No. 3x1.
The Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations.
(S. L.
V O L .
p. 215).
N O T I C E U N D E R R E G U L A T I O N 20.
1. In this Notice, unless the context otherwise
" premises" means the premises of any
pharmacist registered under section 15 of the
Pharmacy and Poisons Law, Cap. 132 and Law
20 of 1958.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and
4 ofthis Notice, every pharmacist carrying on business
in the towns of Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta and
Larnaca shall, in the months of April, May, June,
July, August and September, i960, not open and
keep open his premises :
(a) during Sundays ;
(b) after 2 p.m. on Saturdays ;
(c) from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. on other days ;
{d) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on other days as
from the 15th May, i960 to 15th September,
i960, both dates inclusive :
Provided that a pharmacist may open his premises
on Saturdays or Sundays or during the aforesaid
hours in any other day of the week for the purpose
of dispensing a medical prescription when such
{a) bears the words " Drugs not available "
inserted therein and is signed and dated
by any pharmacist who under the provisions
of paragraph 3 of this Notice, must keep
his premises open ; or
{b) is produced to him between the hours of
11 p.m. to 5 a.m. of the day following.
3. Every pharmacist whose serial number under
the First Schedule hereto appears in the third,
fourth, fifth or sixth column of the Second Schedule
hereto respectively shall, on each day appearing in
the second column of the said Schedule, keep his
premises open :
(a) b tween 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. of such day;
(b) between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. of such days,
as from the 15th May to 15th September,
i960, both dates inclusive;
(c) between 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Saturday :
Provided that every such pharmacist, notwith–
standing that he has closed his premises at
11 p.m. as aforesaid, shall, nevertheless, remain
available and ready to dispense any prescription at
all hours until 5 a.m. of the following day:
Provided further that, if the drugs required for
dispensing such prescription are not stocked by such
pharmacist, he shall mark on the prescription " Drugs
not available " and shall sign the same recording
thereon the date and hour.
4. Every pharmacist, whose serial number under
the First Schedule hereto appears in the third,
fourth, fifth or sixth column of the Third Schedule
hereto respectively shall, on each Sunday appearing
in the second column of the said Schedule, keep his
premises open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
5. Every pharmacist shall, before closing on every
day, cause to be exhibited in a conspicuous place
visible from the outside of his premises for the
information of the public the name and address of
each pharmacist in his town who is included in the
Second and "Third Schedules in respect of that day.
6. This notice shall come into operation on the
1st day of April, i960, and shall expire on the
30th day of September, i960.
1 Diamantis Michaelides
2 Melis Pyrgos
Street & Number Town
, 74 Libertis Str. N'sia.
. Constantinos Pale-
ologos Str., Dr.
Lyssarides Building,,
3 Christodoulos Kontopoullos Solon-Hippocrates
Str. corner
4 Markides Pharmacy .. 29-31 Phaneromeni
5 D. M . Koumas
6 M . P. Ghalanos
7 A. Papageorghis
8 Stamatis Gongolas
9 H. Timour
10 Odysseas Ioannou
11 Emilios Sawides
12 A. Karavias
13 M . Tewfik
14 Pierides Pharmacy
15 Odysseas & Themistokleous
16 A. Georghiades
17 M . S. Jacovides
18 C. Taliadoros
19 Ledra Pharmacy No. 1
20 Ledra Pharmacy No. 2
21 Aziz Pharmacy
22 Syntechniacon Pharma-..
kion Ltd. No. 2
23 G. Ioannou
24 G. Mitsingas
25 Chr. Papageorghis
26 Doros Poullis
27 Omiros Anastassiades
28 Pasteur Pharmacy
29 English Pharmacy
30 M . Munir
31 T. Koumas
32 British Pharmacy
33 N. Christodoulides
34 II. Palantzis
35 G. M . Economides
36 N. Stavrides
37 Jenner Pharmacy
38 C. M . Economides
Takis Christodoulides
C. Chrysanthis
Gaston Berberis
N. Tofarides
Nearchos Gavrielides
G. C. Michaelides
M . E. Kypreos
G. Eliades
47 N. Paraskevopoulos
48 Kikis Demetriades
G. Papadopoulos
P. Ch. Michaelides & Son
Peter's Pharmacy
Philips Pharmacy
Char. Kon'opoullos
Royal Pharmacv
Nikitas & Son Pharmacv . .
Z. I. Ishin
C. Tsigarides
Avshe Dana
59 L. Loizou
60 Pharmakion to Laikon Ltd.
61 Yiannakis Christodoulides
62 G. S. Potamitis
63 Takis S. Potamitis
64 Photios Apostolides
65 Andreas Lambrou
66 John N. Yerolemis
67 A. Antonudes'Pharmacy. .
68 A. Christodoulou Ltd.
69 Pharmacy M. R. Gullboy..
70 Peoples' Pharmacy Ltd. . .
Street & Number
93, Tricoupi Str.
77 Ledra Str.
20 Evripides Str.
43 Phaneromeni Str.
98 Kyrenia Str.
10 Libertis Str.
25 Solon Str.
101 Tricoupi Str.
6A Medjitie Str.
82-86 Kykkou Str.
3 G Kallipolis Str.
71 Kykkou Str.
10 Vitsi Str.
162 Ledra Str.
Pedieos Building
11-13 Paphos Str.
76, Victoria Str.
32 Lefkonos Str.
122 Ledra Str. ,
132 Hermes Str. „
Stoa Phaneromeni
Papadopoullos „
196 Ledra Str. „
142 Paphos Str. „
35-37 Aesculapius Str. ,>
67 Ledra Str.
1 Medjitie Str. „
16 Libertis Str. „
60-62 Ledra Str.
15 Sophokleous Str. „
9 Lefkonos Str. „
3 Ariadnes Str. ,
276 Hermes Str. „
38 Phaneromeni Str. ,
91 Kykkou Str.
22 Onasagorou Str. ,
115 Ledra Str. „
24, Lefkonos Str. „
75 Kykkou Str. „
7, Pygmalion Str. „
16B Tricoupi Str. „
52 Aesculapius Str. „
93 Aeschylou Str. ,,
67 Libertis Str. ,
5 Sophokleous Str. ,
19A Onasagorou Str. ,
39-41 Libertis Str.
23 Homer Str. ,.
254 Ledra Str. ,,
82 Themistocleous Str.,,
99 Onasagorou Str. ,,
23B Ariadnes Str. ,,
11 Attaturk Square ,,
7 Homer Avenue ,,
51 Kyrenia Str. .,
117 St. Andrew Str. L'ssoi.
62 Saripolou Str. ,,
74 Victoria Str. ,.
95 St. Andrew Str. „
49 Saripolou Str. ,,
146 St. Andrew Str. „
2 Haji Loizou Str. ,,
7 Spartis Str. ,,
115 Athanasiou Sa-
kelariou Str. ,,
78B Hellas Str.,
4 Ankara Str.
Costis Palamas Str. ,,
71 Kyriaki Talia
72 Costas Spanos
73 Nebil Nabi
74 Aesculapius Pharmacy
75 M . S. Michaelides
76 A. Anastassiades
77 Hero Telemachou
78 N. Psathas
79 St. Kareklas
80 D. S. Vorgas
81 Chr. Kounnas
82 A. A. Karoulas
83 Pharmakion Syntechnion
Ammochostou Ltd.
84 The Fleming Pharmacy .
85 M . Kyriakou
. 9 Kimon Str. F'gusta.
. 120 Hermes Str. „
. 5 Princess Elizabeth Str.,,
. 10 Edward VIII Str. „
. 36 Hermes Str. „
. 140 Hermes Str. „
. . Near Hereon Cinema „
. . 4 B Parthenon Str. ,»
. . 23 Hermes Str. ,
. . 5A Evagoras Str. ,,
. . 5 4 D Edward VIII Str.,,
, . 48 Aeschylou Str. ,
. Aeschylou Str., opposite
Hereon Cinema „
. 42 Edward VIII Str. „
. 16 Evagoras Str. ,,
86 G. V. Vikis
87 G. Evangelides
88 St. Stavrides
89 K. Kyriakides
90 G.Kyriazis
91 Pharmakion ton
menon Ltd.
92 N. Tsepis
.. 27 Zenon Kitiefs Str. L'ca*.
.. 43 Zenon Kitiefs Str. ,,
. . 34 D. N. DimitriouStr. „
.. 10 Queen Victoria Str. „
.. 113 Hermes Str. „
Ergazo- 17 Municipal Market
.. 186 Hermes Str. „