C O U R T FEES—continued.
Ilams and orders regarding inheritance, 1-J per ceDt. on value of the inheritance.
Order appointing Vekil in the matter of real property, 33.
For wills drawn up before the Sheri Court, 20 per 1,000 on amount mentioned in will.
For Hodjets proving the will, after deduction of one-third of the succession received by
executor, 2\ per cent, on the remainder, bnt if the third has been disposed of, 40 piastres only
is taken.
O n sales, 20 per 1,000 on value ; on declarations of mortgage, etc., 10 per 1,000 on value.
Hodjecs for division of real property, Vakouf, Mulk or Arazi 15 per 1,000 on value of 3ame.
Hodjets for sale or disposal of property of insane people ana minors, 15 per 1000 on
O n Vakfieh prepared in the Sheri Court, 2-V per ceut. on the value of the object made
Vakouf up to 20,000 piastres ; beyond this sum ^ per cent.; one-third of the fee so taken will
belong to Clerk and Registrar.
For Ilams changing Vakoufs from Idjare-i-Vahide to Idjaretein,. 2\ per cent, on the
Moiiadjele. A n d for exchanging Vaqf property with Mulk, 2^ per ceut.
For H a m s for the appoincment of Muderris, Sheik, Imam, Khacib, Mouezzin. Devri-
K h a n and such like offices, from 25 to 200 piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
For Ilams of appointment as Mutavelli, Zavicdar, Mezraadar, Malikhaue and such like
appointments, a fee not exceeding 25 per cent, of the yearly personal profit by the appointment.
For documents containing information respecting appointments, etc., an office fee
(Kalemie) not exceeding 50 piastres.
For an extract or a copy of an Ilam, H o d jet, Vakfieh, or other document, where the copy
does not exceed 130 words Is. and for every additional IOO words or part thereof -t^cp.
For making an inventory of the estate of a deceased Moslem who has died leaving heirs
under disability 2\ per cent, upon the nett value of the immoveable property which forms the
share of each heir under disabUicy.
For an order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority,
etc., 10 to 30 piastres according co the case as
Kalemie " and •• Kaidie,"
For on order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
amounc : on renewing the order, \ per cent.
O n examination aud revision of the accounts of estaces of minora, every three years or at
longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 25 per 1,000 ou che surplus after the deduction of all
expenses. If the examination is made after one year, oue-third of the fee and two-thirds if the
examination is made after two years. If there is no surplus then a fee is taken as " Kalemie "
as follows :—
If the capicai does noe exceed—
10.000 piascres - - - - - - 10 piastres
30.000 piastres - - - - - -
20 piastres
and 10 piastres for each 20,000 up Co 150.000 piascres.
Above 150,000 piastres - - - - - - 150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people in dotage 1 per cent.
on che value of che same.
Marriage license for spinscers. 10 piastres, for widows - - - 5 piastres.
Law No. 13 of 1398.
L a w of 16 Sefer, 1276,
• Destour Vol. I., p. 301.
Leg. Ott.,Vol. IL, p. 330.
Law No. 13ofl89S.
Law of \ii Sefer, 127«.
Destour Vol. I., p. 301,
Leg. Ott.. Vol. II., p. 333,
O n the issue of a summons to a party in an actiou or to a witness
5 piastres.
Law of 12 "ilouharrem**
1236, Destour Vol. I..
, U p o n effecting (1) an Original regiscracion, or (2) a registration of tide by Prescription -.—
(a). Of a grant of Mevat
- - - Sep.registrationfee. (see Head VI.)
Less than 10 years occupation
The value of the land.
(h\ Of -vrazi-Mirie \ _-.
_> *_~ -J
_I ( 2\ per cent, of the value of
(0). ur .-iidzi jiurie j Occupation of 10 years «i upwards
Arazi-Mevcoufe ) Upon effecting a registration of title •_
TJM MuiraleM Talue
J Tapou Reeuiations of 7
L Shaban. 1276 (la59),
[ Devour I., p. 209 and
) Law No. 12 of l.'OT.
(c). Of Sirf-Mulk.
(d). O n conversion
of Idjare-Vahide
into Idjaretein
for land left uncultivated for 10 years j
. ., . .,,,
( 6cp. registration fee oulv.
Of a value less than o,000 piastres j ^
e g
| j
e a d y T
Of a value from 5,000 to 10,000 „ 5 piastres.
For each further 10,000 piastres 1 . .
or part thereof up to 100.000 piastres J ° P-
Of a value exceeding 100,000 „ 100 piascres.
Law No. 14 of 1SS5.
/ Law of 23 Redjeb, 1291,
W1874') Destour III., o.
i 449.
6cp. registration fee. (see Head VI.)
Law of 25 Ramazan,
1231 (1S64-*. Destour T.,
p. 345.
6 A