R A I L W A Y R A T E S A N D CHARGES—continued.
6. Hides in consignments of J ton & over ) From Famagusta Harbour or Fama-
2 „ ( gusta to Nicosia Station or Town
J » ( with or without dehvery:
8s. 6cp. per ton.
7. Glassware, not otherwise clas- "J
sified, in consignments of 2 tons & over /
F r o m F a m a g u s t a
Harbour to Nicosia,
Sheets in consignments of 2 ., } 20th Class.
2 „ \
2 „
8. Oranges
2 tons & over From Nicosia to Harbour or Fama–
gusta, 27th Class.
9. Lime
i ton & over From Trakhoni to Famagusta or
Harbour. 27th Class.
10. Perishable goods, including all j
From Famagusta to Nicosia :
fruit and vegetables produced Over 200 okes .. .. 6s. per ton.
locally ~
' 200 okes and under .. Ss. per ton.
Corpses are conveyed at the rate of 2s. per mile, subject to a minimum of £1.
Bank and currency notes and stamps conveyed by passenger train are charged double
parcel rates with a minimi-m of 5s. per parcel.
Gold and silver, coined or uncoined, manufactured or unmanufactured, pearls, precious
stones, jewellery and trinkets when conveyed at owner's risk are charged lst class rate ;
•when conveyed at Railwayriskat double lst class rate subject to insurance as stated
Fish, fruit, vegetables, meat, dead poultry, cheese, milk, butter, curds, eggs in
baskets or vessels properly secured are accepted for conveyance at owner'sriskonly
at luggage rates, subject to a minimum of 4icp.
Ice and snow are accepted for conveyance at owner'sriskonly at half luggage
rates, subject to a minimi-m of 4|cp.
Plants, cutflowersand shrubs are accepted for conveyance at owner's risk only at
double luggage rates, subject to a minimum of 4icp.
Perishables not taken delivery of at destination within 24 hours are sold at owner's
risk and expense.
Returned empties.—Returned empty beskets, barrels, crates, drums and tins, etc.,
are charged as follows :—
(a) When conveyed in the luggage van .. .. Half ordinary luggage rates.
(6) When conveyed as goods .. .. . . 1 5 paras per ton per mile.
Minimum charge, licp.
Long, bulky, heavy or " out of guage " goods.—When such goods occupy and require
the use of an entire truck, but are not capable of being loaded to the extent of the carrying
capacity of that truck, a minimum weight may be charged or weight may be computed
on a measurement basis as the Railway Administration may decide. In the case of
motor cars in cases a minimnm charge of2 tons per 8-wheeled wagon is made.
When the condition ofthe goods or article involve the use oftwo wagons the minimum
weight may be increased accordingly.
Bulky or particularly heavy articles which cannot be loaded without exceeding the
maximum running guage are conveyed only by special arrangement on application to
the General Manager.
Explosives.—Explosives and other articles of a highly combustible nature are
carried at owner'sriskrates only and their transport cannot be guaranteed except bv
special arrangement with the General Manager.
Maximum dimensions and weight of packages:—
Maximum height from rail level at centre .. .. .. 10 ft.
Maximum width
.. .. g ft.
Maximum weight of any single piece or package .. .. 8 tons.
Anything exceeding the above will be conveyed only by special arrangement.
Insurance.—When any of the articles enumerated in the schedule to Regulation 76
of the Railway Regulations, 1933, are contained in a parcel or package tendered for
despatch and the value thereof exceeds £5, the Railway is not responsible for their loss,
destruction or deterioration unless the person sending or tendering them for despatch
has caused their value and contents to be declared and paid 2 per cent, on the value so
declared as insurance to cover increased risk.
Demurrage.—When any wagons are ordered and not used, or when thev are not
loaded or unloaded within 24 hours after their arrival, a demurrage charge" is made
at the rate of 5s. per truck or part thereof per dav exclusive of Sundavs, Christmas
Day and Good Friday.