I M P O R T DUTY—continued.
T A J S L B or EXEMPTIONS—continued.
5. Uniforms of Public Officers and professional robes of Legal or Judicial Officers in the
employment of Bis Majesty's Government, provided that such uniforms or robes are introduced
for the personal use only of snch officers, and have been duly authorised.
6. Professional robes of Advocates entitled to practise in Cyprus.
7. Authorised uniforms of Foreign Consuls and Consular Officers and national flags imported
for their use.
Authorised uniforms of any Foreign Government to be worn by persons entitled to wear them.
Government medals and decorations to be worn by persons resident in Cyprus.
3. Fire-arms for the personal nse of Officers of His Majesty's Naval and Military Forces
serving in Cyprus.
9. Paving stones imported by Municipal Councils in the Island to be used for the paving
of streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the President and
Cashier of any Municipal Council.
10. Street lamps and theirfittingsimported by Municipal Councils in the Island to be used
in the lighting of Streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the
President and the Cashier of any Municipal Council.
11. Casks and vats, and staves and hoops for use iu constructing casks and vats.
12. Microscopes and all microscopical and other apparatus or appliances for purposes of
scientific investigation and research.
13. Gymnastic apparatus, mathematical and generally all other instruments used in schools
for educational purposes, which are imported for the use of schools.
11. Animals and livestock, atlases and maps, anchors and chains (ships'), bark, boats,
charcoal, church furniture, and articles intended to be used in the building andfittingup of
churches and mosques, and vestments and other articles necessarily used for religious services
and certified to be so intended or used, as the case may be, by the proper ecclesiastical
authority, empty casks, fresh fish, gold bullion and specie, ice, lime, medicines and medical
appliances, pitch and tar, printed books, sawdust, silk-worms' eggs, sponges taken by licensed
boats, printing paper, whether white or coloured, printing ink, printers' type, and printing
materials, sulphur, chopped straw, cotton seed, fodder for cattle, and all mechanical appliances
for use in manufacture and examinatioo of wine; sulphur syringes, tombstones and memorial
tablets, and tools and implements used in handicrafts.
15. Machinery and parts of machinery and theirfittings,connections and gearing, windmills
and other apparatus for raising water, wiunowiug, threshing, and other machines, tools and imple–
ments used in agriculture, their parts, connections and gearings,chemical manures aod fertilisers.
16. T h e (Tovernor m a y in certain cases order admission free of duty of goods sent for use in
Consular Offices.
17. Demijohns sealed on exportation may be admitted duty free on re-importation after identifi–
cation ; hospital appliances or equipment certified under the hand of the Director of Health to
be imported for the use of any hospital; postsge stamps—used or unused—other than those of
Cyprus; empty cardboard boxes and labels which the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied are
for use in connection with the raisin** of silk-worm eggs in Cyprus; pig iron; dutiable articles and
articles sent away for the purpose of alteration or repair provided (1) that by such alteration or
repair tlie specific identity of tbe article in qnestion has not been substantially lost, (2) that prior to
exportation such articles shall have been produced to the Customs for the pnrpose of identi–
fication on re-importation, (3* or that the Comptroller of Customs is satisfied that the articles are
the same : disinfectants and insecticides ; bona JiiU baggage belonging* to and accompanying a
passenger, or arriving within two months prior to or after the arrival of snch passenger; resin;
crude petroleum when imported as fuel for oi) engines ; appliances and equipment for any Muni–
cipal Poor-house certified by the Commissioner of the District as specially imported for the purpose.
18. Flax seed.
19. Seeds for sowing purposes (including seed-potatoes, bulbs, plants and cuttings).
20. Accessories for Municipal Slaughter Houses.
21. T h e undermentioned tannins extracts or chemical substances, for a period of five
years from the 16th February, 1928, which have been imported into the Colony for the
purpose only of being used for tanning:
(a) Kastanean, extract dry and liquid.
(6) Quebracho
(c) O a k
[d) Myropolan
(e) Fichte
22. Hides and Skins, raw, for a period of two years from the lst March, 1929.
23. Iron piping.
24. Citric acid.
25. Mettabisulphate.
26. Carobs imported under license of the Comptroller of Customs.
27. SUk-cocoons (from 2nd September, 1929, to 31st March, 1930.)
23. Mining lamps.
29. Mining hats.
30. Mining caps.
31. Dairy appliances and equipment, including containers and packages used in the
distribution of milk and milk products.
Order in Council No.
1224 of 16th February
' 1928, pub. in Gaz.
[ N o . 1904 of 24th Feb.
1928. .
Order in Council N a 12W
pab. in Gaz. No. 1970 ot Irt
March. 1929. as amended by
Order in Council Mo. 1329
Sub. in Cat. No. 2014 ol itth
ovember. 1929.
Order in Council N o .
, 1278 of 24th D o c ,
1923, pub. in Gaz. N o .
1960 of 4th Jan., 1929.
Order in Council N a 1304
in Gat. No. 1983 of Uth
May. 1929.
Order in Council So. 1*17
pub. in Gaz. No. 2003 of 6th
September. 1929.
Order in Council No* 1327
pub. in Gaz. So. 2011 of 18th
October, 1929.
Order in CouncU No 133S
. pub.in(7aiNo.2021onath
December, 1929.