P I E R RATES-^onftnueci.
For erery con of the vessel's regiaeered connage
... ... per diem }p.
Exemptions.—Lighters and boats licensed under the Boats Regulations Law, 1S_4 •
fashing boats and pleasure boats; Ships of W a r ; Yachts belonging to recognised clubs
and wholly in ballast.
Vwsels and Lighters using the Crane paj the following races :—
For each single life for animals—
(1) Horses, donkeys, mules, cattle, camels ...
(2) Other
For each single lift for packages not exceeding 400 okes
„ exceeding 400 okes
For each double lift
Double the above rates are charged for the use of mechanical motor cranes.
The Customs Store rent for imports is as follows:—
Per day or any part
2 p.
2 p.
1. For articles not packed in any receptacle, for every 100 okes
or part thereof
2. For every package containing wine, spirits or any other
liquid whatsoever—
(a) not exceeding 2 gallons
(6) exceeding 2 gallons but not exceeding 40 gallons
(e) e:_cee<I__* 40 gallons
3. For every package containing machinery, cars, carriages,
glass or earthenware measuring—
(a) not more than 40 cubic feet .. .. ..
(6) more than 40 cubic feet but not more than SO cnbic feet
(e) more than 80 cubic feet
Jp. for every 20 cubic
ft. or any part thereof.
4. For everv package containing any article not otherwise
enumerated a b o v e —
(a) not exceeding 25 okes gross .. .. .. .. 1 p.
(6) exceeding 25 okes gross but not exceeding 200 okes gross
(c) exceeding 200 okes gross
.. 2 p.
Per week or any part
5. For timber, tiles, bricks, coal, potatoes or acorns .. .. 2p. per square yard.
The above charges are subject to the following provisoes:—
(a) For thefirstten days on which store rent is payable the full charges are
(6) For the ten days next following, one-half of the charges is payable.
(c) For every period next following, one-quarter of the charges is payable.
(_) N o rent is payable on any such article for a period offivedays from the
day of iLhefirstlanding thereof, inclusive of*the day of ln-n-jng and the day
of clearance, but exclusive of any Sunday or Customs holiday falling
within such period.
(e) N o rent is payable on any stores imported for the Imperial or the Island
Government. •
(/) N o rent is payable for any chemical manures for any period required for
any Government analysis in respect thereof before clearance.
(g) N o "rent is payable for any silkworm eggs for any period required for any
compliance in respect thereof with the Silkworm Industry Protection Rules,
1922, or any amendment thereof.
(h) Articles re-exported or removed to another port in the Island from any Customs
store, yard or place under Customs control and proved to the satisfaction ofthe
Comptroller of Customs and Inland Revenue to have been landed in error,
are exempt from payment of rent for two calendar months from the first
landing thereof.
(t) Goods consigned to the Governmsnt Railway for transport to a point beyond
Famagusta m a y remain, after all Custoi'as dues have been paid and Customs
formalities complied with, in the Customs premises, stores, yards or any
ot her place under Customs control at Famagusta free of rent for ten days
from the day following the landing excluding Sundays and Customs holidays.
(j) Goods sent in bond to Nicosia are allowed one clear day rent free for the time
occupied in transport of the goods by rail.
(k) A n v article, not put in bond, which has been landed and deposited in any
Cu-toms store, yard or any other place under Customs control at any port
in Cvprus and which has been declared at the time of landing to be destined
for any foreign port or for any port in Cyprus other than the port of landing
Regulation- of 30th
Mav. 1925. published ia
''Gazette N'o. 1721 of 25th
September, 1925.
Order of the Officer Ad–
ministering the Gorera-
meat published is _"_..
Ko. 1996 of 19th Julj,
Order of the Gorernor
pab. ia Gat. No. 229X
of 2nd June, 1935.