5 paras
10 „
For a single newspaper and ies supplement not exceeding 2 ozs. in weight
Printed matter and books, for every 2 ozs.
For registration
Acknowledgement of receipt of a registered article
Addresses of letters, etc., must be plainly written and consist of the full names of the
addressees, their profession, trade, business, name of quarter, street and number of house, when–
ever poesible, together with the place of destination written at the bottom of the addresses.
Letters, etc., for villages must bear the name of the District and nearest Post-Town or
Rural Post Office and in cases where there are two or more villages of the same name, such as
Vassa, Prastio, Kouklia, Ayios Theodoros, Calo chorio, Peristerona, etc., special care should be
exercised in giving proper postal addresses.
Subject to certain exceptions, the Island Postmaster possesses, by virtue of the Statute
L a w of Cyprus No. 6 of 1881, the exclusive privilege of carrying letters from place to place,
and of performing all incidental services such as those of collecting and delivering letters.
The principal exceptions are—
Letters sent by private friend, on his journey, to be delivered to the person to w h o m
they are directed.
Letters sent by the servant of the sender or by a special messenger employed by him.
Letters concerning goods sent by carrier, such letters being carried gratuitously and
delivered with tbe goods to which they relate.
But no collection of letters of any kind (whether exempt from the Island Postmaster's
privilege or not) can be made for the purpose of conveyance or dehvery, and carriers are specially
prohibited from carrying letters. Postage stamps must be affixed on the right hand upper
—corner of the address side of all Letters, Papers and Packets intended for transmission by Post.
Penalties are imposed for any infringement of the Island Postmasters rights.
The following rates of postage are collected ou parcels sent between places within the
Island :—
s. cp.
For a parcel not exceeding 3 lbs. in weight ... ... ... ... 0
For a parcel exceeding 3 lbs. but not exceeding 7 lbs. in weight . .... 0
For a parcel exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding ll.lbs. in weight..." ... 0
GENT-RAT. R E G U L A T I O N S . — D E F I N T T I O N S . T.
.-;.. .-. \
1. The expression "Parcel" means any packet which is transmitted by the Post between
certain places wichin the Island of Cyprus or to parts beyond the seas, and which bears the
words " Parcel Post," or is otherwise marked for transmission as a parcel, or is prepaid in
accordance with the rates of postage hereinafter mentioned, and is tendered for transmission
as a parcel.
2. No parcel shall be conveyed by Parcel Post the dimensions of -which shall exceed in
length three feet six inches or exceed six feet in length and girth combined, or which shall exceed
in weight eleven pounds.
P L A C E S F O R P O S T I N G .
3. The places in the Island of Cyprus where Parcel Post business is transacted are
Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassoi, Famagusta, Paphos, Kyrenia, Polemidia Camp, the principal villages,
and, during certain of the summer months. Troodos and Platres.
4. Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post will be accepted at any of the
offices previously named during the hours the offices are open for the transaction of ordinary
postal business. Parcels must not be posted in a Letter-Box. bift\ must be taken into a Post
Office and handed over the counter to the officer on duty thereat; and a parcel should not be left
until che weighc, size and postage have been tested by the clerk at the counter. If any such
parcel shall be left at a Post Office without being so measured and weighed, and shall not bear
the proper amount of postage stamps upon it, the parcel shall be detained, and may be given up
to the senders thereof or otherwise disposed of as circumstances may require. Parcels posted in
the letter box are treated as insufficiently prepaid letters.
5. Parcels intending to be despatched to places outside Cyprns must be posted in time to
reach the office where the Parcel Mails arefinallymade up at least one clear day before the
steamer sails.
A D D R E S S .
6. Parcels should be plainly directed and bear the words " Parcel Post" in the left-hand
corner. In order to secure the return of parcels which cannot be delivered the names and
addresses of the senders should be written outside.
7. Parcels must be securely and substantially packed by the sender. Parcels properly packed
to all external appearance are, however, only conveyed at che senders risk. Parcels addressed co
villages must be sealed.
Order of High Commis–
sioner in Council, No.
441 of 10th January,
1908, published in
Gazette No. 906 of 24th
January. 1908.
Order of High Commis.
sioner in Council. No.
429 of 22nd May, 1907,
published in Gasette No.
889 of. 14th June. 1907..
' Notification'_ No. 3
published in Gatette
No. 185 of 19-l-i TJecem-;
ber, 1885, as amended
by Order of High Com*
missioner No. 429 of
22nd May, 1907, pub–
lished in Gazette No.
889 of 14th June, 1907.