P A R C E L POST—continued.
I. The expression " Parcel" means any packec which is eransmicced by the Post between
certain places within the Island of Cyprus or to parts beyond che seas, and which bear3 che
words • Parcel Post," or is otherwise marked for transmission as a parcel, or is prepaid in
accordance with the rates nf poscage hereinafter mentioned, and is tendered for transmission
as a parcel.
2. No parcel shall be conveyed by Parcel Post the dimensions of which shall exceed in
length three feet six inches or exceed six feet in length and girth combined, or which shall exceed
in weight eleven pounds.
3. The places in the Island of Cyprus where Parcel Post business will be transacted are
Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassoi, Famagnsta, Papbo, Kyrenia, Polemidia and the principal villages,
and. during certain of the summer months, Troodcs and Platres.
4. Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post will be accepted at any of the
offices previously named during the hours the offices are open for the transaction of ordinary
postal business. Parcels must not be posted in a Letter-Box. but muse be caken inco a Post
Office and handed over che counter to the officer on duty thereac: and a parcel should not be left
uncil che weight, size and postage have been test.;-l by the clerk ac che councer. If any such
parcel shall be left ac a Post Office wichout being so measured and weighed, and shall not bear
the proper amount of postage stamps upon ic, the parcel shall be detained, and may be given up
to the senders thereof or otherwise disposed of as circumstances may require. Parcels posted in
the letter box are treated as insufficiently prepaid letters.
5. Parcels Intending to be despatched to places outside Cyprus must be posted in time to
reach the office where the Parcel Mails arefinallymade up at least one clear day before the
steamer sails.
6. Parcels should be plainly directed and bear the words " Parcel Post" in the left-hand
P A C K I N G .
7. Parcels must be securely and substantially packed by the sender. Parcels properly packed
co all excernal appearance are, however, only conveyed ac Cue sender's risk.
S. Ic shall be prohibieed to forward parcels which bear on che oucside any wrieing or
drawins* of an indecent or offensive nature or wichin which any concerns of a like nature may be
observed, and parcels containing gunpowder, cartridges, oil-skins or other simUar oiled goods,
oiled paper, lucifer maeches, or anything explosive or liable to sudden combustion, bladders
coutainin? liquid, live animals, grossly offensive or filthy matter, and anything in a condition
likely to injure other parcels or any Officer of the Post Office.
9. Parcels containingfish,game, meat, fresh fruit, sweetmeats, eggs, etc., or razors, scissors,
needles, knives, forks, or other sharp instruments will not be accepted unless securely packed so
as to guard against risk or injury to other parcels. Liquids or semi-liquids, such as jellies,
pickles, paint."varnish, etc., will not be accepted unless in bottles or cans securely stoppered,
nor powders unless so packed that they cannot escape in transmission or damage the mail.
10. Parcels shall not contain a letter, packec or parcel intended for dehvery at an address
other than thac borne on the parcel itself.
11. It is also prohibited to send to the United Kingdom foreign reprints of British registered
copyriehc works, false money, counterfeit, sterling and British silver coin below standard, tobacco
stafks,~clock3, watches and metals generally bearing imitations of British assay marks or stamps.
12. Parcels re-directed from one Post Office to another in Oyprus shall be liable to
additional postaee at the full inland rate for each re-direccion. Persons desiring parcels to be
re-direcced will be required tofillup a special form for the purpose, or state clearly by letter that
they wish this to be done, otherwise the parcels will not be forwarded.
13. In anv case where it may be found necessary or expedient for the safety or protection
of parcels that anv parcel should be forwarded by some later despatch than that for which it was
posted, the parcel may be delayed to the next subsequent despatch.. In exceptional cases, for
instance, during storms in wir.tc-r, the delay may be longer.
Notification No. .-;
pubiisaed in Gazette
No. ISS of 19th Decem–
ber. 1535. as amended
bv Or :er of High Com-
mis-**i3*-*-*r No. 420 oi
22nd liar. 1907. pub–
lished in Gazette No.
389 of 14th June. 1907.