P R O H I B I T I O N S A N D R E S T R I C T I O N S O N I M P O R T S A N D EXPORTS—continual.
The importation of merchandise packed in hay, straw or other fodders is prohibited
unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary Inspector to a Local Authority
of the country of origin that such hay, straw and other fodder ba- been grown and stored
and the merchandise packed in a district not infected with Foot and Mouth disease, or
unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary Inspector to a Local Authority
that the packing has been thoroughly disinfected. The importation of merchandise
packed in such hay, straw or other fodder unaccompanied by a certificate as aforesaid
is permitted after tbe destruction of such packing to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer
-of Customs at the port of importation. This prohibition dees not affect packing in the
form of manufactured wrappers of straw.
The importation of hay or straw other than hay or straw imported under the pro–
visions of the Order of 13th May, 1926, (see preceding item) is prohibited save under
permit of the Director of Agriculture (1).
The importation of unroasted ground nuts is absolutely prohibited.
All articles, trir.kers; or ornaments which resemble coins lezall-r current in Cyprus and
which in the opinion of the Ciisionis maj give riie to deception, prohibited.
DAGGERS.—Importation prohibited.
Raw Opium and Coca Leaves.—Importation prohibited except for medicinal and
scientific purposes and under licence in writing of the Director of Health and into
ports approved by the Comptroller of Customs.
Prepared Opium.—Importation prohibited.
Indian Hemp.—Importation prohibited.
The importation of the following is prohibited except for medicinal and scientific '
-purposes and under licence in writing of the Director of Health :—
(a) medicinal opium; (6) any extract or tincture of Indian hemp ; (c) morphine
and its salts, and diacetyl-morphine (commonly known as diamorphine or heroin)
and the other esters of morphine and their respective salts ; (d) cocaine (including
synthetic cocaine) and ecgonine (2) and their respective salts, and the esters of
ecgonine and their respective salts; (e) any solution or dilution of morphine or
cocaine or their salts in an inert substance whether liquid or solid, containing
any proportion of morphine or cocaine, and any preparation, aFdmixture, extract
or other substance (not being such a solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing
not less than one-fifth per cent, of morphine or one-tenth per cent, cf cocaine or
of ecgonine ; (/') any preparation, admixxure, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of diacetylmorphine; (g) dihydrohydroxycodeinone, dihydroco-
deinone, dihydromoirphinone, acetyldihydrocodeinone, dihydromorphine, their
esters and the salts of any of these substances and of their esters, morphine-N-oxide
(commonly known as genomorphine), the morphine-N-oxide derivatives, and
any other pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives; (h) thebaine and its
salts, and (with the exception of methylmorphine, commonly known as codeine,
and ethylmorphine, commonly known as dionin, and their respective salts)
benzylmorphine and the other ethers of morphine and their respective salts;
(i) any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of any of the substances mentioned in (g) or (h) above.
POULTRY.—Importation from Egypt, Palestine and Syria prohibited.
importation of shaving brushes ^'manufactured in or exported
from the Empire of Japan is prohibited.
(3).—Importation prohibited, except by the written permit,
previously obtained, of the Film Censors.
Order of 13th May,
1926. published in Gaz.
No. 1770 of 21et May,
} 1926, and Order of
15th Sept., 1926, pub-
lished in Gas. No. 1799
of 17th Sept., 1926.
Order in Council No.
2421 of 23rd April.
1931, pub. in Gas. No.
2131 of lst May, 1931.
Order in Council No.
703 of llth May, 1917,
Gazette No. 12S2 of 13th
May. 1917.
Order in Council No.
5C7 published in Gazette
.No. 1010. p. 7433.
Law >*o. 6 of 1910,
sec. S.
The Cyproa Criminal
Cci-j Or-ier in Council.
1923. se-.-. Tt*.
L a w >*<•*. 22 of 1952,
sees. 2 a n d 16 (1;.
Law No. 22 of 1925,
see. 6.
Law No. 22 of 1925,
sec *..
Law No. 22 of 1925,
sees. S and 11 ,as amend-
)>ed bv Law No. 53 of
1932* sec. 2.
Order of High Com-
mi'siooer of 27tb Mar,
Gazette No.
1531 of 9th June. 19:2.
- Order in Council No.
802 oublished in Gaz.
No. 1437 of 23rd July,
Order in Council No.
14v. of 5th Au--., 1932,
pub'iibed in Gas. So.
•2-ZS of 12th Aus:., 1932.
(1) Ali grasses, leaves or other vegetable matter used as packing for goods imported from any place other than those
mentioned in page 12 shall be destroyed at the Customs House at the port of arrival, except when such packing is in
•the form of manufactured wrappers of dry straw, which may be admitted.
(2) Ecgonine means Iaevo-ecgonine and includes aay derivative* oi ecgonine from which it may be recovered industrially.
and the percentage in the case of morphine 3hall be calculated as in respect of aahydrous morphine.
(3) The expression " cinematograph film? *' includes the production of any music, speech or other sound which accom–
panies the projection of a cinematograph film.