groceries for the Pedagogic Academy, Nicosia, for
the period 1st September, 1960, to 31st August,
1961, should reach the President of the Tender
Board, the Treasury, Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m.
00 Saturday the 6th August, 1960.
2. Purchases will be made periodically as and
when the goods are required and should be deli–
vered to the Stores of the Academy.
3. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Secretary, Pedagogic Academy,
No. 540.
Tenders for the purchase of 3,887 fresh pine
trees standing in Dhiorios and Ayia Irini forests,
and 2,737 fresh pine trees standing in Karmi and
Lapithos forests should reach the Tender Board,
Treasury, Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m. on Satur–
day the 4th June, 1960.
2. Details may be obtained from the Divisional
Forest Office at Halevga.
No. 541.
Tenders for the collection of Larnaca Hospital
swill for the Medical Department, should reach the
Treasury not later than 10 a.m. on the 4th June,
2. Details will be supplied to tenderers on appli–
cation to the Director of Medical Services or the
District Medical Officer, Larnaca Hospital.
No. 542.
Tenders are invited for the supply to Government
of local green soap and soda ash. The period of
the contract will be 6 months from 1st July, 1960.
2. Tender and Price Schedule Forms may be
obtained on application to the Acting Senior Stores-
Officer, Nicosia.
3. The closing date for acceptance of tenders,.
which should be submitted to the President of the
Tender Board, Treasury H.Qs., is at 10 a.m. on
Saturday the 18th June, 1960.
No. 543.
Tenders for the supply of M.S. Bars to the
Government Central Stores, should reach the office
of the President, Tender Board, Treasury H.Qs.
Nicosia, not later than 10 a.m. on Saturday the 4th
June, 1960.
2. Particulars will be supplied to the tenderers-
on application to the Acting Senior Stores Officer,.
No. 544.
Tenders are invited for the supply and transport
of the following road materials to Dhikomo-
road : —
(i) 1,200 cubic yards of river gravel.
(ii) 3,000 cubic yards of metal 2"—3".
(iii) 706 cubic yards of chipping §".
(iv) 1,100 cubic yards of chipping §".
(v) 700 cubic yards of curb line.
2. These tenders should reach the Acting"
Treasurer not later than 10 a.m. of the 4th June
3. Details can be supplied to tenderers by the
Chief Village Roads Foreman, Commissioner's-
Office, Nicosia.
No. 545.
Tenders for the purchase of 996 fresh pine trees-
estimated at 5,668 cubic feet round under bark
standing in Makheras forest locality " Vromonera ",
compartments 96, 97 and part of 98 should reach
the Tender Board, Treasury, Nicosia, not later than-
10 a.m. on Saturday the 11th June, 1960.
2. Details may be obtained from the Divisional
Forest Office at Platania.
No. 546.
Tenders for the supply of : —
4 Vertical Turbine Pumps,
4 Diesel Engines,
2 Vertical Turbine Pumps,
should reach the Treasury not later than 10 a.m.
on 4th June, I960. Further particulars can be*
obtained from the Department of Water Develop–
By His Excellency's Command,
Acting Administrative Secretary.
Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.
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