The importation of the following is prohibited except for medicinal and scientific
purpose, and under licence in writing of the Director of Medical Services :—
(a) medicinal opium ; (6) any extract or tincture of Indian hemo ; (c) morphine
and its salts, and diacetyl-morphine (commonly known as diamorphine or heroin)
and the other ester* of morphine and their respective salts ; (_) cocaine (including
synthetic cocaine) and ecgonine ("*) and their respective salts, and the esters of
ecgonine and their respective salts ; (e) any solution or dilution of morphine or
cocaine or their salts in an inert substance whether liquid or solid, containing
any proportion of morphine or cocaine, and any preparation, admixture, extract
or other substance (not being such a solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing
not less than one-fifth per cent, of morphine or one-tenth per cent, of cocaine or
of ecgonine ; (/) any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of diacetyl-morphine; {g) dihydrohydroxycodeinone, dihydroco-
deinone, dihydromorphinone, acetyldihydrocodeinone, dihydromorphine, their
esters and the salts of any of these substances and of their esters, morphine-X-oxide
(commonly known as genomorphine), the morphine-N-oxide derivatives, and
any other pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives; (A) thebaine and its
salts, methylmorphine (commonly known as codeine), and ethylmorphine (commonly
known as dionin) and their respective salts, and bcnzylmorphine and the other
ethers of morphine and their respective salts; (») any preparation, admixture,
extract or other substance containing any proportion"of anv of the substances
mentioned in (g) or (h) above.
"DUNG.—Importation prohibited save under licence from the Director of Agriculture. f
T R E E S , ETC.
E X P L O S I V E S — s e e
A M M U N I T I O N .
-Frxnl.i/.ICRS.—Any imported fertilizer shall be analysed, sacked, marked, and sealed
before being removed from the Customs.
other than Rifles, Revolvers and Pistols and Air-Guns, Air-Rifles or Air-Pistols
ofa typedeclared by the Governor in Council to be dangerous.—Importation prohibited
save under a special licence from the Comptroller of Customs.
F I R E W O R K S —
see under
A M M U N I T I O N .
C O T T O N W O O L .
A t_THO ft*"-*-.
Law No. 22 of 1925,
sees. 8 and 11,as amend–
ed by Law No. 53 of
. 1932, sec 2, and Order
fin Council No. 1595 of
6th August, 1934, pub.
in Gaz. No. 2387 of
10th August, 1934.
Order in Council No.
1704 of Uth Sept.,
11936, pub. in Gaz. No.
12537 of Uth Sept., 1936.
Order in Council No.
890 of 12th July, 1922.
pub. in Gaz. No. 1535
of 21st July, 1922.
Law No. 31 of 1933,
sec. 4(1).
F L O U R ,
other than flour proved to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Customs and
Inland Revenue to be pure wheaten flour.—Importation prohibited.
F L O W E R S — s e e
T R E E S , ETC.
FODDER.—Importation prohibited save under licence from the Director of Agriculture
and subject to such terms and conditions as m a y be prescribed in such licence.
{See also under Hay, etc.).
importation of any article of food or drink or of
any narcotic which, in the opinion of the Collector of Customs, is so damaged as
to be unwholesome or unfit for consumption is prohibited unless such article of food
or drink or such narcotic is certified by a Medical Officer or Government Analyst
to be wholesome orfitfor consumption.
/ F R U I T , F R E S H — s e e
T R E E S , E T C .
F U Z E S — s e e
A M M U N I T I O N .
G O A T S — s e e
A N I M A L S .
G R A V E L — s e e
T R E E S , ETC..
D R U G S .
The importation of merchandise packed in hay, straw or other fodders is prohibited
' unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary Inspector to a Local Authority
of the country of origin that such hay, straw and other fodder has been grown and
stored and the merchandise packed in a district not infected with Foot and Mouth
• disease, or unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary Inspector to a
Local Authority that the packing has been thoroughly disinfected. The importation
of merchandise packed in such hay, straw or other fodder unaccompanied by a
certificate as aforesaid is permitted after the destruction of such packing to the
satisfaction of the Chief Officer of Customs at the port of importation. This
prohibition does not affect packing in the form of manufactured wrappers of straw.
The importation of hay or straw other than hay or straw imported under the provisions
of the Order of 13th May, 1926, (see preceding item) is prohibited save under permit
of the Director of Agriculture (*).
" H E M P ,
-bmiAX—msee under
D R U G S .
I O H e r in Council No.
1582 of 29th May. 1934.
pab. ia Gaz. No. 2369
of 29th May, 19S4.
Order in Council No.
1704bf 14th Sep_,1936,
pub. in Gaz. No. 2537
of 14th Sept., 1936.
Law No. 31 of 1936,
seer 30.
Order of 13th May,
1926, published in Gaz.
No. 1770 of 21st May,
• 1926, and Order of
15th Sept., 1926. pub-
listed in Gnz. No. 1799
of 17th Sept., (926.
Order in Council No.
2421 of 23rd April.
1931, pub. in Gaz. No.
2131 of 1st May, 193L
/i) Ecgonine *-*i»-»*'« lavo-eegonine and includ es any derivatives of ecgonine from which it may be recovered industrially,
__ad the percentage in the case of morphine shall be calculated as in respect of anhydrous morphine.
{*) All grasses, leaves or other vegetable m a tter used as packing for goods imported from any place other than those
mentioned m page 12 shall be destroyed at the Customs House at the port of arrival, except when such packing is in
-the form of manufactured wrappers of dry straw, which m a y be admitted.