I M P O R T DUTIES—continued. - -
or PREFERENTIAL RATES—-continued. "-'• "' '
Spirits of all aorta, spirituous compounds, liqueurs and.
• , • .
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" '•'• " "•'™»'\
.1 *»in*0~ '<:•.: t •,«*i-*'jn*.:*{ iv; »•.—i^}fi..'*"
(i) in bottles ^ _.;; .
.'.•' •-:. ";.' ' W t f p i - T ^ ^
tll\ *•» mmm\.m
• ' ' '
rt. . *
. . . . .
•/ m -»»W«»* _J ...111. ••/ - 1 »-<3
ju) in casks ..
Sixty per cent, of the full rate.
___.. .,,...£
Tinned fish «-i-r»« ,-. - V '*, - —
- •-'-''-*- •*-•-•••
Woollen yarns and. thread.*.r::
i!" [I" " " "L "• :*_ ,;*^- ^
Wine, sparkling -y> «••••"
^•J.i.-mu-.u ^-no«iro.wossjtf-u> .„;.- .**3»,aU-*.i..v*a-
w m e , other tanas
-. , „.-,.,.,
.„ ; Sixtypercent. ofibe-full-rate., .,
,,*;...,.-,- <----*
A U goods uot otherwise specified . .. .. .. .. Five-sixths of the full nto." [ f ^ ^ , ; : ^ " '
s" - T h e preferential rate ol duty in the ease of Refined Sugar, Molasses and Ejttracts from -
Order al Council N e ,
~"3ugar, and manufactured Toba43c*o is charged only in r ^
corresponds to the proportion of the dutiable material of Empire, orifrin used in their - !»«>bliahad ia Gamat-mr
. - . : - . . . : . ; f ^
1 4 3 5 o f I5t
J u I
;.:. .. ._;;•' ^ • -,. .„, .,; ;. ...... ;;v
1. All goods imported for the Government of Cyprus to be used in the public service • £«;
. 22cf 1899,
and duly certified as so imported b y the Colonial Secretary.
see. 2. aa amended by
2. All military stores imported by His Majesty's Forces and duly certified, as such •,.**-* Cyprua (Cuatomav
by the officer to w h o m they are consigned. .
^ Ord*"*' *Co
3. All articles of military equipment imported b y and for the use of any officer of. and^furtheramendr
His Majesty's Forces.
•••.-.•*:, . • * . ed by. L a w No. 30 of
4. Sports requisites and gear imported b y and for the use of His Majesty's Forces. .*,. 1932. sec *. Law Now
5. Goods and stores of every description imported by and for- the use of His Majesty's
* ^^T
Forces duly certified as such b y an officer thereof, such certificate to be counteraigned ^ L a w No.' 'xt ok
by the Colonial Secretary.
~* *
1934, sec 2.
6. Firearms for the personal use of officers of His Majesty's Forces serving, in Cyprus,
or of Special Constables.
- - "'"
.. 7. Uniforms of public officers and professional robes of legal or judicial officers in
the employment of His Majesty's Government: Provided that such uniforms or robes
are introduced for the personal use only of such officers, and have been duly authorized.
8. Professional robes of advocates entitled to practise in Cyprus. •••-..
9. Authorized uniforms of Foreign Consuls and Consular Officers and national flags
imported for their use.
10. Authorized uniforms of any Foreign Government to be worn by persons entitled
to wear them.
11. Government medals and decorations to be worn by persons resident in Cyprus.
12. Paving stones imported by or for municipal councils in the Island to be used
for the paving of streets within the municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported
b y the m a y o r and treasurer, if the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied that they are of
British Empire origin.
13. Street lamps and theirfittingsimported b y or for municipal councils in the Island
to be used in the lighting of streets within the municipal limits, and duly certified as so
imported by the m a y o r and treasurer, if the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied that
they are of British Empire origin.
14. Appliances and equipment for any municipal poorhouse certified by the Commis–
sioner of the District as specially imported for the purpose, if the Comptroller of Customs
is satisfied that they are of British Empire origin.
15. Accessories for municipal slaughter-houses, if the Comptroller of Customs ia
satisfied that they are of British Empire origin.
16. Casks and vats, and staves and hoops for use in constructing casks and- vats.
17. Microscopes and microscopical apparatus.
IS. Apparatus or appliances for purposes of scientific investigation and research.
19. Instruments, scientific appliances and technical apparatus used for the purpose
of archaeological excavations and archaeological study.
20. Gymnastic apparatus imported for the use of schools.
21. Mathematical and other instruments used in schools for educational purposes,.
which are imported for the use of schools.
22. Articles for the education of the blind.
23. Animal* and livestock.
24. Eggs.
. 25. Fresh,
*. 26. Atlases, plana and m a p s . ." .':
," *'„•".-" •".-' -;.,•:•'•.'<'<:-•'-_. •.•'• ., '^-.".,
'•'"* 27.. Printed books and advertising material printed on paper.,-
.--.. .._,
. . ,* ..
28. Printing paper, white or coloured, certified b y the importer as being for use* - •---,..::
for printing purposes.
- ... * •-,--:.
29. Printing ink, printers' type, and printing material.
30. Postage stamps, used or unused.
31. E m p t y cardboard boxes and labels for use in connection with the raising of
silkworm eggs in Cyprus.
.. . .
32. Silkworm eggs.
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