sec. 34.
IMPORT DUTY—continued.
O n goods consigned from and grown, produced, or manufactured in the British Empire.
L*w No. 22 of 189.».
' Rata of Duty.
Aircraft and Accessories
One-fonrth of the full rate.
Motor Cars and Motor Cycles and parts thereof ... One-third of the full rate.
Musical instruments and parts thereof
ClockB and parts thereof
Watches and parts thereof ...
Cinematograph films
Beer, ale, porter, and all other malt liquors
Cotton yarns and thread
Cotton piece goods
\ Two-thirds of the full rate.
OOc*p ••• ••• ••* • • • »*• ••• -.*•
"Woollen yarns and thread
Woollen manufactures
Earthenware and china
Haberdashery and millinery
Wine, sparkling j-
sil and
two-thirds per oent. of the full
j rate.
Wine, other kinds
Sixty per cent, of the full rate.
Spirits of all 3orts, SDirituous compounds, 1 >.
, , ,
liqueurs and cordials"
} * * « 7 - « ™ P « cent, of the full rate.
All goods not otherwise specified
Five-sixths of the full rate.
i.—All goods imported for the Government of Cyprus to be used in the public service and L a w Xo. 22 of 1899,
duly certified as so imported by the Chief Secretary to Government.
ii.—All Military Stores imported by His Majesty's W a r Department and duly certified as
such by the Officer to w h o m they are consigned.
iii.—All articles of Military equipment imported by and for the use of any Officer of Hii
Majesty's land force*.
rv.—Goods and Stores of every description supplied nnder contract with His Majesty's W a r
P-nartment for the public use of His Majesty's land forces, duly certified as such by the principal
Co>nmissariat Officer, snch certificate to be countersigned by the Chief Secretary to Government.
v.— Uniforms of Public Officers and professional robes of Leiral or Judicial Officers in the
employment of His Majesty's Government, provided that such uniforms or robes are introduced
for the personal use only of such officers, and have been duly authorised.
vi.—Professional robes of Advocates entitled to practise in Cyprus.
vii.—Authorised uniforms of Foreign Consuls and Consular Officers and national flags
imported for their use.
Authorised uniforms of any Foreign Government to be worn by persons entitled to wear them.
Government medals and decorations to be worn by persons resident in Cyprus.
viii.—Fire-arms for the personal use of Officers of His Majesty's Naval and Military Forces
serving in Cyprus.
ix.—Paving stones imported by Municipal Councils in the Island to be used for the paving
of streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the President and
Cashier of any Municipal Council.
x.—Street lamps and their fittings imported by Municipal Councils in the Island to be used
in the lighting of Streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported bv the
President and the Cashier of any Municipal Council.
u.—Casks and vats, and staves and hoops for use in constructing casks and vats.
zii.—Microscopes and all microscopical and other apparatus or appliances for purposes of
scientific investigation and research.
xiii.—Gymnastic apparatus, mathematical and generally all other instruments used in achooli
for educational purposes, which are imported for the use of schools.
ziv.—Animals and livestock, atlaseB and maps, anchors and chains (ships'), bark, boats
charcoal, church furniture, and articles intended to be used in the building*andfitting'UDof
churches and mosques, and vestments and other articles necessarily used for religious services
and certified to be so intended, or used, as the case may be, by the proper ecclesiastical
authority, coals, empty casks and sacks, fresh fish, gold bullion and specie, ice, lime, medicines
and medical appliances, pitch and ur, printed books, sawdust, silk-worms' eggs, sponges taken
by licensed boats, stationery, printing paper, whether white or coloured, printing ink, printers'
type, and printing materials, sulphur, wheat, barley, oats, vetches, flour, bran, chopped straw.
cotton seed, fodder for cattle, and all mechanical appliances for use in manufacture and
examination of wine; sulphur syringes, tombstones and memorial tablets, and tools and
implements used in agriculture and handicrafts.
xr.—Machinery and parts of Machinery and theirfittings,connections and gearin**-.
T h e Hi?h Commissioner may in certain cases order admission free of duty of coods sent tW
use in Consular Offices.
J * » ?o. 22 of 1899.
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