1. On all vessels arriving at a port in Cyprus from a foreign port and calling at Cyprua Law No. 16 of 1917.
ports -without between their calls at any such ports having called at a foreign port.
(a) At tbe first port:
For every ton of registered tonnage up to 800 tons
... 2
For every ton of registered tonnage exceeding 800 tons ... ... 1
np to a maximum of twelve pounds.
(i) At each of the second or third ports, when the aliove mentioned dues have been paid
in full, half the above rates with a m a x i m u m amount of six pounds at each port.
No dues are payable in respect of a vessel if she calls at a fourth or subsequent port within
four weeks from the date of leaving the third port.
(c) After the expiration of four weeks from the time of leaving the third port, for all calls
at Cyprus ports within a period of four weeks :
For every ton of registered tonnage up to 800 tons
... 1
For every ton of registered tonnage exceeding SOO tons ... *
with a maximum amount of six pounds in respect of the first two ports only.
2. On every vessel which has not i-ome from a foreign port and which calls at ports ic
Cyprus without calling at a foreign port, at thefirsttwo ports called at iu any period of four
For every ton of registered tonnage up to KU0 tous
... 1
For every ton of registered tonnage exceeding 800 tons ... ... 0J»
ap to a maximum of six pounds, no charge being made at a third or subsequent port if called at
within the said period of four weeks.
3. Ships arriving at any port in Cyprus from a foreign port or from another port in Cyprus
and leaving such jnirt in Cyprus without having taken cargo and without bavin*.** landed or
taken on board passengers, and havim; ..in board empty barrels or empty cases oulv aud
discharging such empty barrels or empty eases and no other cargo :
For every ton of registered tonnage ...
... i
but not exceeding the m a x i m u m amount of six pounds.
4. Dues payable iu respect of any ship, other than a steamer, may be compounded for by
the payment in advance of one shilling for each ton of the ship's registered tonnage for every
half year. A liuif year shall be deemed to be any period between the lst January and the 30th
June or between the lst July and the 31st December in any year.
5. Full dues arc payable in respect of any ship hired or chartered by His Majesty's
Government for the conveyance of troops or stores but which is also employed without the
consent of the proper authority of the Admiralty for the importation of goods other than goods
or stores for His Majesty's service.
6. For the conveyance of goods with the consent of the proper authority of the Admiralty
by any transport or ship hired or chartered by His Majesty's (jovernment, the person importing
such goods shall pay in lieu of dues a sum equal to one shilliug per ton on the amount of such
goods with a m i n i m u m amount offiveshillings.
Ships of war.
Transports in His Majesty's service.
Ships hired or chartered by His Majesty's Government for the conveyance of troons or
stores for His Majesty's service, and dying the Admiralty transport flag.
Yachts belonging to recognised yacht clubs aud wholly in ballast.
Ships which having entered a port under stress of weather or for obtaining provisions or
water shall have it without having elfected any commercial transaction other thau the laudiii****
of passengers under stress of weather.