TH MAY, i960.
No. 440. Confirmation of Appointments.
Mr. G. McGillivray as Air Traffic Control Officer
from 7th April, 1958.
(M.P. P.7047.)
S. S. Ilkay as
Turkish Family Courts,
Judicial Department, from 1st May, 1958.
(M.P. P.745S.)
Mr. M . Unsal as Dental Officer, Class II, Medical
Department, from 1st May, 1958. (M.P. P.7492.)
Mr. A. C. Papaioannou as Lecturer, Teachers'
Training College, Greek Education Office, from
1st September. 1958.
(M.P. P.7406.)
No. 441. Leave of Absence.
Mr. A. H. S. Megaw, C.B.E., Director of Antiquities,
was absent on casual leave (7 days) from 14th to
20th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.2183/2.)
Dr. Z. G. Panos, Assistant Director of Medical
Services, proceeded abroad on duty on 1st May,
(M.P. L.2274.)
Dr. G. N. Marangos, Senior Specialist (Surgeon),
Medical Department, is granted vacation leave
from 19th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.3745.)
Mr. M. S. Kalindjian, Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Finance, was absent on vacation leave
(84 days) and passage leave (1 day) from 8th
December, 1959 to 1st March, 1960.
(M.P. L.4208.)
Mr. D. W . Burnett Rae, Director of Civil Aviation,
was absent on casual leave (8 days) from 6th to
13th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.4675.)
Mr. A. Orhan, Chief Officer, Veterinary Services,
was absent from the Colony on duty from 1st to
14th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.1894.)
Mr. D. P. McGregor, Assistant Director of Water
Development, was absent on vacation leave
(58 days), passage leave (10 days) and extension
of leave on full pay (32 days) from 23rd Januarv
to 1st May, 1960.
(M.P. L.3937.)
Dr. C. S. Hji Georghiou, Medical Officer, Class I,
Medical Department, was absent on vacation
leave (82 days), passage leave (14 days) and exten–
sion of leave without pay (102 days) from 19th
September, 1959 to 3rd April, 1960.
(M.P. L.4571.)
Mr. J. C. Papadopoullos, Acting Chief Officer, Ani–
mal Husbandry, was absent from the Colony on
duty (14 days) from 1st to 14th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.4202.)
Mrs. B. R. Ashiotis, Nursing Sister, Medical De–
partment, is granted vacation and passage leave
from 24th April, 1960.
(M.P. L.4601.)
?vfiss E. R. Martin, Nursing Sister, Medical Depart–
ment, was absent on vacation leave (96 days),
passage leave (10 days) and extension of leave on
full pay (91 days) from 9th October, 1959 to 22nd
April, 1960. '
(M.P. L.6004.)
N o . 442.
Mr. N. Jacovides, Technical Assistant, Planning and
Housing Department, with effect from 20th April,
(M.P. P.3944.)
No. 443.
Mr. J. S. Bezdikian, Health Inspector, 1st Grade,
Medical Department, on
May, 1960.
(M.P. P. 1932.)
Mr. C.
Technical Assistant, 2nd Grade,
Public Works Department, on 1st May, 1960.
(M.P. P.8865.)
Miss P. Demetriadou, Stenographer,
General Clerical Staff, on 12th February, 1960.
(M.P. P.7338.)
No. 444.
Deputy Chief Engineer, Public Works
V A C A N C Y .
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Cypriot candidates for a vacancy in the permanent
and pensionable post of Deputy Chief Engineer in
the Public Works Department. The appointment
will be made on a temporary or acting basis in the
first instance. The salary scale of the post is
£1,380 per annum rising by annual increments of
£50 to £1,580 and then by £60 to £1,700 per
annum. Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at
the rate approved by Government from time to
time, the present rate being 28^,9^ of salary.
2. Duties and responsibilities : T o assist in the
administration of the Department and deputise for
the Chief Engineer when necessary. To earn" out
such specific duties as the Chief Engineer may assign
to him.
3. Qualifications required : Candidates should
possess a University Degree in Civil Engineering or
an equivalent civil engineering qualification ; Cor–
porate Membership of the Institution of Civil En–
gineers or an equivalent Institution would be desi–
rable. They should have had several years' engi–
neering experience some of which should have been
in an administrative and executive capacity.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 and should reach the Administrative Officer,
Ministry of Communications and Works, not later
than the 26th May, 1960. Applications from persons
in the Government service should be submitted
through the Heads of their Departments.
(M.P. 6160/51.)
No. 445.
Senior Architect, Public Works Department.
V A C A N C Y .
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
Cypriot candidates for a vacancy in the permanent
and pensionable post of Senior Architect in the
Public Works Department. The appointment will
in the first instance be made on a temporary or
acting basis. The post is on the salary scales £1,236
X42—1,404X48—1,548 and £1,404X48—1,596
combined. A cost-of-living allowance is also pay–
able at the rate approved by the Government from
time to time, the present rate being 2 8 £ % of salary.
The successful candidate may be allowed to enter
the salary scales of the post according to qualifi–
cations and experience.
2. Duties and responsibilities : The planning, de–
signing and estimating of new buildings together
with major structural additions and alterations ; the
preparation of working drawings, specifications,
quantities and contract documents ; responsibility
for periodic inspections of all Government buildings
and for advising Divisional Engineers during con–
struction of new building works. In charge of the
Drawing Office at Headquarters. Advises the Chief
Engineer on all matters appertaining the building
3. Qualifications required : Candidates should
possess a University Degree or diploma in architec–
ture ; Associateship of the Royal Institute of British
Architects or an equivalent Institution would be
desirable ; they should have had several years' expe–
rience in architectural practice.
4. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6
reach the
Administrative Officer.
Ministry of Communications and Works
not later
than the
26th May, 1960. Applications
the Government service should be submitted
through the Heads of their Departments.
(M.P. 6162/51.)