* C U S T O M S S T O R E RENT—<ontinued.
_t-r HO *•_-..
is exempt from payment of rent for any period not exceeding 20 days
from thefirstlanding thereof (herein called the "firstperiod " ) . After the
expiration of thefirstperiod such article will for any period not exceeding one
month next following thefirstperiod (herein called the " second period ") be
liable to the payment of the bonded warehouse rent charges stated below.
After the expiration of the second period such article will for any period
next following the second period be liable for the payment of the
Customs store rent charges stated above.
The Customs store rent for exports is as follows :—
1. For any article deposited in any Government store or warehouse, pending shipment,
one-halfofthe charges payable in respect ofsuch article under Imports above is payable as rent.
2. For any article deposited in any Government quay, yard or place, pending shipment,
a sum of lp. "per each square yard occupied by such article is payable as rent for each
month or any part thereof.
N o rent is payable on any article deposited in any Government store, warehouse,
quay, yard or place, pending shipment, for a period of six days inclusive of the day of
deposit and the day of shipment.
The Customs bonded warehouse rent payable on articles deposited in bond in any of Orderof theGoYernor,
the Customs Bonded Warehouses at Famagusta, Larnaca or Limassoi (
), pending P*
- j> •"•'«• -*?•«W
- .,
ot 2nd June, 193.>, _
re-exportation, is as follows :—
amended by Orderpub.
1. Wine, spirits or any other liquid whatsoever :—
Per week or any part _ gag, JJ
_ 2359 of 8th
(1) For thefirsttwelve months from the first landing
April, 1934.
thereof for any package—
(a) not exceeding 2 gallons .. .. .. .. 1 p.
(6) exceeding 2 gallons but not exceeding 6 gallons l\p.
(c) exceeding 6 gallons but not exceeding 30 gals.. 2 p.
(d) exceeding 30 gallons but not exceeding 60 gals. 4 p.
(e) exceeding 60 gallons but not exceeding 100 gals. 6 p.
(f) exceeding 100 gallons .. .. .. .. Is.
(2) For any period next following, one-half of the above
charges is payable.
2. For tobacco or tumbeki (Persian tobacco):
(1) For thefirsttwelve months from the first landing
thereof, for every bag or bale—
(a) not exceeding 50 okes .. .. .. ..
(6) exceeding 50 okes .. .. .. .. .. Oip.
(2) For any period following the period in (1) above,
one-half of the above charges is payable.
3. For timber, for every 40 cubic feet .. .. .. .. 1 p.
4. For every package containing any article not otherwise
enumerated above :—
(a) not exceeding 20 okes gross .. .. .. .. Oip.
(6) exceeding 20 okes gross but not exceeding 100 okes gross 1 p.
(c) exceeding 100 okes gross but not exceeding 250okes gross 2 p.
(_) exceeding 250 okes gross but not exceeding 400 okes gross 3 p.
(e) exceeding 400 okes gross .. .. . .• .. .. Is.
5. For articles not otherwise enumerated above not packed in
any receptacle—
For every 100 okes or part thereof .. .. .. .. 1 p.
Per month or any part
6. For coal per 10 tons or any part thereof .. .. .. 2 p.
If any of the above specified articles is -withdrawn for home consumption from any
of the Customs bonded warehouses mentioned above, double the amount of the charges
payable in respect of such article is payable as rent.
For every square yard or portion thereof, for every month or
Regulation!of i-tJuaer
part thereof, to be paid in advance
1 p.
1925, pub. la Gas. So,
Provided that, where any space is hired for a consecutive period of not less than \£
£____&& % -*-
one year the charges m a y be reduced by such amount not exceeding four-fifths Regulation* of 13th
of the full charges as the Comptroller of Customs m a y in his discretion decide Sept., 1935, pub. in
having regard to the circumstances and the length of time for which the space ia
- ^°-
2468 oi 2
hired in each case.
(i) -ee Gazettes *So. 823 of 19th May, 1905, N'o. 1226 of 19th Mar, 1916, and No. 1149 of Sth Feb, 19*26, for the esUblishnwa* <*
Custom- Bonded W_r__ou_-_ at Laru-ic*. Famagusta, and Lim__sol. also Gazette Mo. 843 of I2th January, 1906, for Begalationi re-pestiag
tbe e-tabli.hmeat of private Bonded Warehouses.
(*) Textile- subject to quota are admitted only into the "Warehouses at Famagusta. (The Importation of Textiles (Quota)
__u-nd__e_c Xo. 1 Begulationa, 1934, pub. in Gazette N o . 2397 of 2Sth September, 1934.)