Sicnoir 20»
-Countries to which Imports a Exports are credited.
IMPORTS—Countries origin.
EXPORTS—Countries i final destination.
Valuation for statistical purpo '•.
The value of the I m :*GS represents the cost, insurance and freight, and is known as the
" c-Lf." value.
The value of the E X T "s and Re-exports represents the cost and the charges of delivering
the goods on board the si , and ia known as the " f.o.b." value.
JParcel post. Goods consigns oy parcel post are included in the general trade returns with other
goods of similar descripti
Yards. Yards for textiles ar inear yards.
-Gallons. Gallons throughout ese tables are liquid gallons.
Tons. Tons throughout these .ables are long tons.
Feet. Feet for cinema films are linear feet.
Oke. A n oke is equal to 2.8 tt).