Mr. D. P. McGregor, Assistant Director of Water
Development, is granted vacation and passage
leave from 23rd January, i960.
(M.P. L.3937.)
Mr. A. Orhan, Chief Officer, Veterinary Services,
was absent from the Colony on duty from 28th
February to 21st March, i960.
(M.P. L.1894O
Mr. A. Orhan, Chief Officer, Veterinary Services,
proceeded abroad on duty on ist April, i960.
(M.P. L.1894.)
Mr. H. F. Zetter, Education Officer, Class I,
Education Department, was absent on vacation
leave (130 days), passage leave (10 days) and
extension of leave on full pay (91 days) from
21st August, 1959 to 7th April, i960.
(M.P. L.3354.)
Mr. T. L. Pouros, Chief Co-operative Officer
(Greek), proceeded abroad on duty and vacation
leave on 6th April, i960. (M.P. L.2383.)
No. 380.
Mr. S. Th. Theocharides, Assistant Labour Officer,
Labour Department, with effect from ioth
April, i960.
(M.P. P.6533.)
No. 381.
Mr. A. Papaconstantinou, Assistant Superinten–
dent of Police, Cyprus Police Force, on 9th
April, i960.
(M.P. P.4371.)
Mr. E. Papatheodotou, Chief Inspector of Police,
on 30th March, i960.
(M.P. P.3751.)
Mr. A. Sidki, Customs and Excise Officer, 3rd
Grade, Customs and Excise Department, on ist
April, i960.
(P. 363.)
No. 382.
Temporary Assistant Welfare Officer, Male,
Social Welfare Department, Greek Section.
Applications are invited from Greek Cypriots
for the temporary post of Assistant Welfare
Officer, Male, in the Greek Section of the Social
Welfare Department. The salary of the post is
£426 per annumrisingby annual increments of
£24 to £594, plus cost-of-living allowance at the
approved rate, which is at present 28|%.
2. Duties and responsibilities : Social case-work
with delinquents, deprived, destitute and related
cases. The work includes the submission of
reports and correspondence both in Greek and
English and entails visiting and interviewing.
The work is not confined to office hours.
3. Qualifications : Knowledge of English to
Distinction level ; general education to standard
of Cyprus Certificate of Education ; strong phy–
sique ; intelligence ; personality ; maturity and
temperamental stability ; ability to win confidence
and to deal with others patiently and sympathe–
4. Candidates, who should be British subjects,
should not be less than 22 and not more than 35
years old. The successful candidate should be
prepared to work anywhere in the Island and to
travel in village areas.
5. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6. They should be addressed to the Chief
Welfare Officer (Greek) and posted to arrive not
later than the 25th April, i960. Applications
from Government officials and employees should
be submitted through their Head of Department.
No. 383.
Rules relating to the Management of the
" Cyprus Government Social Security
1. The name of the Scheme shall be the " Cyprus
Government Social Security Scheme " (hereinafter
referred to as " the Scheme " ) .
Committee of Management.
3.—(1) The Scheme shall be under the manage–
ment of a Committee consisting of :—
The Director of Medical Services as Chairman
(hereinafter referred to as " the Chairman")
or his representative ;
The Director of Public Works or his repre–
sentative ;
The Chief Insurance Officer or his represen–
tative ;
The Accountant-General or his representative;
The Director of Water Development or his
representative ;
The Secretary of the Electricity Authority of
Cyprus or his representative ;
Five representatives to be nominated by the
following employees' organizations :—
Two from the Pancyprian Federation of
Labour (Old Trade Unions) ;
One from the Cyprus Workers' Confederation
(New Trade Unions) ;
One from the Federation of Turkish Trade
Unions ;
One from the Pancyprian Federation of Inde–
pendent Trade Unions.
(2) The Committee of Management shall meet at
least once every three months and at such other times
as may be necessary, to review any cases in dispute
and to examine thefinancialstatus of the Scheme ;
it will have power to reduce or increase the benefits
allowed depending on the financial position of the
(3) The Committee of Management shall be
empowered to delegate specific duties to Sub-
(4) The Committee shall be authorised to pay the
expenses of management and all other expenses
incurred in connection with the Scheme.
(5) Seven members of the Committee of Manage–
ment shall form a quorum. If six members of the
Committee vote in favour then the decision will be
binding on the Scheme.
4. The Committee of Management shall keep such
accounts as may be approved from time to time by
the Accountant-General. The remuneration of any
staff engaged for the keeping of these accounts and
for any other purpose connected with the Scheme, as
Object of the Scheme.
2. The object of the Scheme is :—
(a) to provide social security against sickness for
Government employees of the status of
" Regular Employee " as described in para.
10 (1) of the " Regulations concerning the
wages and conditions of employment of
Government employees " and for employees
of public, semi-public and other concerns,
which are duly recommended by the Com–
mittee of Management and approved by
Government ; and every such employee shall
hereinafter be referred to as the " Con–
tributor " ;
{b) to extend medical aid and pay benefits to
Contributors and their dependants during
sickness ;
{c) to pay such other benefits as may be approved
by the Committee in accordance with these