( Order
•S 276 of
in Couned No.
tbe 8tfa April,
Law No. 1 ol 1882.
Gazette No. 1072
p. S077.
The following are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—
GOATS.—Importation prohibited, save under permit of High Commissioner, L a w 10 of 18&8.
EGGS.—Importation prohibited, sec. 8 and 9, L a w 11 of 1881.
SiLK-woRii EGGS.—Importation prohibited except under certain conditions, Law 17 of
(Destitute, criminal and vicious).—Landing prohibited, unless security given for
suppurt or for deportation. Gazette 602, p. 3697, year 1898.—See C S . Circular INo.
4123/06 of 14th February. 1907.
LEPERS.—Landing prohibited: but Chief Medical Officer may grant special permission for J Ga***tt<* No. 705, p. 4576.
natives of the Island to land.
TOBACCO.—Importation prohibited, except nnder permit from High Commissioner, if iu packages
weishin'j less than 20 okes each and bv ships of less than 60 tons burden, sec. 26, Law
24 of 1879. («)
DOGS.—Importation from any place is prohibited, except at Larnaca where tbey shall be subject j
to inspection and detention in quarantine as the Director of Agriculture may direct.
Order of Hi<**-h Com-
, -• ( missioner in Coancil
The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods articles and
published in Gazette No.
is prohibited'absolutely:
( 692 of 1st March. 1901.
(1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Beshliks, altiliks or metalliqne piastres.
[Vi). All sovereigns and half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her late Most
Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria.
(4). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight as
defined in -'The Coinage Act.lS70," or are otherwise not legally current in England.
(5). The substance known as Hashish.
(6). Salt other than table and rock salt.
The importation of the under-mentioned goods, articles and merchandise is subject to the order of High Com-
following restrictions :
1 missioner in Council
1 published in GazetU >o.
(1). The importation into the Island offire-arms,detached portions of fire-arms and | ^ o^st^Marcb. 19^.
side-arms is prohibited except—
\ January, 1906,and Order
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta, and j council No. 428 pub. in
(b.) without a special license under the hand of the Chief Secretary issued under ' korember. 1907.
- Law 21 of 1879. sec. 30.
(2V The importation of gunpowder (except for the use of his Majesty's Naval and
Military forces) is prohibited except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi (for Famagusta see (2) below).
I Order in Council No.
? 508 published in Gazette
] No. 1036 of 15th March,
(a) Order of High Com–
missioner in Council No.
359 published in Gazette
No. 738 of 29th August,
(b) Order in Council No.
407 published in Gazette
No. S43 of 12th January,
Order in Council No.
517 published in Gazette
, No. 1035 of lst. March,
(-1). The importation of ball cartridges or of ball cartridge-cases except for the use of 1.1912.
His Majesty's Xaval and Military forces is prohibited, except—
(rt.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta, and
(5.) with the special permission of the High Commissioner.
(i.) in kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes or inflasksof 1 lb. or of
h lb. except where the High Commissioner has by special permission authorised
the importation in some other manner.
(3). The importation of shot, percussion caps*, cartridges (other than ball cartridges)
and side-arms is restricted to the ports of Larnaca. Limassoi and Famagusta.
(a) Tobacco may, howe**er. be imported by parcel post in small quantities on payment of an additional duty of 4J«j*.. per oke, or
fraction of an oke. GazetU 699 of 25th May. 1901. page 4498. If otherwise imported than tirough the Parcel Post under special permis–
sion from tbe Hi*rb Commissioner in packages of less than 20 okes, there is payable in addition to the Casioms duty a further import
duty of IJ. per oke, or fraction of an oke. Gazette 718 of 17th January, 1902, page 4694.