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1. N o parcel shall be conveyed by Parcel Post the dimensions of which shall exceed in
length three feet six inches or exceed six feet in length and girth combined, or which shall exoeed
in weight eleven pounds.
F O R B I D D E N , P E R I S H A B L E , A N D D A N G E R O U S A R T I C L E S .
2. It Bhall be-prohibited to forward parcels which bear on the outside auy writing or
drawing of an indecent or offensive nature or within whioh any contents of a like nature may be
observed, and parcels containing gunpowder, cartridges, oil-skins or other similar oiled goods,
oiled paper, lucifer matches, or anything explosive or liable to sudden combustion, bladders
containing liquid, live animals, live or dead insects except live bees enclosed in special
receptacles, grossly offensive orfilthymatter, and anything in a condition likely to injure other
parcels or any Officer of the Post Office.
3. Parcels containingfish,game, meat, fresh fruit, sweetmeats, eggs, etc., or razors, scissors,
needles, knives, forks, or other sharp instruments will not be accepted unless securely packed so
as to guard against risk or injury to other parcels. Liquids or semi-liquids, such as jellies,
pickles, paint, varnish, etc., will not be accepted unless in bottles or cans securely stoppered,
nor powders unless so packed that they cannot escape in transmission or damage the mail.
4. Parcels shall not contain a letter, packet or parcel intended for delivery at an address
other than that borne on tbe parcel itself.
5. It is also prohibited to send to the United Kingdom foreign reprints of British registered
copyright workB, false money, counterfeit, sterling and British Bilver coin below standard, tobacco
•talks, clocks, watches and metals generally bearing imitations of British assay marks or stamps.
The prohibitions as regards other countries are shewn in the Post OHice Guide.
6. The importation into Cyprus of the following drugs is prohibited except by a license in
writing from the Chief Medical Officer :—opium, morphine, cocaine, ecgonine, and diamor–
phine (.commonly known as heroiu), and their respective salts and any preparation, admixture,
extract, or other substance containing not less than one-fifth per cenc. of morphine or one-tenth
per cent, of cocaine, ecgonine, or diamorphine.
For this purpose the percentage in tbe case of morphine is calculated as in respect of
anhydrous morphine.
R E - D I B E C T I O N .
7. Parcels re-directed from one Post Office to another in Cyprus shall be liable to
additional postage at the full inland rate for each re-direction.
O B D A M A G E .
8. The Island Postmaster shall not be liable to make good any claim arising out of the loss,
damage or delay of parcels sent by post.
C U S T O M H O U S E D E C L A R A T I O N .
9. The sender of each parcel for abroad will be required tofillup a Custom House Declara–
tion Form. Upon this form mnst be given an accurate statement; of the contents and value,
date of posting, and the sender's signature and address.
C U S T O M S R E G U L A T I O N S .
10. Parcels on arrival here from Foreign Countries will be liable to examination by au
Officer of Cusiroms, who will assess the amount of Customs dues to be charged thereon. The
Customs dues will be collected at the time of delivery, and no parcel can be delivered until the
Customs and all other charges are paid.
11. Parcels found to contain forbidden articles and parcels, the contents and valne of which
have been falsely declared, may be dealt with according to the laws on the subject. And
generally the senders of parcels, whether in Foreign Countries or Cyprus, will be required to
conform to the Customs and other laws or regulations from time to time in force in respect of
such parcels.
U N D E L I V E R E D P A R C E L S .
12. Parcels to and from the United Kingdom, Canada, Egypt and the Sudan and
those countries which have adopted the following arrangement, which bear one address
only, if not claimed by the addressee within a period of 15 days will be treated as unde–
liverable, and will be either returned to the sender or disposed of in accordance with
the sender's wishes should such be inscribed on the parcels. If the parcels bear two
addresses, they will be held at the disposal of thefirstaddressee for a period of 8 days,
and if not claimed will be held at the disposal of the second addressee for a further 7 days,
and if then unclaimed will be treated a6 undeliverable. Parcels from and to the United
States of America and Palestine will be returned to the Office of origin without previous
notification to the sender at the expiration of 30 days after receipt at the office of desti–
nation. Parcels from and to the Gold Coast and its dependencies will be retained for
21 days.
13. Parcels from other countries will be retained at the Post Office to which they
are addressed for a period not exceeding three months ; but if possible the senders will
be consulted through the office of origin, as to disposal.
14. Parcels which cannot be delivered, returned to the senders, or re-directed, and which
have thus become undeliverable, will eventually be returned to the country of origin.
15. Parcels becoming offensive or injurious to any Officer of the Post Office or other person,
or co other parcels will be disposed of as the Island Postmaster mav direct.
A fee of 2cp. is charged by the Post Office in respect of each parcel delivered in Cyprus
upon which Customs duties are collected.
Order of the High Com–
missioner in Conncil,
No. 8ti4 of the 30th Jan–
uary. 1922. published in
Gasette No. 15'0 of the
lst February, 1922.
Order of High Commis–
sioner in Conncil, Ko.
826 of the lst February,
1921, published in Gaz.
No. 1469 of the 4th
February, 1921.
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