R A I L W A Y R A T E S A N D CHARGES—continued.
Store rent.—Goods to be forwarded which are not loaded, or goods received which
are not removed from the Railway goods sheds, yards of other premises within 24
hours from the time of arrival are subject to store rent at the rate of 10 paras
per piece per day or part of a day exclusive of Sundays, Chirstmas Day and Good
Goods conveyed or to be conveyed by the Railway may be stored in the Railway
goods shed at Famagusta Harbour free of charge for seven days after arrival. Thereafter
the following charges are made :—
20 paras per ton per day for the 2nd 7 days.
30 paras per ton per day for the 3rd 7 days.
lcp. per ton per day thereafter.
i Explosives and dangerous or obnoxious goods are not stored.
In cases of large consignments or in special circumstances application for special
terms should be made in advance to the General Manager.
Lost and unclaimed property is subject to a storage charge of lcp. per day per
Loading and unloading.—Goods loaded or unloaded by the Railway are charged as
follows :—
(i) At Nicosia Station and Famagusta :—
At goods shed or private sheds or sidings in station
limits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4icp. per ton.
Consignments of 8 tons and over .. .. .. .. 3cp. per ton.
Goods whose size, weight or bulk demands a special
arrangement and handling .. .. .. .. Is. per ton.
(ii) At all other stations .. .. .. .. .. Is. per ton.
M i n i m u m charge for both loading and unloading, 3cp.
Special rates m a y be made for any large or regular quantities or according to
special circumstances on application to the General Manager.
Loading and unloading at Nicosia is done by the Railway unless consignors or
consignees express a wish to the contrary.
Collection and delivery and road transport services.—The charges for these services
are at such rates as the General Manager with the approval of the Governor m a y from
time to time determine. Particulars of such rates can be obtained at any Railway
Clearing of bonded goods.—The Railway undertakes the following services in con–
nection with the clearance of bonded goods :—
(a) Delivery of bill of lading to steamer agent.
(6) Collection of delivery order.
(c) Payment of landing charges, wharfage, porterage and loading.
Goods so dealt with are sent in bond to the Customs Bonded Warehouse, Nicosia,
where consignees can pay duty and receive their goods.
The charges made by the Railway for these services are :—
One ton and under
Over one ton and under 5 tons..
Five tons and over
M a x i m u m charge, 10s.
Motor cars or lorries, packed, Is. per case.
TeUgrams.—See section 33.
Tarpaulins can be hired (when available) at the rate of Is. 4icp. per day or part
Lost property.—All property found at stations or in carriages is retained at the
station at which it is found for a period of 14 days ; after that time it is sent to the
Lost Property Office, Famagusta, where it is kept for three months. O n the expiration
of this period it is sold.
Special rates and charges.—The General Manager may make such special rates and
charges as he m a y thinkfitin the interests of the Railway.
Rebate.—A rebate of 10% on rail freight is granted for any consignments not already
carried at special rates of two tons and over booked through from Famagusta Harbour
or Famagusta town for carriage by Rail and Road to any place served by Railway Road
Services a distance of 10 miles and over from Nicosia.
per ton.
M i n i m u m charge.