When any Import Duty shall have been paid in respect of any wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, citjars, or articles of food supplied for the use of any mess on board any of His
Majesty's ships of war, a drawback of the amount of the duty so paid may be allowed, or if
such goods are shipped from the Customs store before payment of duty, the amoont of 3uch
duty may be remitted on the production of a certificate from the proper officer of Customs
that such goods have been actually shipped on board one of His Majesty's ships, a receipt
from the Paymaster of such ship for the goods and a written undertaking from the Paymaster
or other proper officer of such ship that if such goods or any part thereof shall be at any time
re-landed, the duty shall be paid thereon.
In lieu of drawback of import duty paid in respect of any wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cigars or articles of food imported and subsequently actually consumed or used by
His Majesty's Land Forces, fixed money allowances are paid out of the Island Treasury to
the Officers and Soldiers of His Majesty's Land Forres quartered within the Island.
A drawback of Customs Import Duty at the rate of one shilling and four piastres is
paid to any Tobacco Manufacturer on every oke of cigarettes manufactured in and
exported from Cyprus, in respect of any quantity of cigarettes of not less than one oke
in any one consignment.
Law No. 22 of 1899..
sec. 20.
Law No. 22 of 1899;
see. 19.
Law No. 27 of 1938*~
sec. 4.
Law No. 10 of 1888
••ec. I.
Law No. 11 of 1881,-
ueca. 8 and 9.
[.*•- No. 22 of 192*..
sec. 3.
I*aw 22 of 1922. sec
+ (1), as amended by
I U-.V No. 17 of 1925,
V"-e<\ 2; and Order in
j Council No. 399 pab. in
i Gazette No. 1536 of Un
August, 1922.
The following are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—
(-5-OA.TS.—Importation prohibited, save under permit of tbe Governor.
LOCUST ERGS.—Importation prohibited.
SILKWORMS.—Importation prohibited.
EGGS.—Importation prohibited except under the following conditions :—
That the permission in writing of the Director of Agriculture is previously obtained (a) *,
That the importation is completed between the lst October and the last day of February *
That each box of any consignment of eggs is sealed by a banderolle affixed by the
Government authority responsible for . the siikworm industry in the country of
origin ; and
That every consignment of eggs imported into Cyprus is accompanied by an official
certificate of the Government authority specified above.
Before any consignment of imported eggs is passed through the Customs, the proper
officer of the Customs shall inform the Director of Agriculture of their arrival and
shall forward for his consideration any certificate or other document produced by the
importer. If the Director of Agriculture shall authorize the importation of the
consignment, each box of the consignment .-mall be banderolled by a Sericulture
Inspector with a Cyprus banderolle, or, if the Director of Agriculture refuses to allow
the importation, the importer will be permitted to re-export the eggs within a month
from the date of such refusal and failing such re-exportation within such period the
said eggs shall be destroyed without compensation. The Customs authorities must
notify the Director of Agriculture of the date of such re-exportation or destruction.
(Destitute, criminal and vicious). — Landing prohibited, nnles3 security given for
. suDport or for deportation. Gazette 1419 of 16th April. 1920. p. U2.—See C..S. Circular
No. 4123/06 of 14th February, 1907.
LSPSRS.—Lauding prohibited: but tlie Director of Health may grant special permission for
natives of the Island to land.
TOBACCO.— Importation prohibited, except under permit from tbe tlovi-riior. if in packages
weighing less than 10 okes net each and bf ships of less than 60 tons burden <b).
:—Bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, camels, horses, mules, asses, sheep, goats,
swine and poultry : Importation restricted to the ports of Larnaca, Famagusta,
Limassoi, Kyrenia and Paphos, landing to be made in quarantine and with the
permission of the Director of Agriculture, or an Inspector of Cattle Disease, or a
Health Officer, and subject to the provisions of the Orders and Regulations regarding
the importation of animals published in Gazette No. ll">4 of 12th February, 1915
(a) Application for suca permission muse be made in writing and must reach the office of tbe Director of Agriculture not
later than the 15th Jane in each year (Order in Council So. 1*246 published iu Gazette No. 193H of 10th August, 1928.
(£V) Tobacco mar, however, be imported by parcel post in small quantities on payment of an additional duty of K.ctt. per oke. or
fraction of an oke. If otherwise imported than through the Parcel Post under special permission from the Governor in packages of less
toan 10 okes. there is parable in addition to the Cnstoms duty a further import duty ni Is. ner oke, or fraction of an oke (Law
No. 6 of 1928).
j. Law Xo. I of 1382.
'. Order of High Com*
1 missioner published in.
•* GazeUe N'o. 705. of
/ 2nd August, 1901.
, Law No. 24 of 1879,
• sec. 26, as amended
I by Law t» of 1923.
Law No. 4 of 1880,
sees. 2 (K) and 10.