The importation into the Island of old or used clothes for the purposes of sale or
commerce is absolutely prohibited.
The importation of saccharine is prohibited except in small quantities not exceeding 2lbs.
and then only with the permission of the Chief Medical Officer previously obtained in writing.
The importation of indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photograpliB, books, cards, litho–
graphic or other engravings, or any other indecent or obscene articles is prohibited.
The importation of all postcards of private manufacture with any pictorial design
not previously approved for transmission through the Post Ofiices of Cyprus is proniDitea.
The importation of waste or refuse of cotton wool known as ••Flock" is absolutely
All fruits and vegetables (a) in a raw state, *
whether fresh or dried (save as provided at (d) below).
All trees and plants and every living part of a tree
or plant including seeds (b), (save as provided at (d)
All (lowers, cut or otherwise.
All dried plants and flowers (d).
Staves which have been used for vine props or
dmilar purposes.
All binding which has been used for vines or other
Earth and gravel, leaf and garden mould.
All animal and vegetable manures, except guano,
bone dust and other fossil or chemically prepared
Hay and straw, compressed or otherwise (c).
Vine (including the fresh or dry parts of it,
but excluding raisins and currants), unless the
special permission of the Governor is first
Order in Council No.
374 published in Gazette
No. 774 of 30th Novem–
ber, 1905.
Order in Council No.
366 published in Gatette
I No. 756 of 27th March
I 1903.
I ,
r d <
Council No.
390 published in Gatette
1 380 published in Gat.
\ SoJ
91 o£ 8th
Order in Council No.
•65 published! n Gazette
No 920 of 29th May..
Importation prohibited from Algeria,
Asia Minor, Australia, Austria, Bulga–
ria, Cape Colony, Egypt, France, Ger–
many, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico,
>. Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Samos,
Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Syria,
Tunis, Turkey in Europe, United
States of America, either directly or
Order in Council No-
. 668 published in Gatette
>No. 125.6 of 19th May,
(a) Potatoes for seed purposes only m a y be imported at Famagusta. Larnaca or Limassoi in such quantities and from such
countries only as shall be specially authorised by the Director of Agriculture. The potatoes must be imported direct from the
country of origin, provided that they m a y be transhipped if they remain in Customs charge while at the transhipping port.
Every consignment of potatoes for seed purposes must be accompanied by the documents set out in Schedules A and B of
Order in Council No. 1033 of the Slst December, 1924, published Ln Gazette No. 1668 of 2nd January, 1925, as amended by
Orders Ln Council No. 1074 of Sth October, 1925, and No. 1102 of 22nd March, 19*26, and shall be subject to inspection by
the Director of Agriculture or an inspecting officer acting on his behalf.
(6) The importation from the American Continent (including Canada, the United States of America, South America
and West Indies), China, Cochin-China, Greece, India, Russia, Turkenstan, Turkey, and from any country not possessing
a Government' Entomological service, either directly or indirectly, of cotton seed and seed cotton, and any green or living
part of the Cotton Plant; of dry leaves, sticks, or refuse of the Cotton Plant; of raw cotton ; and of packing material
which haa or is suspected of having been used in the transportation or storage of any part of the Cotton Plant, m a y be
permitted through tbe Port of Famagusta if the importation is accompanied by a statutory declaration in the prescribed
form and if forthwith on importation these articles are disinfected in 3uch manner as the Director of Agriculture shall
prescribe, or placed Ln quarantine in such place and for such period as he shall deem fit. If the aforesaid'articles have
been imported from a country other than those herein mentioned, importation may be permitted through the Port of
Famagusta provided that sucn importation is accompanied by a statutory declaration by the shipper in the prescribed
form naming the place of origin (Order in Council No. 1054 of 13th May, 1925, published in GazeUe N o . 1695 of 15th
May. 1925).
.a. Grass, leaves or otber vegetable matier used as packing for goods imported from any of above places shall be destroyed at the
. Custom House at the port of arrival; except when such packing is in the form of manufactured wrappers of dry straw, which may bs
admitted. The importation of hay and straw, compressed or otherwise, from other countries •hail be permitted only if such hay or straw
is accompanied by a Declaration or Certificate in tne prescribed form shewing the place of origin and declaring it free from Phylloxera,
Mealy Bug (Crossotosoma Aegyptiacum), the Lesser Cotton Worm (Aletia luridula), Boll Weevil (Anthonomus grandis), Colorado Beetle,
Pink Cotton Boll Wonr (Gelechia gossypiella), and such other disease as mar be notified in the Cypnu GazetU.
(i) EXEMPTIONS.—Nothing in this Order contained shall be deemed to prohibit the importation of the following articles :—Wheat
barley and other cereals, and all dry seeds (except cotton seed) properly cleaned from the husk, straw and earth. Acorns, rallonia-
almonds, walnuts, chestnuts and other nuts, (free from the outer husks, leaves, stalks and branches), except ground nuts. Preserves.
Crvstallized fruits. Bottled and canned fruits and vegetables hermetically sealed in proper receptacles. Flour and meal of all kinds snd.
every preparation thereof. Tamarind. Saponaria wood. Vegetables desiccated by artificial heat and enclosed in packages. Dry and
aromatic plants used for medicinal purposes and for dyeing, if free of earth.