F E E S O E COURT—continued.
any office which is connected with any of those Courts and by any
officer attached to any of those Courts, in respect of the several pro–
ceedings mentioned :—
On sealing a writ of summons in an action :—
Where the amount claimed does not exceed £50 ...
Where the amountclaimed exceeds £50 & does not exceed £100 ;
where no liquidated sum is claimed ; or where the recovery of
money is not the object of the action
Where the amount claimed exceeds £100
On sealing a summons to any person to attend as witness or
UldlCiWlo" •••
• • •
On application to re-enter action for hearing when it has been
entered and struck out for default of appearance and is not
•e-entered by leave of tbe Court:—
Where the amount claimed does not exceed £50
Where the amonnt claimed exceeds £50; where no liquidated
sum is claimed *, or where the recovery of money is not the
object of the action
Onfilinga petition in a matrimonial cause
1 0 0
1 10 0
1 4J,
Other fees in matrimonial causes
On filing a petition in any other cause or matter .. j
On filing an application other than an application in a
pending cause or matter
O Q entering a judgmeut or auy order for which no special fee is
provided ...
On filing notice of appeal to the Supreme Court
On eutering an order for leave to appeal to Privy Council
On application to tax any bill of costs :—
For every £2 or part thereof claimed
Onfilingnotice of review of taxation
On sealing any writ of execution :—
To recover any sum not exceeding £50 ...
To recover any sum exceeding .£50, but not exceeding £100 ...
To recover any sum exceeding £100
On sealing a writ of execution of a judgment of the )
Mahkeme-i-Sher', and the mileage thereon, when ordering >
the payment of money not exceeding £10
.. )
For preparing and furnishing any office copy :—
Where the copy does not exceed 200 words in English or Greek,
or ISO Turkish
For every further 100 words or part thereof in English or Greek
For every further 100 words or part thereof in Turkish
For the preparation of any writ of summons
Onfilingany agreement of reference under Order XXII., Rule 7,
of Rules of Court, 18«6
Onfilingthe award of an arbitrator
Onfilingan affidavit ...
On certifying any seal or signature to be the seal or signature of )
the person whose seal or signature it purports to be
... 1
On certifying any copy of anyrecordof the Court (where such)
copy is not prepared by an Officer of the Court ) to be a true >
copy of the original document
... ...)
Service of documents:—
For service in Cyprus of any document required to be served through
the Court such fee as shall be properly payable to the Police for that
Surpoae, and on payment of snch fee to the proper officer of Police, the
ocument will be served in the same manner as though it were forwarded
for service by an officer of the Court.
The fees appointed to be taken by the Police are as follows :—
For the service of any document served within a distance of three
miles of the Court of the District
For every additional three miles or portion thereof ...
But so that the maximum fee charged shall not in any case exceed
the sum of...
!*or the service out of Cyprus of any document required to be served
through the Court such sum as shall be actually expended in effecting
such service and procuring evidence thereof. Any Judge or the Registrar
of the Court may, on application being made for such service to be
effected, require the applicant to deposit in Court such sum as may be
estimated to be necessary for defraying the expenses of such service"and
the procuring of evidence thereof.
1 0 0
1 0 0
Same as in a civil
action for over £50.
S a m e as in the case
of a writ of summons
7 H
15 0
15 0
0 0
Rules as to Court Fees
1922, published in Ga*.
No. 1503 of 9th Dec.
S a m e as on write of
execution issuing from
a Village Court.
l H
o <H
0 6
5 0
7 4*
7 4*
3 0
A fee of 5 shillings.
A fee equal to one-half
of the fee chargeable for
an office copy of such
£ 1. cp.
Rules as to uoux t Fees,
"i 1912. published in Gas.
No. 1047 of 21st J una,