I M P O R T DUTY—continued.
50. Seeds for sowing purposes (including seed potatoes and bulbs), plants and cuttings.
51. Fodder for cattle.
52. Mechanical appliances for use in the manufacture and examination of -wine.
53. Tools and implements used in handicraft.
54. Machinery and parts of machinery, theirfittings,connections and gearings.
55. Windmills and other appliances for raising -water.
56. Iron piping, and piping other than iron piping, imported for irrigation purposes
and water supplies.
57. Winnowing, threshing and other machines, tools and implements used in agri–
culture, theirfittings,connections and gearings.
58. Chemical manures and fertilizers.
59. Binder twine for agricultural purposes.
60. Dairy appliances and equipment, including containers and packages used in the
•distribution of milk and milk products.
61. Cylinders containing gas (the gas being dutiable).
62. Demijohns sealed on exportation, after identification.
63. Dutiable articles sent away for the purpose of alteration or repair : Provided (a)
that by such alteration or repair the specific identity of the article in question has not
been substantially lost; (6) that prior to exportation such article shall have been produced
to the Customs for the purpose of identification on re-importation; or (c) that the Comp–
troller of Customs is satisfied that the article is the same.
64. Produce of Cyprus re-imported.
65. Bona fide baggage belonging to and accompanying a passenger or arriving within
two months prior to or after the arrival of such passenger.
66. Theatrical appliances and requisites accompanying a theatrical or show troupe
necessary for their performances in Cyprus.
67. Kastanean, quebracho, oak, myrobolan and fichte, extract dry and liquid, for
the purpose of being used in tanning.
68. Citric acid and metabisulphate.
69. Timber imported into Cyprus ready cut to size for the purpose of being used
-for the making of cases for packing fruit.
70. Mining lamps, mining hats and caps.
71. All petroleum products other than petrol, benzine, kerosene and mineral turpentine-
72. Dutiable articles imported by Consuls and Consular Officers for exhibition
73. Chemicals, other than Talc, for use in the manufacture of soap, and duly certified
"by the importer as being solely for such use.
74. Cups, medals, shields or other trophies proved to the satisfaction of the
Comptroller of Customs to have been -won abroad as honorary distinctions or to have been
sent by donors resident abroad for such purpose.
75. Carobs imported under licence of the Comptroller of Customs.
76. Machinery or apparatus (including masts, poles, lines and their parts and materials)
imported into Cyprus by Imperial and International Communications Limited and certified
to be solely required for'the construction, maintenance or operation of their land telegraphs,
•wireless telezraphv stations, or telephone installations provided that such machinery and
apparatus is of British origin.
77. Hav or straw imported under a permit from the Director of Agriculture.
7S. Carob-seeds.
79. The industrial chemicals known as Caustic Soda, Caustic Potash, Sulphuric
Acid and Hydrochloride Acid.
SO. Cultural or educational cinematograph films : Provided that the importer
shall have previouslv obtained from the Cyprus Board of Film Censors a licence
in writing, and a certificate to the effect that the film to be imported is cultural
or educational.
81. Silk-cocoons for the period 27th September, 1932, to 30th April, 1933.
82. Aeroplanes and their parts of British manufacture.
S3. Flattened tin cans, together with their lids, used for the purpose of packing
-jam or fruit preserves, and duly certified by the importer as being solely for re-export.
84. Printed tissue paper used for wrapping fruit; and printed labels for fruit boxes:
Provided that such printed paper and printed labels are of a design approved by the
^Director of Agriculture.
1304 of 1
pub. in
of 17th
in Council No.
Sth Mav. 1929,
Gaz. No. 19S3
Mav, 1929.
Law No. 30 of 1930,
sec. 3 (o), as amended
bvLaw No. 20 of 1932,
s*c. 2 (6).
Order in Council No.
l453of Srh April, 1932,
p-jb. in Gaz. No. 2211
o: loth April, 1932.
Order in Council No.
U S 3 of 12th July, 1932,
pub. in Gaz. No. 2229
of loth July. 1932.
Order in Council No.
14ST of 22nd Aucrust,
1932, pub. io G«."No.
2235 of 26th August.
Order iu Council No.
U9S of 27th Sept.,
1932, pub. in Gaz. No.
2242 of 30th Sept.,
Order in Council No.
\ 1503 of 20th Oct., 1932.
i pub. in Gaz. No. 2247
[ of 21st Oct., 1932.
/ Order in Council No.
Iolo of 7th Dec.,
( 1932, pub. in Gaz. No.
2255 of 9th Dec., 1932.