D E P O R T DUTY—continued.
TABLE or EXEMPTIONS—continued.
S5. Hoops for fruit boxes.
86. All materials for the manufacture of playing cards. Provided that duty is paid
in thefirstinstance and refunded when the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied that such
materials have been used in the manufacture of playing cards.
87. All articles of Boy Scout or Girl Guide clothing or equipment imported for the use
of any Boy Scouts or Girl Guides (including their officers) in their capacity as such and duly
certified as being so imported by the Secretary of the Cyprus Boy Scouts Association or
the Secretary ofthe Girl Guides as the case m a y be.
This exemption applies only to :—
(a) Boy Scouts as defined in the B o y Scouts Association Law, 1933 ;
(b) Members of a troop of foreign B o y Scouts to w h o m the Governor has granted
a permit under section 5 or section 7 ofthe B o y Scouts Association Law, 1933 ;
(c) Girl Guides who are members of a body of Girl Guides recognized by the
88. Wire nails of British origin or manufacture, which the Comptroller of Customs
is satisfied are to be used for fruit cases.
89. Pig iron of British origin or manufacture.
90. Foundryfirebricks of British origin or manufacture.
91. Foundry coke of British origin or manufacture.
92. Motor cars imported by or for the use of the Governor.
When any Import
shall have been paid in respect of any -wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cigars, or articles of food supplied for tbe use of any mess on board any of His
Majesty's ships of war, a drawback of the amount of the dncy so paid may be allowed, or if
snch goods are shipped from the Cnstoms store before payment of duty, the amount of such
dnty may be remitted on the production of a certificate from the proper officer of Customs
that such goods hare been actually shipped on board one of His Majesty's ships, a receipt
from the Paymaster of snch ship for the goods and a written undertaking from the Parmaster
or other proper officer of such ship that if snch goods or any part thereof shall be at any time
re-landed, the duty shall be paid thereon.
In lieu of drawback of import duty paid in respect of any wine, spirits, malt liquors.
tobacco, cigars or articles of food imported and subsequently actually consumed or used bv
His Majesty'6 Land Forces,fixedmoney allowances are* paid out of "the Island Treasurv to
the Officers and Soldiers of His Majesty's Land Forces quartered within the Isiand.
A drawback of Customs Import Duty at the rate of one shilling and four piastres is
paid to any Tobacco Manufacturer for every oke of cigarettes, made from imported
tobacco, and exported from Cyprus, in respect of any quantity of cigarettes exceeding
one oke in any one consignment.
A drawback at the rate of five-twelfths of the full import duty for the time being
payable on sugar imported into Cyprus is paid to the exporter for "every oke of jam or
turkish delight manufactured in and exported from Cyprus. N o drawback is paid in
respect of any consignment of jam or turkish delight of less thanfiveokes in weight.
A drawback at the rate of five-sixths of the full import dutv for the time bein°-
payable on sugar imported into Cyprus is paid to the exporter for everv oke of fruit juice
manufactured in and exported from Cyprus. X o drawback is paid "in respect of anv
consignment of fruit juice of less thanfiveokes in weisht, and the Customs official at the
port or place of exportation m a y require that samples of the fruit juice to be exported
be taken and submitted for analysis to the Government Analvst for the puroose of
ascertaining the quantity of sugar contained therein.
A drawback at the rate of five-sixths of the full import dutv for the time beino- payable
on paraffm wax imported mto Cyprus is paid to the exporter for everv oke of candles
and/or mght-hghts manufactured in and exported from Cyprus. X o drawback is paid in
respect of any consignment of candles and/or night-lights of less than five okes in wefefc
and the Customs official at the port or place of exportation m a v require that samples
of the candles and/or mght-hghts to be exported be taken and submitted for anahSs to
ontainldTeret " *" ** ^^ °
^ wax
Order in Council No.
1520 of 30th Jan., 1933„
pub. in Gaz. No. 2271
of 3rd Feb., 1933.
Law No. 11 of 1933,
sec. 5.
Order in Council No.
L1529 of 5th April. 1933,
pub. in Gaz. No. 22S3
of 7th April, 1933.
Order in Council No.
1544 of 15th Aug.,
1933, pub. in Gaz. So.
2307 of ISth Aug.,1933.
L a w No. 36 of 1933,.
sec. 3.
L»*f No. 22 of 1899,
see. 20.
Law No. 22 of 1899
see. 19.
Law No. 40 of 1932,
sec. 46.
Orders in Council No.
1459 of 16th March,
1932, pub. in Gaz. No.
2204 of ISth March.
"*> 1932, and No. 1475 of
15th June. 1932. pub.
in Gaz. No. 2224 of
17th June, 1932.
] The Customs Draw-
j back (Sugar) No. 3,
L Regulations, 1932. pub.
in Gaz. No. 2260 of
16th December, 1932.
The Customs Draw–
back (Paraffin Wax)
)• Regulations,1933.pub.
in Gazttte No. 2325
of 17th Nov., 1933.
Silk cocoons
(See DEPOSITS, RAT TAX, p. 61)
Is. Zcp. per oke
2cp. per cantar
Law Xo. 22 of 1899,
as amended bv Law
/No. 22 of 1932. "sec. 2.
Law Xo.29 of 1922 sec.
2 and Order in Council
>o. 1455 of 27th Jan.,
1932. pub. i
Gaz. No.
2195of 29th Jan., 1932