No. 446.
Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical and
Mechanical), Public Works Department.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Cypriot candidates for a vacancy in the permanent
and pensionable post of Assistant Chief Engineer
in the Public Works Department. The appoint–
ment will be made on a temporary or acting basis in
the first instance. The post is on salary scales
£1,236X42-1,404X48—1,548 and £1,404X48—
1,596 combined. A cost-of-living allowance is also
payable at the rate approved by Government from
time to time, the present rate being 281% of salary.
The successful candidate may be allowed to enter
the salary scale of the post according to qualifica–
tions and experience.
2. Duties and responsibilities : Responsible to the
Chief Engineer for the administrative control and
operation of the Electrical and Mechanical Section
of the Department ; the installation, operation and
maintenance of all electrical plant and equipment
in the charge of the Department ; the regular inspec–
tion, repair and naintenance of all Government plant
and vehicles ; statutory electrical and/or mechanical
inspections and investigations as may be required
and any other duties which may be assigned to him
by the Chief Engineer.
3. Qualifications required : He should hold a Uni–
versity Degree or diploma in mechanical engineering
and should have had several years' experience in
mechanical and electrical work. Corporate Member–
ship of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, or
an equivalent Institution would be desirable.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Communications and Works not later
than the 26th May, 1960. Applications from persons
in the Government service should be submitted
through the Heads of their Departments.
(M.P. 6074/50.)
Assistant Chief Engineer, Public Works
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Cypriot candidates for a vacancy in the permanent
and pensionable post of Assistant Chief Engineer
in the Public Works Department. The appointment
will be made on a temporary or acting basis in the
first instance. The post is on salary scales
£1,236X42—1,404X48—1,548 and £1,404X48—
1,596 combined. A cost-of-living allowance is also
payable at the rate approved by Government from
time to time, the present rate being 2 8 £ % of
salary. The successful candidate may be allowed
to enter the salary scale of the post according to
qualifications and experience.
2. Duties and responsibilities : Responsible for all
works of civil engineering nature ; preparation of
schemes ; checking all estimates in connection with
new roads and bridges ; fixing all standards and
classification of roads and generally carrying out
such duties as the Chief Engineer may from time
to time assign to him.
3. Qualifications required: Candidates should
possess a University Degree or diploma in civil engi–
neering ; Corporate Membership of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, or an equivalent Institution would
be desirable ; they should have had several years'
engineering experience especially on road construc–
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Communications and Works, not later
than the 26th May, 1960. Applications from persons
in the Government service should be submitted
through the Heads of their Departments.
(M.P. 6074/50.)
T E , 5TH M A Y , i960.
448. Assistant Senior
Mines Officer.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Turkish Cypriots for a vacancy in the post of
Assistant Senior Mines Officer. The appointment
will be made on a temporary or acting basis in the
first instance. The salary scale of the post is £1,128
per annum rising by annual increments of £36 to
£1,236 and then by £42 to £1,362 per annum.
Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at the rate
approved by Government from time to time, the
present rate being 2 8 £ % of salary. The successful
candidate may be allowed to enter the salary scale
of the post at a point above the minimum according
to qualifications and experience.
2. Duties and responsibilities : To assist in the
administration of the Mines Department and to
d putise for the Senior Mines Officer when
necessary ; to perform any specific duties which may
be assigned to him by the Senior Mines Officer.
3. Qualifications required : Candidates must be
graduates of a recognised School of Mines or in
possession of equivalent University qualifications.
They • hould have had several years' post-graduate
experience, preferably in underground mining.
Experience in carrying out dust and ventilation
surveys in and about mines would be an advantage.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Senior Mines Officer
not later than the 26th May, 1960. Applications
from persons in the Government service should be
submitted through the Heads of their Departments.
(M.P. 6010/53.)
Assistant Senior Stores Officer, Stores
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Turkish Cypriots for a vacancy in the post of
Assistant Senior Stores Officer. The appointment
will be made on a temporary or acting basis in the
first instance. The salary scale of the post is £900
per annum rising by annual increments of £30 to
£1,020 and then by £36 to £1,056 per annum.
Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at the rate
approved by Government from time to time, the
present rate being 2 8 £ % of salary.
2. Duties and responsibilities : T o assist in the
administration of the Stores Department and to
deputise for the Senior Stores Officer when
necessary ; to perform any other suitable duties that
may be assigned to him by the Senior Stores Officer.
3. Qualifications required : Candidates should be
graduates of a secondary school and should possess
a sound knowledge of all aspects of stores control
and accounting. They should have had practical
experience in a large Stores Undertaking and some
years' experience in an executive and administrative
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Finance, not later than the 26th May,
1960. Applications from persons in the Government
service should be submitted through the Heads of
their Departments.
(M.P. 6007/58.)
No. 450.
The W a r Loan Regulations, 1943-
A drawing of Bonds by
will take place at
the Treasury Headquarters on Thursday the 12th
May, i960, at 11 a.m. The redemption prices,
will be as follows :—
1 Bond @ £500
5 Bonds @ £100 each
10 Bonds @ £ 50 „
70 Bonds @ £ 25