fE, 17TH MARCH, i960.
Hospital or institution. 90°
of the fees paid for
consulting practice is reimbursed to the officer.
4. The primary duties of the post are : General
or special medical work in a Government Hospital,
a rural health unit or a rural area. In hospitals
the medical duties will be assigned by the Medical
Superintendent or Medical Officer-in-charge. The
duties of a rural medical officer are concerned with
the curative and preventive work in the area assigned
to him. He should make regular visits to the villages
in the area, to obtain information as to any conditions
injurious to health ; give medical treatment to
persons entitled to it ; report on and take the
necessary steps in all cases of notifiable diseases ;
inspect for health purposes slaughter-houses, food-
handling establishments, water supplies, etc., and
advise on the sanitary condition of each village ;
visit schools in the area and carry out a general
examination and the treatment of children ; give
professional advice free of charge in medico-legal
inquiries and carry out autopsies when asked to do
so by the authorities concerned ; in general to
perform any medical duties which may be assigned
to him by the Director of Medical Services or the
senior medical officer in charge of his district.
5. The persons appointed to the post will be liable
to be posted anywhere in Cyprus including towns
or rural areas, or may be attached to one of the town
hospitals where their duties will be such general
medical duties as may be assigned to them by the
officer in charge of the particular hospital.
6. Candidates, who must not be over 40 years
of age, should be Cypriots and have good knowledge
of the English language and be duly registered
medical practitioners under the Medical Registration
7. Applications should be submitted on Form
Gen. 6 to the Acting Director of Medical Services
not later than Monday the 28th March, i960.
(M.D. 155/48/2.)
No. 276.
Nursing Sister, Medical Department.
Applications are invited for a number of vacan–
cies in the post of Nursing Sister. The post is
permanent and pensionable but the appointments
will be made on a temporary basis in the first
instance. The salary of the post is £426 per annum,
rising by annual increments of £24 to £594 per
annum, plus a Board and Lodging allowance of £120
per annum repayable if the Sister lives in Hospital.
Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at the rate
approved by Government from time to time, the
present rate being 2 8 i % of salary and Board
and Lodging allowance. Uniform is also provided
free of charge.
Duties and responsibilities : To serve as a Ward
Sister in a Hospital or as Sister-in-Charge of a
district hospital. The duties in the case of a Ward
Sister are : —
{a) To organize the nursing requirements of a
ward. In addition, she may be required to
supervise other wards during off-duty
periods of other Sisters.
{b) To be responsible for the dressing of sur–
gical cases and for the treatment, feeding,
cleanliness and comfort of the patients in
her ward.
{c) T o be responsible for the medical and sur–
gical equipment and drugs, for the care of
linen and household goods and for the
cleanliness of the wards.
{d) To train student nurses on the wards.
{e) To do night duty as and when required,
usually one month in nine.
(/) Such other nursing duties in the hospital
or out-patients Department as may be as–
signed to her.
The duties in the case of a Sister-in-charge of a
district hospital are : —
(a) T o be responsible for the nursing efficiency
of the hospital including discipline and
welfare of nurses and domestic staff.
{b) T o be responsible for the general welfare
and care of the patiens.
{c) To be responsible for the diets of patients
and staff.
{d) T o be responsible for the checking of
hospital stores and equipment, and
{e) Such other duties as may be assigned to
her in connection with the running of the
hospital and nursing of the sick.
The candidates should be State Registered
Nurses in the United Kingdom or should possess
equivalent qualifications ; they should have passed
Part I of the State Certificate in Midwifery, and
should possess experience in ward administration.
Applications should be submitted on Form Gen. 6
to the Acting Director of Medical Services not
later than Monday the 28th March, 1960.
(M.D. 184/60.)
No. 277.
Radiographer, Medical Department.
Applications are invited from Turkish female candi–
dates for a number of vacancies in the permanent but
non-pensionable post of Assistant Radiographer in the
Medical Department. The appointment will,
however, be made on a temporary basis in the first
instance. The salary of the post is £234 per annum
rising by annual increments of £15 to £264 and then
by £18 to £336 per annum, plus cost-of-living allow–
ance at the rate approved by Government from time
to time, the present rate being 2 8 ^ % of salary.
2. Candidates, who must be Cypriots, should
possess a good knowledge of English and must be
graduates of a Secondary School.
3. Applicants should submit their applications on
Form Gen. 6 (obtainable from the Government
Employment Exchanges) to reach the Director of
Medical Services not later than Monday the 28th
March, i960.
(M.D. 272/44/2.)
No. 278. Midwife, Medical Department.
Applications are invited for a number of vacancies
in the post of Midwife in the Medical Department.
The post is permanent but non-pensionable but the
appointment will in the first instance be on a tem–
porary basis. The salary of the post is £234 p.a.
rising by annual increments of ^15 to £264 and then
by £18 to £336, plus a board and lodging allowance
of £80 per annum, repayable if employed in a Hos–
pital. Cost-of-living allowance is also payable at the
rate approved by Government from time to time,
the present rate being 2 8 ^ % of salary, and Board
and Lodging allowance. Uniform is also provided
free of charge.
2. Applicants, who must be Cypriots, should be
Registered Midwives. Their duties will be Mid–
wifery, either Hospital or domiciliary, as may be
assigned to them from time to time, and will include
ante-natal and post-natal care of patients and infant
3. Applications should be submitted on Form Gen. 6
(obtainable at any Government Employment Ex–
change) and should reach the Acting Director of
Medical Services not later than Monday, the 28th
March, i960.
(M.D. 156/56.)
No. 279.
Student Physiotherapist, Medical Department.
V A C A N C Y .
Applications are invited from Turkish female can–
didates for one vacancy in the post of Student Phy–
siotherapist. The salary of the post is £234 per annum
rising by annual incrments of £15 to £264 and then
by £18 to £336 per annum plus cost-of-living