C U S T O M S B O N D E D W A R E H O U S E RENT—continued.
The rent to be taken on tobacco and "tumbeki" (Persian tobacco) bonded shall be>
For the fiist 12 months, per bag or bale not exceeding 50 okes
Exceeding 50 okes
After 12 months, half the above rates.
Per week
Order of High Coinu,*,
/ sioner published in Gat
v 825 cf 19th May, 1905
/and 1226 of 19th
\ 1916.
The followin**' rates shall be paid as store rent on any article deposited, pending clearance,
in the Custom House stores or yards, or other place where they will be under Customs control:—
Per diem.
For goods not packed in any receptacle, for every 100 okes or part thereof 20 paras.
On packages containing wines, spirits or other liquids, not exceeding 2 gallons 20 paras each.
do. do. do. exceeding 2 gallons
and not exceeding 40 gallons 30 paras each.
do. do. do. exceeding 40 gallons 1 piastre eacn.
On packages containing machinery, cars, carriages, glass and earthenware
measuring up to 40 cubic feet 30 paras each.
do. over 40 cubic feet and not
exceeding 80
1 piastre each.
do. over 80 cubic feet.
Other packages, not above described, weighing
Under 25 okes gross
25 okes to 200 okes gross ...
Over 200 okes
( 10 paras for
\ every 20 cubic
( feet.
20 paras each.
30 paras each.
1 piastre each.
Provided that no charge be made for thefirstthree days, exclusive of the day of landiii"- and
clearance and of Sundays and Official Holidays *. and that goods re-exported." or removed to
another port in the Island, from the Customs stores and yards, and shown to the satisfaction
of the Chief Collector of Customs to have been landed in error be exempted from rent for two
calendar months.
Goods deposited on any Government quay for shipment may there remain six clear davs
before becoming liable to the payment of Customs store rent.
Goods consigned to the Government Railway for transport to a point beyond Famagusta
may remain, after all Customs dues have been paid and Customs formalities complied with, in
the Customs premises, stores, yards and other places under Customs control at Fama-rusta free of
store rent for ten days from the day following the landing excluding Sundays and Official Holidays.
Goods sent in bond to Nicosia are allowed one clear day rent free for the time occupied in
trausport of the goods by rail.
All good?. :iot put in bond, which have beer, landed and depositor! in the Customs store at
anv IHTI m Cy;:::.* and declared at the time <>f \_;\_t\Vv* m U_ .lustinw! for anv f-.r*-i-"i *.,,rt or for
>**rts -v. r\*;*rus and which arc eventualk re-moved -o such p-rt or W t s shall '.-r anv
period :voi excee-im*.- one calendar month In- liable to th*- Pmi-h-d Warehouse R ' m char"-* and
after tne expira;-*-:- of that period the ordinary
rents shall be charged for such -joods.""
All stores imported for the Imperial or Island. Governments nmvidod all sm-h ;in-
s are
removed from t:ie r-jstoms stores and v.n-ds without .i.-i-tv Dei
- — •-—" —•- • -">itmi.ug .-"."u-s iiuu .an.-. A.inom, -loiuv. L)"iav> M .-icara'ic" *'
reported by the Principal Officer of Customs t-o the proper authorities Militarv «-
•*iion!d be
Order of the High
i Commissioner published
' in Gazette No. 1036 of
loth March, 1912.