(5). ij). The importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-cottcn, fulminate of mercury
or of other metals or of any kindred substance is prohibited—
(a.) except at the port of Larnaca (for Famagusta see (2) below), and
(b.) with the special permission of the High Commissioner, such permiaiiou being
in writing uuder the hand of the Chief Secretary to Government and subject to
snch conditions as the High Commissioner, may think tit to impose.
(2). Gunpowder. Shot, Percussion Cans, Cartridges (ball and shot) Dynamite, Nitro–
glycerine, Gun-cotton, Blasting powder, Fulminate of Mercury or otiier metals, and
every other substance or preparation used or manufactured for explosive or pyro–
technic purposes. Fog signals. Rockets, Fireworks, Fuzes, Detonators and Ammunition
of all descriptions, including empty cartridge cases, m a y be imported at the Port
ui Famagusta by such person or persons as m a y be authorised in that behalf by
special permission of the High Commissioner given under the hand of the Chief
Secretary to Government, and subject to such limitations as to quantity as the High
Commissioner may see lit to impose; and upon snch importation the said articles
shall 1** landed at such place aud iu snch manner as the Commissioner and Principal
Officer of Customs of the District of Famagnsta shall appoint (a).
(6). The landing in Cyprus of cattle, horns, hoofs, bones, fodder, litter or dung from
vessels arriving from places where cattle disease has been publicly notified to exist,
is proiiibited.
(7). The importation of hides and skins is restricted to the port of Larnaca (except in
cases where special permission under the hand of the Chief Medical Officer has been
obtained to import them at some other place) and such importation shall, iu all cases,
be subject to the regulations iu that behalf for the time being in force under L a w -L of
(8). The importation of rags and old clothing into auy port or place of the Island of
Cyprus, other than Larnaca. is prohibited, and such importation is liable to be
prohibited in any case iu wliich the Chief Medical Officer or any Officer acting for or
delegated by him certifies that the importation of rags or old clothing is likely to be
injurious to the public health.
T h e importation into the Islaud of old or used clothes for the purposes of sale or
commerce is absolutely prohibited.
The importation of saccharine is prohibited except in small quantities not exceeding -Wm.
and then only with the permission of the Chief Medical Officer previously obtained in writing.
The importation of indecent or obscene prints, printings, photographs, books, cards, litho–
graphic or other engravings, or auy other indecent or obscene articles is prohibited.
T b e importation of waste or refuse of cotton
All fruits and vegetables (/•) in a raw state,
whether fresh or dried.
All trees and plants aud every living part of a tree
or plant (including seeds save dry seeds, other than
cotton seed, properly cleaned from the husks.
Allflowers,cut or otherwise.
All dried plants and flowers.
Staves which have be?u used for vine props or
similar purposes.
All biuding which has been used for vines or other
Earth and gravel, leaf and garden mould.
All animal and vegetable manures, except guano.
bone dust and other fossil or chemically prepared
H a y and straw, compressed or otherwise (•**).
wool known as *• Flock" is absolutely
Order in Council N o .
418 published in Gazette
No. 8'>8 of 29th June.
Onlcr in Council N o .
241 of isth February,
1895. under Sec S of
L a w No. 22, isii'.t. com–
bine. I with L a w No. 23,
OniiT in Council No.
:i74 iiuhlUlicd in Gazette
No. 774 of 30th Novem-
lier. 190S.
Onier in ''..unciI No.
"•*.*; published i» linzette
N<>. r.-.6 • • 27th March.
Onlcr in Council N o .
3!*o published in Gatette
No. 814 or 27th January,
Order in Counoil N o .
44.*. published in Gazette
No. 920. p. »'.52S.
Importation prohibited from Algeria,
Asia Minor. Australia, Austria. Bulga–
ria, Cape Colony, Egypt. Frauce. Ger-
i.mauy, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico,
'Portugal. Roumania. Russia. Samos,
Servia. Spain, Switzerland. Syria.
Tunis, Turkey in Europe, United
States of America.
Order iu Council N o .
. •J..X published in Gazette
No. 12i"(!. of 19th M a r ,
(a) Permission has been given to Messrs. H a m m e r & Thomson. Malta, on behalf of Nobel's Explosive Company, Glasgow, to import
and store iu two 3|Kjcially constructed Magazines. North of Famagusta. any quantity of above Explosives, n. e. in weivbt 15 tons.
exclusive of detonators, safetr fuze, sporting cartridge*, and otber accessories such as cables and batteries. (Order nf Hieb Commissioner of
*Jiith August. lIH-i.. C S . 1873"/04.)
. N.B.—Messrs. H a m m e r & Thomson par a rental of £*. on 1st August each year in onier to meet expenses in connection with
goat-ding (Art. I. Agreement of 13th May, 1903. <\S. 1873/04.)
(*•)*. Potatoes for seed purpose? may be imported at Larnaca .ind Famagusta. Order in Council No. 654 of 25th February, 19lfi.
(c) Ct-rass, leaves or other Testable matter m e d us packing for goods imported from any of above place* shall be- de*troyed at the
Custom House at the port of arrival; except when such packing is in the form of manufactured wrappers of dry straw, which m a y be
3 A