P A R C E L POST.—continued.
For the delivery of parcels in the United Kingdom and Egypt, by special messenger
immediately after arrival :—
Fee payable per parcel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5icp.
For the deliver}* of parcels in the Unitefl Kingdom and Egypt free of any charges.
Fee payable per parcel ..
.. . . . . .. 4Acp.
The " Remboursement" system is designed to meet the requirements of persons who
wish to pay for articles sent to them at the time of receipt of the articles and also to meet the
requirements of traders and others who wish to recover through the agency of the Post Office the
value of articles supplied by them.
Throughout these Regulations the amount to be collected under the " Remboursement"
system is called the •* Trade Charge."
The amount of Trade Charge shall not exceed the limits accepted by the country of
destination and the maximum shall iu no case exceed £40 including the fees payable at the Office
of Origin and Postage.
Every " Remboursement Parcel" posted or delivered in Cyprus shall be chargeable
with such special fees as may be prescribed for that purpose.
The fees payable at the office of origin will be collected at the time of posting; and
should be included by r.he sender in the amonnt required to be collected from the'addressee.
The full amount sn collected is remitted to the sender of the parcel by means of Trade Charge
Money Ordvs.
Rem bout-semen t parcels may be posted at the Post Offices at Famagusta, Kyrenia,
Larnaca. Limassoi. Nicosia and Papbos: and at Troodos and Platres during tlie summer season.
The sender of a pan*el posted under the Reml>onrseraent system may not have the amount
of the Trade Charge cancelled or reduced after posting.
If a Uembonrsement parcel which bears one address only is not claimed by the addressee
within a period of 1.'. days, the parcel willbe treated as undeliverable. If a Remboursement
parcel Jbearim: two addresses is not cUimed by thefirstaddressee within u period of 8 days, tbe
parcel will lie held at the disposal of the second addressee for a further period of 7 days and if
then unclaimed will lie treated as nndeliverable.
Order of High C o m m is-
sioner in Council No. f*46
of 25th Octoiier. lt»21.
published in Gntet'e No.
ISOJ of llth Noremtwr,
Notification No. +10*
published in the Gazette
No. 580 of the 21st Jan.,
1898. and Notification
No. 7539 published in
Gasette No. K21 of 7th
April. J 905.
Notice No. s2 published
in Gazette No. 1471 of
18th Februarv, 1921.
in Cyprus, iu addition to the usual postage and
For each Remboursement parcel posted
insurance or other fees, a fee of 2cp.
For each £1 or fraction of £1 on the value of the Trade Charge of each parcel posted
in Cyprus, a Remboorsement fee of 2cp.
For each Remboursement parcel delivered in Cyprus a Delivery fee of *t$cp.
Orderof Officer Admini–
stering the Gorernment
in Conncil No. S9K .if
lst August. 1922, pub–
lished in Gasette No.
1536 of 4th Aueust.
Parcels for the United Kingdom, certain British Possessions and Foreign Countries
oan be insured, subject to a limit of insured value and the Postal Insurance Regulations,
1924, at the Post Offices at Famagusta, Kyrenia, Lamaca, Limassoi, Nicosia, Paphos,
Pedoulas, Platres and Troodos.
T h e limit of insured value on parcels addressed to the United Kingdom is £120 : and
£50 in the case of Egypt.
The fees payable on parcels for countries to which the system of insurance extends a r e —
T o effect an insurance of a s u m not exceeding £12
Forevery additional £12 or fraction thereof
The insurance fee must be pre-paid in addition to the full postage.
T h e amount of compensation payable for the loss or damage of an insured parcel, or
its contents will not exceed the amount of the actual loss or damage and will m no case
exceed the m a x i m u m s u m of insurance admitted by the country of destination.
A parcel containing jewe llerv if addressed to a British Possession or Foreign Country
must be insured for as'much of" the journey as the regulations permit., and for at least
part of its value.
Parcels containing coin cannot be accepted for transmission by parcel post even if
Order of High Coru-
-uigsioiiet' in Council
No. 1,013 of 21st M a y .
l'J24, published in Gaz.
No. H,.*.
. of 23rd M a y