Such sum as the Court
directs, not exceeding
6c.p. for each 100 words.
F E E S O F COURT—continued.
Onfilingany petitiou - - - - - -
1 0 0
The rules of Court prescribing the fees to he taken iu civil actions in respect of the
proceedings on hearing, admission, discovery aud inspection, taking of evidence, the
drawing up of orders aud judgments, appeals, hearing of appeals, taxation of costs, and
summoning of witnesses, so far as circumstances admit are applicable to proceedings in
On the issue of a summons to an accused person •
On the issue of a summons to any person to atteud and give
evidence or to produce any document
. . . .
<)n furnishing copies of depositions (to be paid, as nearly as can be
estimated, ou appUcation for the copy and before the same is
prepared) - - - - -
For the service by the police of documents in criminal cases (other
than a summons to an accused person to appear before a Magisterial
Court) :—
For the service of any document (other than as aforesaid)
within a distance of five miles from the Court
r'or every additionalfivemiles or portion thereof
Uut so that the maximum fee charged shall not in any case
exceed the sum of
Proceedings in respect of which a fee is payable to a Village Judge :-
- (1) O n issue of a writ of summons where theie is a claim, for
money in respect of any debt demand or damage :—
(a) Where the amount claimed does not exceed £5
(6) Where the amount claimed exceeds £5 and does not
exceed £10
(c) Where the amount claimed exceeds £10 or where no
definite sum is claimed and in all cases other than those
mentioned in item (2) hereof, in which the recovery of money
is not the sole object of the action
(2) O n issue of a writ of summons where the action is in respect
of a right to the use in common of immovable property dedi–
cated to the public or for partition
(3) Where in any proceeding more than one writ of summons
is issued there shall be charged for each writ subsequent to the
first if .t does not exceed 200 words in English or Greek or
130 in Turkish
and for every additional 100 words or part thereof :—
a) in English or Gieek
(6) n Turkish
14) O n issue of a summons to a witness :—
(a. Wlwrp. the amount claimed does not exceed £10 or in ca»es
under item (2)
iti vvhere the amount claimed exceeds £10 or where no defi–
nite sum i- claimed and in all cases, oth?r than those under
item (2) in which the recovery of money is not the sole
object of the action
(5) O n issue of a copy of a judgment:
(a) Where the amount claimed does not exceed £10 or in cases
under item (2) ..
(b) Where the amount claimed exceeds £10 or where no defi–
nite sum is claimed and in all-cases, other than those under
item (2) in which the recovery of money is not the sole
object of the action
2 0
I 0
8 0
Amount of fee.
Is. Zcp.
Rule of Court of :6th
October, 1894, published
in Gazette So. 45S ot
tbe 9th Korember, 189i.
•{ as amended by Rules of
Court as to Court Fees,
19*_'2, published in Gaz.
So. 1503 of 9th Dec,
Rules as to Court Fees.
191*., published in Gas.
So. 1 >47 of 21st June,
V1912 as amended by
Rules as to Court Fees
1922. published in Gaz.
No. 1503 of 9th Dec,
Village Judge Rules,
1922. published in Gaz.,
So. 1503 of the 9th
December, 1921.
(6) O n issue of writ of execution of movable property
(7) O n issue of writ of sale of immovable property
One shilling together
with the amount of anv
mileage fee chargeable
under the provisions of
the Sheriffs' Officers Rules
f Court. 1S95.
•J *m
Village Judgt* Rules.
1924. published in Gaz.
No. 1642 of the 4th
Julv, 1924.
* -fVh'jii i*<>uevi by direction of the Court or on the application of an otliciai of the Government, acting in his uiiici^. c.paeity,
the summons snail Vie issued witnout payment of fee : and. otherwise, where the applicant has a band fide cause for complaint and has
not sufficient mt-aiis to pay the prescribed fee, the summons m a r be issued, at tne discretion of the Court, without payment of fee
5 A