I M P O R T DUTY—continued.
T A B L E O F EXEMPTIONS—contmuad.
Demijohns sealed on exportation may be admitted duty free on re-importation after identifica–
tion ; Hospital appliances or equipment certified under the hundof the Chief Medical Officer to be
imported for tbe use of any Hospital; Postage Stamps—used or unused—other than those of
Cyprus; Empty cardboard boxes aud labels which the Chief Collector of Customs is satisfied
are for use in connection with the raising of silk-worm eggs in Cyprus • Iron piping which the
High Commissioner is satisfied is for work of public utility and imported by or on behalf of any
Public, Municipal or Local Body or Authority ; All manure and fertilisers, guano, bonedust,
and all chemical manures and preparations to be used as manure ; Pig iron; Dutiable articles
and articles sent away for tbe purpose of alteration or repair provided : (1) that prior to
exportation such articles shall have been produced to the Customs for the purpose of identifica–
tion on re-importation. (2) or that the Chief Collector of Customs is satisfied that the articles
are the same, (3) and that the re-importation takes place witbin one year from the date of
exportation; Disinfectants imported in bulk (i.e., packages each weighing not less than 10 okes
or in drums each not less than five gallons); Bona fid* baggage accompauying a passenger or
following by vessel within two months; Resin -, Crude Petroleum when imported as Fuel for oil
engines ; Appliances and equipment for any Municipal Poor House certified by Commissioner
of the District as specially imported for the purpose.
Flax seed.
Wheu any Import Duty shall have been paid in respect of any wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cisrars, or articles of food supplied for the use of any mess on board any of His
Majesty's ships of war. a drawback of the amount of the duty so paid may be allowed, or if
such goods are shipped from tiie Customs store before payment of duty, the amount of such
Hur.j may be remitted on the production of a certificate from tbe proper officer of Customs
that such goods have been actually shipped on board one of His Majesty's ships, a receipt.
from the Paymaster of such ship for the goods and a written undertaking from the* Paymaster
or other proper officer of such ship that if such goods or any part thereof shall be at any time
re-landed, the duty shall be paid thereon.
In lieu of drawback of
uty paid iu respect of auy wine, spirits, malt liquors,
tobacco, cigars or articles of food imported and subsequently actually consumed or used by
His Majesty's hand Forces. f
red money allowances are paid out of tbe Island Treasury to
the Officers and >oldiers of His Majesty's Land Forces quartered within th** Island.
A tefund m a y be made of ninety per cent, of the import duty paid on any motor car
or motor cycle imported by and for the use of any visitor to Cyprus. Provided that a
declaration in the prescribed form is made by the visitor on the importation of the motor
car or motor cycle, and provided that the motor car or motor cycle is exported by the
visitor within three months from the date of the importation thereof.
The following are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—
I M P O R T S .
GOATS.—Importation prohibited, save under permit of High Commissioner.
EGOS.—Importation prohibited.
SILKWORMS.—Importation prohibited.
EGOS.—Importation prohibited except under the following conditions:—
That the permission in writing of the Director of Agriculture is previously obtained ; and
That the importation is completed between the lst October and 31st January; and
That each box of any consignment of eggs is sealed by a banderolle affixed by the
Government authority responsible for the siikworm industry in the country of
origin ; and *
That even* consignment of eggs imported into Cyprus i.s accompanied by an official
certificate of the Government authority specified above.
Before anv consignment of imported eggs is passed through rhc Cn-tom-*, the proper
officer of the Custom** shall inform the Director of Agriculture of their arrival and
shall forward for his consideration any certificate or other document produced by the
importer. If the Director of Agriculture shall authorize the importation of the
consignment, each box of the consignment **hall '*• banderolled by a Sericulture
Inspector with a Cyprus banderolle. or. if the Director of Agriculture refuses to allow
the importation, the importer will be permitted to re-export the eggs within a month
from the date of such refusal and failing such re-exportation within such period the
said eggs shall be destroyed without compensation. The Customs authorities must
notify the Director of Agriculture of the date of such re-exportation or destruction.
(Destitute, criminal and vicious). — Landing prohibited, unless security given for
support or for deportation, Gazette 1-119 of 16th April. 1920, p. 142.—See C.S. Circular
No. 4123/06 of 14th February, 1907.
Orders in Council No.
813 of 22nd Sept., 1920,
published in Ga-mtU So.
1450 of 22nd Sept., 1920.
No. 838, Gazette No.
1481 of 10th Jane, 1921.
and No. 870. Gazette
No. 1520 of Slit March.
Order in Council No.
966. pub. in Gazette No.
1617 uf*_»lit Dec., 1923.
Law No. 22 of 1!?99.
•ec. 20.
L a w No. 22 of 1899,
sec. 19.
Law No. 22 of l>'J9.
«**. 35.
L a w No. 10 of 1S8S.
sec. 1.
L a w No. 11 of 1S81
sees. 8 and 9.
Law Nn. 22 of 1922.
sec. 3.
j L a w •**. n( ] <>•*•*.
. * (\-). ami Onier :;i
\ '*. a::cil No. S'.W puii. in
/ (inzette No. 1536 •.( -un
August, l->-2.
Law No. 1 of 1888.