All fresh fruit (save as provided at (b) below) and
vegetables in a raw state.
All trees and plants and every living part of a tree
or plant (including seeds).
Ail dried plants and flowers.
All flowers cut or otherwise.
Staves -which have been used for vine props or
similar purposes.
All binding which has been used for vines or other
Earth and gravel, leaf and garden mould.
All animal and vegetable manures, except guano
bone dust and other fossil or chemically-prepared
Importation prohibited
directly or indirectly from any
place other than Great Britain,
Northern Ireland, Irish Free
State, Belgium, Denmark,
Holland. Norway, Sweden
and (subject to prior per–
mission having been obtained
ffrom the Director of
Agriculture) any other
countries possessing a Go–
vernment Phytopathclcgical
Service. Importation from
the above-mentioned places
is subject to the conditions
stated at (c) below.
Importation prohibited un–
less the special permission
of the Governor is obtained.
Order in Council No.
1421 of 23rd April
1931 pub. in Gaz. No.
2131 of lst May, 1931,
as amended by Order
i in Council No. 1426 of
< 27th Julv. 1931, pub.
in Gaz. *No. 2151 of
31st July, 1931, and
as further amended by
Order in Council No.
14S1 of 29th June, 1932,
pub. in Gaz. No. 2227
of lst July, 1932.
Vine (including the fresh or dry parts of it. but
excluding raisins and currants).
No articles, goods or merchandise, the importation of which is in any way prohibited
or restricted under the provisions of the Order in Council No. 1-121 of the 23rd April,
1931, are allo-wed to be imported from any place or country from which the importation
of such articles, goods or merchandise is not prohibited or restricted, unless the proper
officer of Customs is satisfied that such articles, goods or merchandise do not originate
in any place or country from which the importation of the same is prohibited or restricted,
and that the other requirements of the Order mentioned have been complied with in
respect of such articles, goods or merchandise.
The Director of Agriculture may, on behalf of the Government, import any articles,
goods or merchandise dealt with under the Order in Council No. 1-121 of the 23rd April,
1931, for the purposes of experimental cultivation or scientific investigation.
(a) The importation of the following articles is not prohibited :—"Wheat, barley and other cereals, and all dry seeds (e
cotton seed) properly cleaned from the husk, straw and earth ; acorns ; vallor-ia ; almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, and other nuts,
-(including ground nuts), free from the outer husks, leaves, stalks and branches); preserves ; crystallized fruits ; bottled and canned
fruits and vegetables hermetically sealed in proper receptacles; flour and meal of all kinds and every preparation thereof;
tamarind ; saponaria wood ; vegetables desiccated by artificial heat and enclosed in packages ; dry and aromatic plants used for
medicinal purposes and for dyeing, if free of earth ; dried fruit and vegetables, provided the proper officer of Customs is satisfied
that they are bonafidedried fruit and vegetables, and subject to inspection by any officer of the Agricultural Department and
to anv treatment at the expense and risk of the importer which may be required bv such officer; carobs, if free from earth (Order
in Council No. 1421 of 23rd April, 1931, published in Gazette No. 2131 of lst May", 1931).
Potatoes for seed purposes only may be imported at Famagusta, Larnaca, Limassoi or Paphos in such quantities and from
such countries only as shall be specially authorized beforehand in writing by the Director of Agriculture. The potatoes must
be imported direct from the country of origin, provided that they may be transhipped if they remain in Customs charge while
at the transhipping port. Every consignment of potatoes for seed purposes must be accompanied by the documents set out in
Order in Council No. 1305 of 20th May, 1929, published in Gazette No. 19S5 of 23rd May, 1929. and*is subject to inspection by
the Director of Agriculture or an inspecting offioer acting on his behalf.
The importation from the American Continent (including Canada, the United States of America. South America and West
Indies), China, Cochin-China, Greece, India. Russia, Turkestan, Turkey, and from any country not possessing a Government
Entomological service, either directly or indirectly, of cotton seed and seed cotton, and any green or living part of the Cotton
Plant; of dry leaves, sticks, or refuse of the Cotton Plant; of raw cotton ; and of packing material which has or is suspected of
having b-ien used in the transportation or storage of any part of the Cotton Plant, is permitted through the Port of Famagusta
if the importation is accompanied by a statutory declaration in the prescribed form and if forthwith on importation these articles
are disinfected in such manner as the Director of Agriculture shall prescribe, or placed in quarantine in such place and for such
period as he shall deem fit. If the aforesaid articles have been imported from a country other than those herein mentioned,
importation is permitted through the Port of Famagusta provided that such importation is accompanied by a statutory declaration
bv'the shipoer in the orescribed form naming the place of origin (Order in Council No. 1054 of 13th Mav, 1925. published in Gazette
No. 1695 of 15th May, 1925).
(6) Tomato and banana fruit and water melons may be imported from Palestine on the following conditions only:—They
shall be imported directly from that country ; each consignment shall be accompanied by a certificate from the competent authority
of the country of origin in the form of schedule E to the Order in Council No. 1421 of the 23rd April, 1931 (Gazette No. 2131 of
lst May, 1931). cerriiying that the consignment has been fumigated and stating the kind and quantity of chemicals used, the
duration of treatment, the space occupied during treatment and whether the treatment was carried out under single or double
fumigation sheets, in an air-tight chamber or in a vacuum apparatus; such treatment shall be subject to the approval of the Director
of Agriculture ; all consignments shall be subject to inspection by any officer of the Agricultural Department dulv authorized
in that behalf by the Director of Agriculture either on importation or at any subsequent time as tbe Director of Agriculture may
direct; any further treatment which may be considered necessary by such inspecting officer shall be carried out at the cost and
risk of the importer (Order in Council No. 1421 of 23rd April, 1931, published in Gazette No. 2131 of lst May, 1931, as amended
by Order in Council No. 142G of 27th July, 1931, published in Gazette No. 2151 of 31st July, 1931).
(c) Such goods, articles or merchandise shall be accompanied by a certificate in the form of schedule D to the Order in Council
No. 14S1 of 29th Jun-?, 1932, (Gazette No. 2227 of lst July. 1932), a copy of which certificate shall be delivered to the Director
of Agriculture seven days before the arrival of the consignment to which such certificate refers (or ii such consignment is imported
by post then a certificate in the same form shall be attached or affixed to the postal package on tbe outer side) ; they shall be
subject to inspection by any official of the Agricultural Department duly authorized in that behalf by the Director of Agriculture;
they shall be subject to any treatment which the inspecting official may require ; importers of such goods, etc., shall inform the
Director of Agriculture in writing of the arrival or the expected arrival of any such goods, articles or merchandise ; such goods,
«tc., shall be completely enclosed within stout packing material, which shall be clearly labelled on the outside with the identification
mark- and tbe name of the goods, articles or merchandise therein contained and shall only be opened in the presence of an officer
of tbe A-rriculrurai Department duly authorized in that behalf by the Director of Agriculture. (Order in Council N o 1421 of
iI3rd April. 1931, published in GazetU No. 2131 of lst May, 1931).